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    Everything posted by giller

    1. Any info for that? Appreciate it. g.
    2. Small explanation. To determine which side eagle's head is turned you have to look from the position of an eagle. A Polish eagles are always facing right. w/r Giller
    3. I think it is from this website: http://www.polishmilitaria.com/index.php Search in 'articles' section. FYU here is large database of polish awards from XVIII century to present: http://asnieg.klub.chip.pl/. After you select the historical period to see tables descriptions click on 'Opis plansz' at left. w/r Giller
    4. Taking personal military documents abroad was forbidden. This paper certifies that Michał Malikjanicz s/o Stanisław (lithuanian nationality, Roman-Catholic, farmer, illiterate) has left his soldier's booklet in proper Military Recruitment Office in Święciany (now Svencionys in Lithuania) before he went abroad. Signed by Chief - mjr Powichrowski. The bottom part is an instruction that after coming to other country or Free City of Gdańsk he has 14 days to report to Polish Consulate place of staying and after coming back to Poland in no longer than 5 days return this certificate to Military Recruitment Office an take back his military documents. If this document is from private collection, not from military archives, I think that Mr. Malikjanicz didn't came back to Poland before German invasion. Sorry for my poor English, I hope this text is understandable. v/r Giller
    5. Currently, I have only pictures of this badges in the collar variant (smaller). Will try to find something more. w/r
    6. What is the size of your badge?
    7. This item has nothing to Home Army. This is an eagle of "Przysposobienie Wojskowe", polish paramilitary organization formed in 1927. The eagle is in use since 1929. w/r giller
    8. I think this box is rather for pocket watch than decoration. w/r giller
    9. I think that "Военный билет" could be issued to Александер Густовович Кильдер after Soviet Union incorporated Estonia and Alexander Kildjer s/o Gustav was a representative of the Swedish minority in this country. "Soldier's book" was one of documents given to new citizens of USSR during registration. Interestingly, websites contain some information about Alexander Gustavsson Kildjer born in Estonia in 1904. http://www.rnhf.se/ancestry/show_family.php?nummer=11547 http://www.geni.com/people/Alexander-Kildjer/6000000015938165120
    10. According to http://armada.vojenstvi.cz/predvalecna/personalie/4.htm, in SEP 1938 col. Ferdinand SILVESTER was CoS of rear services (etapní služby) of 3rd Army. w/r
    11. Any help with identifying of that cross will be appreciated. Size: 4cm x 4cm. w/r Giller
    12. Yes, it was. Second eagle was created in 1943 for the Polish Armed Forces (PSZ) in the Soviet Union (initially 1st Infantry Division) in Sielce Camp. By Polish soldiers contemptuously was called "kurica" (eng. hen), and to this day is so commonly known. There are two main versions (depicted below) - Moscow (left) - Lublin (right) As You have written above, on base of AL and PSZ in July 44 (part of Poland was liberated) was created one Polish Army (Ludowe Wojsko Polskie - LWP), which used this eagle. But it have to be remembered that by the end of the war was still almost a year, and many of the AL troops were still fighting in areas occupied by the Germans, and gradually conscripted into the Polish Army. w/r giller
    13. Cpt. Stanisław Bohdan RUSIECKI, commander of KOP company „Olkieniki” in 1934 year.
    14. I wanted to comment on the People's Army eagle. A model of this eagle is from the People's Guard (GL), the combat organization established by Polish Workers' Party (PPR) in March 1942. In December 1943 PPR established the National Council (KRN) - Communist form of parliament, and January 1, 1944 GL was reorganized in the People's Army (AL). Guard's eagle remained the same for the AL. w/r Giller
    15. If You are still interested in Monte Cassino Crosses, here is very useful site, with email address of specialist, Dr. Zdzislaw P. Wesolowski: http://www.virtuti.com/order/articles/cassino.html
    16. One more useful link: http://www.925-1000.com/Frussia.html
    17. In Poland, this badge (bronze, silver or gold) was given to military personnel and civilians who have had a major contribution to the development of military technical ideas and contribute to the modernization of military equipment and armaments as well as in very many areas of the wider national defense.
    18. Officers who graduated this logistic school (located in city of PIŁA, 1967-1990) were educated in specialties of operation and repairing of vehicles - cars, truck, tanks, armored carriers etc. Their first position (in rank 2nd lieutenant) was usually commander of repair platoon.
    19. Czechoslovak badge for ground technicians, 3rd class. Years 1968 to 1992. Original.
    20. I learned that this is badge of the 204th Ardagano-Mikhailov Infantry Regiment (Знак 204-го пехотного Ардагано-Михайловского полка). Greetings.
    21. Better photo: Now i see on left chevron is letter M, on the right number 65. 65 regiment? Maybe M means Moscow? (65-й пехотный" Московский полк), but regimental badge of 65th at this link http://book.ua-ru.co...14/1.5.63/1.php is different. Any ideas? Thomas.
    22. Hello. I need help to identify this badge. I suspect that it is a badge of one of Russian regiments. The photo shows detail as chevron with number 85 on it, but, as far as i know Badge of the 85th Infantry Regimen of Vyborg was completely different. Any other units? Thank you in advance for any help. Thomas.
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