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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. ?hm ... watt?! Please take one more close look on your photo from 19:14, I even recognized the Schl?ssel, whatever Schl?ssel is in English ... aaah, the key ... Good eyes are the key to photos but mine are bad, maybe worst of us all here - though a Hanseatenkreuz, 100% sure ... what about the Bremen rolls? Oh, I shouldn't ask _this_ question ...... :violent:
    2. Hmm, I think I'll do soon, okay ... but then it's just a little piece of damaged ribbon. By the way, I paid about US $10.- and not 50,- Euro. More it is not worth, after what happended to it. If I only got the box with ribbons, this had never happened ... No sorry, just one on a matching medal ... and it's miiiiine ...
    3. Hey guys, I bought it, too ... But it was cheap and I think it wasn't the seller that did it, so please don't blame me ... PS: I have some Napoleonic ribbons and won't make bars from it, I prmoise.
    4. I found this one in my tiny picture database, which was offered by the guy who didn't want to sell me the box with ribbons. Might someone who's very good in those old ribbons help me identifying the others? Seems to be the same guy's (ribbon, NOT bar) but four awards later ...
    5. The funny thing is mine is Baden and the second one is Isenburg-Birstein ... I guess they came from here ... I would have killed for this box, but he didn't want to sell it to me ...
    6. I have exactly the same ... In my humble opinion these are _no_ real ribbon bars. Do you have a picture of the back? My best guess is an old ribbon from mid 19th century that some fool made ribbon bars from .... at least I hope it's an old ribbon. - Baden, Hausorden der Treue or Ged?chtnismedaille 1849; - W?rttemberg, Milit?rverdienstorden (here a really old one); - Frankfurt, Kriegsdenkm?nze 1815; - Isenburg-Birstein, Silberne Kriegsdenkm?ne 1814-1815. I don't know how it should make sense, but I'm sure the bars are put togethers:
    7. Just as it's the topic, here my two 8 place buttons to one guy, with MVK 1st class with crown and swords or the same MVO 3rd class - I'm not sure which of these two it is. The last ribbon is not a Bavarian jubilee medal but an foreign decoration, e.g. Weimar or Austria. It has furthermore a Prussian Red Eagle Order and an Albrecht from Saxony, both ribbons that were used for orders and for NCO awards - but the Bavarian Michael is the order - so rather MVO than MVK?! Gentlemen, I need your help on this. Not the name, but just what _awards_ these actually are ... Sorry landsknechte for misusing your thread ...
    8. I read yesterday some more of the citations and some NCOs were awarded this bravery medal as initial Baden award - when they yet had the EK I! I still didn't read all but found some of those ... but it's rather uncommon for a Baden NCO to have the EK II and I, but not yet the Silver Merit Medal, so I think these are just very few.
    9. Yes, probably. He's selling dozens of bars that are _banned_ to be sold on eBay Germany and Austria, but he doesn't get kicked for it. I offered once or twice Nazi stuff and all disappered from eBay again fastly, me threatening to be kicked - but he seems almost to be "allowed" to do so ...
    10. The bars are now here, came just yesterday. Thanks for all comments by now, but is there some more information for me? The 6 place bar is nice quality, may be pre war (or about 1938), the big one has ugly cheap devices, may be from end of the war, about 1944 - so I still believe I'm right that this is a set. Rick, can you exclude for sure a Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen was worn without devices in the first months after its institution? An Italian order would not have been worn in 1944/45, so it _makes_ sense, and as they came like this ... No chance to identify him unless the documents or a named photo comes up, right? But what presons would have gotten a combination like this? The big's backing is grey, think this doesn't help ...
    11. Mr. Rick, this is a Wehrmacht 12 ... Paul, I think it was the outfitter who had to know this - at least when the bar was made by one. When made by the person itself those had to know how it should look like, but some didn't and though sew. So not a too big problem when a outfitter was wrong in a point ...
    12. I found a really weird one on eBay, much worse than the yet shown ones, the current auction is here - a Prussian Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen sandwiched by two Wehrmacht long service awards ...
    13. I wished it was still mine ... Well, I get used to sell bars and to get to know they are better than I thought.
    14. Yupp, a nice bar ... Yes, and this would have a white stripe instead of the red one.
    15. I hope so ... I hope we could get some information on this? Pity there are no devices on it ... The eBay seller I had this one from had another one, but I was outbid on it so the set split. Here the picture, if it may help ...
    16. "cetra2003" wasn't Christine Uhrig but Traub when I got the last email. Someone wants to guess who "maexle19" is? Alexander Traub.
    17. The oak leaves on the EK makes it 1895 or post and if we assume he wore the Centenarmedaille it's pre 1897, so a little frame this chaine dates in. The Z?hringer is absolutely :love:
    18. On eBay there's now a "club style" EK 1870 offered with "club like" scans by "maexle19". I asked for beter pictures, in a manner I knew the seller because I had a friend (M?xle ) of mine in mind ... but later I looked at his feedback ... Anyone here should do the same .... (the feedback, not the familiar email) Auction: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=220191014912 And his feedback as buyer: http://feedback.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?V...FeedbackAsBuyer He has no other auctions - by now!
    19. Oh, I thought she used to have another family name ... Who wants to congratulate?
    20. No problem about real names. This is his homepage: www.ordensammler.com an according to "contact" it's Mr. Bernd Uhrig Hinter den G?rten 10 72072 T?bingen Deutschland/Germany eBay user "cetra2003" is registered to another person, of female gender. I've gut no information if she is really doing something or if it's just Mr. Uhrig who uses the name ...
    21. Thanks for showing Gentlemen, three nice and interresting crosses. I found one !!! Sold on eBay by a seller called "am-militaria" ...
    22. Well, here's what you're looking for. Prepare some money and time, don't get in a hurry ...
    23. Your MVK is 3rd modell, 1913 to 1918. The first modell is silver with golden centers, blue enemaled and not easy to get. It looks mostly like a MVO 4th class, but has no flames between the arms. There might mach one with swords, but only if the bar was worn longer than 1892 (no swords by then at all!) and he bought swords at a jeweler ... Here's a similar veteran. One doesn't realize the cross is enameled but it is ...
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