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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Tony

    1. Hello, I?ve been back home for a few days and below is a pic of what I brought back, unfortunately I didn?t find any of it in fields, I paid for the lot except the yummy rum and raisin fudge which was sent to me by Mike Huxley. Thanks again Mike but, is it also sold in 2lb slabs? As you can see, I?m quite partial to the odd Princess Mary tin and Somme book (although one of them doesn't really belong in the Brit/Commonwealth forum). I also picked up a great German book called Infantrist Perhobstler which I recommend to anyone who can read German. Tony
    2. Hello Chris, I have one awarded to my wife's Grandad for a rearguard action he took part in during their retreat in October 1918. I don't have it with me (I'm back home in England) but as far as I can remember, the award was for an action on Oct. 13th 1918. He was taken PoW the same day and received his EKI on his release in 1920 or 1921. Tony
    3. Ed, Check out Flydutchman's link, there's info on the contents and it also says that Indians usually received sweets and spices. The Christmas Truce is very interesting too. Tony
    4. Ed, There was a non-smokers tin, have a look at this thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1491&st=0 I don't know if Indians received their Christmas pressies. Were they in the line by Christmas 1914? As far as I know the bullet pencils were issued later in the year, if you look at the cards they read "Happy New Year 1915" instead of the Christmas greeting. The set with the lighter is even rarer. I don't know about chocolate but why not, the troops in the Boer War received a presentation tin with a lump of chocolate inside. I haven't looked at Flyingdutchman's links above yet, we might find more info there. I also have a Princess Mary Fund book which was sold on the home front, probably to raise cash for the tins and their contents. Tony
    5. I think these tins are great, I also have one with a full opened pack of cigarettes and another with only 4 cigarettes. The packs of tobacco are never open but it's hard to find an unopened packet of cigs. I also have the bullet pencil set, they are much more common. Where did you find the Kitchener cigs? Tony
    6. As we're showing off our sniper shields..... Jens, do you which type of shield this is? The flaps at the sides still move nicely, I think those turned handles are great and I believe the greeny grey colour is original. Tony
    7. I agree with Dave as the small indentation is always (as far as I know) found on later crosses. Is the core magnetic? Joe, who can beat that lovely cross of yours? Tony
    8. That's exactly what I thought as soon as I saw it. Should it not have the crossed tools (hammer and something) as a badge? Can you see if a badge was once attached Theodor? Tony
    9. Hello Andy, I've heard that repros are stamped from quite thin pieces of steel, from the photo your buckle appears to have the normal thickness. Tony
    10. Thanks Mike! Is he still contesting it? I remember watching something about that on the news a few years ago. Tony
    11. I've not seen them before, I think it looks great. Where did you find it and how is it attached to the uniform? Tony
    12. I found this one in my collection which I didn't notice on the above list. It is marked HW and has convex oakleaves. Tony
    13. Before these disappeared I mentioned that I liked the one with HT on the reverse. What is the HT there for? Manufacturer? Seeing them again I think I like them all, some nice variations you have there Ronny. Tony
    14. Here's a postcard I picked up of Crown Prince Willie's children. Anyone know who's who in the pic? Tony
    15. This is my favourite, simple, no awards but they have that just returned from the trenches look. On the reverse: My best memories from the Great War 1914/15, your Rudolf Tony
    16. Was you wearing your lucky t-shirt again? I picked one up a couple of years ago which still has traces of the original paint but just don't know where to keep it. It's been on the balcony since then. Tony
    17. Thanks Glenn! Found him now. How many traffic jams get you get in on the way then? Cheers Tony
    18. Does anyone know anything about the name below? I think it says Clauß. Did he really exist or is he a made up Generalmajor? I've had a look in my Ehrenrangliste but couldn't find him, this doesn't mean he isn't there though. Any help is greatly appreciated. Tony
    19. Bill, If you post a scan of the MiC we might find other info on him. Then again, there might not be much there. Tony
    20. Jim, The bigger bead on the cross? Do you mean the one on the reverse? If so I've just gone over that with my thumbnail and it has come off so I'm not sure what it was. The only beads I can see on the front are the 2 on the bottom of the crown. Andy, Where did you find those badges? I don't think I've ever seen half of them anywhere before. Tony
    21. Keith, I think it is just dirty, I don't like shiny badges so have never been tempted to clean it. If it is original I will seriously think about selling it as I'm in need of funds at the moment. Tony
    22. Hello Bill, I'm quite inexperienced in this field but the PRO at Kew should have his service records unless his was amongst the 60% (?) destroyed during the blitz. They are known as the burnt records as far as I know. Here's the National Archives website http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/. You can download his medal index card here http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documen...y=*&queryType=1 but it isn't for free, ?3.50 I think. There are people here who will know a lot more about this than I do but you might be able to find something yourself on the NA site. I've just had a look on the CWGC. Was he killed at the beginning of 3rd Ypres and has no known grave? Tony
    23. I found it a little suspect too. It could have been done 30 years ago (I've had it 17 years), 20 years ago or have been tied to a tree in the garden for a year but at least my gut feeling was probably right. Thanks for your opinion! Tony
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