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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. nice Steve! - funny that Meybauer never corrected that offset frame on their L/13's Hardy
    2. Thank you all Paul, no, the picture is from the Divisional history of the 101. J?gerdivision. The items are from an Obfeld. that served in the J?gerregiment 229, 101. JD. Hardy
    3. Very nice Cross - here is it's EKII wide crown partner
    4. Wachtmeister der Kavallerie 5. (Preussisches) Reiter-Regiment with TraditionTotenkopf
    5. don't think so - if you check here: http://gedbas.genealogy.net/suchen.jsp?nachname=Mensch you notice that most of them were baptized - Hardy
    6. Chip; Thank you for the info shoulder straps of these units must be very rare since they existed less than six month. I found the images of the destroyed French tank in a photo album that belonged to a Leutnant of the IR170. Hardy
    7. "Das Sturmbataillon Nr. 16 wurde Anfang Dezember 1916 bei der Armee-Abteilung B gebildet und dieser unterstellt. Es wurde nur auf dem westlichen Kriegsschauplatz eingesetzt. Seine Ersatztruppenteile waren die Ersatzbataillone des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 114." Hardy
    8. Bob, this is from the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe: "Die Infanterie-Gesch?tz-Batterie Nr. 9 wurde ab Juni 1916 aufgestellt und am 10. September dem Sturm-Bataillon Rohr (Armee-Oberkommando 5) unterstellt." Hardy
    9. Bob, I guess we are learning together here - never heard of N.K.B before I looked closer at what was written on that tank wreck. Apparently the N.K.B.'s were converted into I.G.B's in the summer of 1917. Have a look at this very interesting thread: http://www.milex.de/forum/einheitenShow.ht...sageNummer=1306 Regards, Hardy
    10. Found this: "Die Nahkampf-Batterien Nr. 218 - Nr. 220 wurden ab Januar 1917 aufgestellt und dem Armee-Oberkommando 2 unterstellt. Sie wurden bereits am 23. Mai 1917 wieder aufgel?st." the above were established from Baden Artillerie units All in all fifty N.K.B numbering from 200 to 250 were build in Jan 1917 Hardy
    11. "Erledigt von NKB 218, 16.IV.17" = finished (destroyed) by N.K.B.218, April 16. 1917 written on a wreck of a French tank. am I right in the assumption that N.K.B.218 stands for Nahkampf-Batterie 218 ? Any information on this Batterie? Hardy
    12. Pictures of the Kaiser's birthday parade on Jan 27, 1918 in Vouziers. In front of a Sturmbataillon is his Excellency General von Gerock. Erinnerung an die Kaiserparade 27. I 1918 Sturmbatl. Kursus Exz. von Gerock can someone make sense of Sturmbataillon Kursus ? Did I read it right? Hardy
    13. Ed, I know exactly what you mean and it is good to have people on this forum that are sensitive to that. I would not be here if that was not the case. Regards, Hardy
    14. Ed, I think the term "winners" refers to the badge and not to the war. Correct would have been "recipients", but I assume the person that started the thread has English as his/her second language. Hardy
    15. He has the pictures listed now under Fotos, Briefe & Postkarten but the Wilhelm bar is already at 251 euros (again) Perhaps someone should advise Thies. Hardy
    16. earlier today, before the listings were pulled by eBay, this (ripped off) catalogue picture was well over one-thousand Euros -
    17. Good Micha, I sent one this morning and within a couple of hours eBay removed his stuff - I don't understand how he can list the same crap again
    18. Hi Paul, its the very small print in the description You are bidding on a picture of a: sie bieten auf ein Bild einer
    19. Reported to eBay.de Unzul?ssige Angebote > Angebote mit m?glichen betr?gerischen Absichten > Angebot m?glicherweise betr?gerisch/unseri?s -
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