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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. This is on the back of the above picture: Die Ausbilder des 1.Sturmes) Here are some more pics from K?nitz (with FHH gorget) Nahkampfausbildung
    2. Gerhard Huber was my father - he was wounded in Dec 43 near Shitomir (he was in the Stabskompanie Fallschirm-Pionier Bataillon 2). After Recuperation and Genesungsurlaub (leave) he reported to the Fallschirmj?ger-Genesungs-Bataillon in Aschersleben from there they sent my father to Konitz as an Ausbilder (Instructor). He and other Paratroopers were joined by WH NCOs to train volunteers for Sprungeinsatz and Nahkampf. Everybody (incl. the volunteers) wore SA uniforms during this. His duty there lasted from March to April 44. After Konitz he was send to the 1./Fsch.Pz.Jg.Abt.1 in Italy. There is no entry of his time at Konitz in his Soldbuch.
    3. Gerhard Huber was my father - he was wounded in Dec 43 near Shitomir (he was in the Stabskompanie Fallschirm-Pionier Bataillon 2). After Recuperation and Genesungsurlaub (leave) he reported to the Fallschirmj?ger-Genesungs-Bataillon in Aschersleben from there they sent my father to Konitz as an Ausbilder (Instructor). He and other Paratroopers were joined by WH NCOs to train volunteers for Sprungeinsatz and Nahkampf. Everybody (incl. the volunteers) wore SA uniforms during this. His duty there lasted from March to April 44. After Konitz he was send to the 1./Fsch.Pz.Jg.Abt.1 in Italy. There is no entry of his time at Konitz in his Soldbuch.
    4. Prosper, I started its own thread a year ago, but there were no responses Regards, Hardy
    5. How about Para- and Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badges on SA Feldherrnhalle uniforms http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7345...=feldherrnhalle Hardy
    6. I'm also curious if you know a certain photograph of 2 Waffen-SS paratroopers, one without a helmet and holding an MG-42, behind a Panzer IV? It appeared in pg 551 of 'Wenn Alle Bruder Schweigen' and I'm curious about the statement of a Wehrmacht-Heer Feldwebel who took the photograph, wrote the caption and sent it for the book which was -
    7. Hello Prosper, excellent documents and a great post. Die Schreibmaschine ging kaput and they had to use there top secret Zeitmaschine to get another one from the future. This document is proof that the nazis used ailien technologies. Hardy
    8. Hello Megan very nice, I always thought that the FJ order is one of the most beautiful decorations. I have an award document of a civilian Knight FJO to a Vienna doctor dated 1905. Regards, Hardy
    9. KAG with different core (frame overlaps cyphers) Regards, Hardy
    10. Thank you all! David, because of the free availability of any 1957 item, the pieces owned and worn by veterans are the most desirable. One of the rare cases were mint is not necessarily better (in my opinion anyway). Regards, Hardy
    11. Hi Ken, Every State kept its own records - most of the Prussian records in Berlin were lost during WWII. I got some of my Grandfathers records from Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe for Baden and Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart for W?rttemberg Here is the link: http://www.la-bw.de/ Regards, Hardy
    12. Was this picture taken before the war, since it displays the number? Regards, Hardy
    13. WW2 veteran's Bundeswehr medal bar (well worn) Regards, Hardy details:
    14. Thanks Joe for the "Sachsen Orden" web site referral I'm confused about the "Friedrich August Medaille am Kriegsband" sometimes it shows a yellow and light blue ribbon and other times the ribbon apperars to be yellow and white. Is it my eyes? Regards, Hardy
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