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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Here is another one of the copper fake... http://www.ebay.de/itm/Mutzenabzeichen-11-Bayerische-Infanterie-Division-/322007400059?hash=item4af922fe7b:g:MVYAAOSwFqJWnT~J
    2. Hi Mark, try dragging and dropping the photos, see the box below the text you are typing. Your pics above are not visable. Best Chris
    3. Hi, thanks for the Info guys!!! I had never factored them into the Tschako equation. I guess they never wore then in the field, driving with a Tschako must have been pretty difficult! best Chris
    4. Hi, Nice doc, they came out in 1918 it seems and were delivered blank to the companies, or battalions (depending on which unit), then they were given to guys who had recieved the EK at some time all the way back to 1914. No reason why they shouls not have continued after the war.
    5. Very nice indeed. I have been looking for one of these for ages, it is the early model. They used this for a while, then they passed on the responsibility of issuing the documents to the individual regiments in the Korps, then came back in 1918 with the decorative alpenkorps document with the picture of the sentry on the mountain.
    6. ..... and sometimes, just sometimes.... it is EXACTLY that bit and Bob you REALLY need.......
    7. Hi Gordon, the link does not work, all the best Chris
    8. Hi, for some reason I thought that later in the war the Litzen fell away... here is a closer one.... This is an interesting one, the guy standing has Bavarian cuffs, they have Litzen, the Tripod was often with mountain units.... but they have rolled their straps! This is from Hammelburg, I guess a MG Training course....
    9. ... I am happy to keep a little box of "Bits and pieces".... yes, indeed I am......
    10. Hi, Its taking time, but I am getting better at this :-) Thanks for the tip, will add it to my bag of tricks.
    11. I had hoped for Bavarian cuffs or something to make identification easier.... but all there is are the shoulder boards.... do you think these are Bavarain? Thanks Chris
    12. This site is a little Gem..... https://monnumerodebrevetparachutiste.wordpress.com/liste-des-n-de-brevets-parachutistes/
    13. I have a WW1 Bavarian Photo also with his EK mounted backwards showing 1870 !! Keep em coming!!
    14. Muchos Grazias, that is a huge help, I managed to close a couple of gaps, just a couple of ???? still missing.... … Schneid und große Umsicht ausgezeichnet; den ihm unterstellten Mannschaften und seinen Kameraden war er stets ein .???? achstandes Vorbild In den Kämpfen bei Frilinghien nördl. Armentiers, am Somme er als Gefreiter teilnahm, führte er einen Werfer, trotz stärksten feindlichen Beschuß brachte Berg seinem Werfer und seine Munition in Stellung und schoss sich ein; am Tage des Sturms trug Berg durch sein umsichtig und schneidig verhaltens und genaues Schießen sehr zum Gelingen des Angriffes bei. Kaum hatte Berg den letzten Schuss erschossen, als er sich mit seiner Werferbedienung der sturmenden Infanterie anschloß. Er brachte einigen Gefangene zurück. Bei den Stellungskämpfen in Flandern im Sommer 18 zeichnete sich Berg wiederholt aus. Ende August 1918 wurde die Kompanie nördl. Havringcourt, ostl. Cambrai, bei der Abwehrkämpfen wiederholt (NEXT PAGE) unter größten Erlittens eingesetzt. Ferner wieder war es Unteroffiz. Berg, der durch größten Schneid und Fleiß beim (???? ??,) Munitions Transport und Schießen angenehm Auffiel (?). Bei den Abwehrkämpfen Ende Oktober 1918 war Berg mit seinem leichten Werfergruppe bei ??, westlt. Oudenorde eingesetzt. Hier leistete Berg Tagelang ein so gut gelangtes Vernichtungsfeuer, daß es den Engländer trotz hartnäckigsten, wiederholten Angreifens nicht gelang, vorwärts zu kommen. Hier hat hauptsächlich Berg mit seinem vortrefflichen Schießen zum Standhaltens der Infanterie beigetragen. Ich bitte nun ganz gehorsamst, dem Unteroffiz. Berg das EK I verleihen zu wollen. ??? Leutn.d.R. u. Kompführ der Minenwerferkomp. d. Res. Inf. R. 228
    15. I found these new pics to be rather nice, the handfull of Baggies and the loose crosses....
    16. I hate to ask for long texts believe it or not... but I really need to be exact on this one.... it is almost readable and I got an OK start I think, but I dont want to mess up the end... if anyone can help with the text in german, i would be greatful... This is what i have so far.... Proposal for the award of the Iron Icross 1st Class The Unteroffizier XX Berg, earlier of the Minenwerfer Kompagnie of the reserve Infanterie Regiment 228, now Polizei Wachtmeister in the 4. Hunsdertschaft of the Sicherheits Polizei in Berlin-Charlottenburg was a member of the Divisions Minenerfer Kompagnie 249 until the unit disbanded and then served until the end of the war in the M.W. Komp. of the Res. Inf. Regt. 228 Time after time, first as Pionier, then as Gefreiter, in the end as Unteroffizier, Berg mastered the most dangerous and difficult situations through XXXXX Schneid and XXX and XXXX and he was a excellent example for his men and his comrades. Thanks, Chris
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