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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Could have these ribbon-bars belonged to Leutnant der Reserve Oskar Schneider? Lt.d.R. Oskar Schneider was at one time with Ersatz-Infanterie-Regiment N.28
    2. Joke Folmer smuggled more than three hundred people across the border during the war, including Allied pilots. More here: http://www.tellingsilence.nl/Silence/uk/chapter_1/folmer/folmer.html .
    3. Both are original WWII era Left: Oberstleutnant - Heeresverwaltung (Lt.Col. Administrative) - Right: Unteroffizier - Sanitäter (Corporal Medic)
    4. Chip, I wondered about that as well - even in a lot of trench portraits it appears officers were wearing golden numbers or ciphers. I think besides your point, it was simply a preference of some (perhaps most) officers.
    5. He was born in February 1918 - was Unteroffizer in 1941 - the number on the ID tag is rather low (Pi.Ers.Batl.2 was created in summer 1939) I think he must have joined the combat engineers in the fall of 1939 (after a civilian apprenticeship or service in the Reichsarbeitsdienst)
    6. Very nice and interesting group! His Inury contusio cerebri (bruising of the brain tissue) durch Verschüttung He received a traumatic brain injury caused by him being buried in a cave-in.
    7. Correction, Johann Peter Röth served in the 6th coy of the 5th Baden Infantry Regiment. Hello SPM, I could not find the Kanonier Roth as an Iron Cross II recipient for 1871. According to the Regimental History Johann Peter Röth was awarded the CFMVM for his bravery shown on December 3rd, 1870 at the battle of Vendenesse near Dijon.
    8. I think the bar belonged to Johann Peter Röth During the Franco-Prussian War Röth served as a Lazarettgehilfe in 6th coy 5. Badisches Infanterieregiment Nr. 113. He was awarded the KFMVM on February 15, 1871 and the Iron Cross II class on March 6, 1871.
    9. Yes, Feldartillerie Rgt 43 So we know that his name is Fred (Manfred, Alfred, usw.) but is his last name Rühl? Or is it perhaps the brother of Frau Doktor Rühl?
    10. Thank you so much Jason! If you ever need something read or translated - please don't hesitate to contact me.
    11. The text: "Liebe Else, bei schönem Kaminfeuer vermache ich Dir ein Bild des eisernen Kriegers. Noch immer hocken wir hier. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich hier die Molkerei angefangen, heute die Fischerei, wozu ein Kommando los ist, hoffentlich nicht ohne Erfolg. Mein armes gutes Pferd hat Kolik und wird wohl die Heimat nicht wiedersehen trotz aller Sorge. Jetzt fehlt uns eigentlich garnichts mehr, in Frankreich ist gut leben. Leider wird es hier auch schon täglich kühler. Seit herzl. umarmed Dein Fred"
    12. His name is Fred Rühl - Doctor Manfred Rühl The postcard is addressed to his wife Else living in Beuel near Bonn, Germany. He writes about sitting at a warm chimney fire, his poor horse that has colic and probably will die of it - and that in France the days are getting cooler. So look for a Dr. Rühl from Beuel near Bonn that lived at on time on Kaiserstrasse (Emperor-Street) The closest match I found in the 1914 Rangliste is a Leutnant der Reserve Rühl before the war attached to Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr.61 Here is the connection between the stamp and the Man: The 13. and 14.Reserve-Division were created from surplus of 13th and 14th regular Divisions. Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr.43 was divisional artillery of the 14th Division. .
    13. Your doubts are justified. I have seen that skinny needle set-up before - absolutly fake ! .
    14. Jason, could you look in your book if you can find this Officer? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46613&pid=430517&st=0&#entry430517 Regards, Hardy
    15. I'm looking at the picture again and it appears there is a number rather then the LGR109 crown on the soulder boards. So, perhaps the Lt. Unruh served in 1917 with RIR109. Could someone look up in the Regimental History of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 109 if Lt. Unruh served there?
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