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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. If I am following this correctly, it would seem that original crosses do not have white enamel in the loops of the "buckle" at the bottom of the enameled ring around the center chiffre? I have had only one of this grade over the years, perhaps that's a telling fact in and of itself. here's an enlarged photo that shows the area concerned. I apologize for the poor quality, it is a very old photo.
    2. I think everyone should take a deep breath here....... Let's remain Gentlemen. The thread is under observation. Thanks. PS: WC, I think yours looks pretty good from the front.
    3. Thanks Bob, a pretty fantastic glimpse. Did you guys notice the multiple documents for academy badges in there??
    4. I'm surprised at the price of the piece. A) because it's located in Bulgaria. (B) because it's "Private Bidder" and © because I know someone who had a hard time selling a cased one for quite a bit less than the current bid. Did you notice the "National Liberation" Order he's selling is paired with a Che 2 ribbon? Also, it looks like a copper colored center.... do we have an unknown/unreported third class version? Or just a bad scan??
    5. Yeah, but the guy who works so hard and never gets any joy needed a boost.... so I gave these to him so he could ponder the ways & woes of the world and perhaps be so deep in thought he fails to note that soon, oh so sad and soon.... it will SNOW here.............
    6. Crappy web translation: The medal Anniversary 50 of the Revolutionary Armed Forces was conferred to him to 889 combatants of the Rebellious Army and the clandestine fight, as well as to members of the Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces with than 20 years on watch, in act celebrated more in the Provisional Seat of the Revolution of Pine of the River. With this number they add the 2 068 pina-re?os that obtain it in the scope of the celebration by the disembarkation of the Granma. The lieutenant colonel of the reserve Lazaro Go'mez read a message of congratulation in name of the pina-re?os combatants to our Commander-in-Chief by her 80 birthdays, in which she emphasizes that the words Moncada, military prison, exile, Granma, warfare against bandits, solidarity, internationalism and others of great patriotic sparkle, always have been present in the work of Fidel. Olga Lidia Mud wall Churches, member of the Central Committee of the Party and president of the Provincial Council of Defense; brigadier general ?ngel Alfonso Crown, head of the Military district of Pine of the River and other members of the Provincial Bureau of the Maxima political organization in Vueltabajo, gave to the decoration to the companions Luis Cintra You cold, Florentino Torres V?liz, Eddy Radam?s Torres, Edilia Strong Diaz, Mateo Sojo Garci'a and Pedro Corbill?n Hernandez. Conclusions of act were in charge of Jorge Lazaro Alvarez Vald?s, member of Bureau Provincial and president of Advice Municipal of Defense in Pine of River, who he emphasized that the granted medal means hero?smo, gives and sacrifice, qualities that mark the homenajeados ones. Pinare?o recognizes the town the Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces Officials, combatants and civil workers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Vueltabajo received, occasion of anniversary 50 of their creation, the recognition and entertainment of the town pinare?o by their loyalty and gives to the Revolution during these five decades. Brigadier general ?ngel Alfonso Crown, head of the Military district in Pine of the River, thanked for the deference that was had with the Armed Forces and ratified the security to continue being continuing of the Granma yacht. ?To 50 years of which the Granma put prow towards the freedom, the Armed Forces stay next to Fidel, convinced that there is no force in the world able to destroy the unshakeable unit of the Revolution?, ratified the high official.
    7. Entregan medalla Aniversario 50 de las FAR La medalla Aniversario 50 de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias le fue conferida a 889 combatientes del Ej?rcito Rebelde y de la lucha clandestina, as? como a miembros de las FAR con m?s de 20 a?os de servicio, en acto celebrado en la Plaza Provisional de la Revoluci?n de Pinar del R?o. Con esta cifra suman 2 068 los pina-re?os que la obtienen en el ?mbito de la celebraci?n por el desembarco del Granma. El teniente coronel de la reserva L?zaro G?mez ley? un mensaje de felicitaci?n en nombre de los combatientes pina-re?os a nuestro Comandante en Jefe por su 80 cumplea?os, en el que destaca que las palabras Moncada, presidio, exilio, Granma, lucha contra bandidos, solidaridad, internacionalismo y otras de gran destello patri?tico, siempre han estado presentes en la obra de Fidel. Olga Lidia Tapia Iglesias, miembro del Comit? Central del Partido y presidenta del Consejo Provincial de Defensa; el general de brigada ?ngel Alfonso Corona, jefe de la Regi?n Militar de Pinar del R?o y otros miembros del Bur? Provincial de la m?xima organizaci?n pol?tica en Vueltabajo, entregaron la condecoraci?n a los compa?eros Luis Cintra Fr?as, Florentino Torres V?liz, Eddy Radam?s Torres, Edilia Fuertes D?az, Mateo Sojo Garc?a y Pedro Corbill?n Hern?ndez. Las conclusiones del acto estuvieron a cargo de Jorge L?zaro ?lvarez Vald?s, miembro del Bur? Provincial y presidente del Consejo Municipal de Defensa en Pinar del R?o, quien subray? que la medalla otorgada significa hero?smo, entrega y sacrificio, cualidades que marcan a los homenajeados. Reconoce el pueblo pinare?o a las FAR Oficiales, combatientes y trabajadores civiles de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias en Vueltabajo recibieron, en ocasi?n del aniversario 50 de su creaci?n, el reconocimiento y agasajo del pueblo pinare?o por su lealtad y entrega a la Revoluci?n durante estas cinco d?cadas. El general de brigada ?ngel Alfonso Corona, jefe de la Regi?n Militar en Pinar del R?o, agradeci? la deferencia que se ten?a con las Fuerzas Armadas y ratific? la seguridad de seguir siendo continuadores del yate Granma. ?A 50 a?os de que el Granma pusiera proa hacia la libertad, las Fuerzas Armadas se mantienen al lado de Fidel, convencidas de que no hay fuerza en el mundo capaz de destruir la unidad inquebrantable de la Revoluci?n?, ratific? el alto oficial. Marilyn Blanco y Dayma Cardoso/Foto: Daniel Mitj?ns viernes 1 de diciembre 2006
    8. AND<<< !!!!!!!!!!! Confirmation of great big ribbon bars! No Pin-Back awards though...
    9. Courtesy of Taz & The Soviet Awards Forum... appears to be a photo of the awarding of these medals. The thing I like the BEST though is look at that pile of plastic medal cases on the table.... now that's what I call confirmation of use....
    10. Looks very much like the same man... see the Order here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14309&hl=pais
    11. I concur with Ed.. The system will not be changed anytime soon.
    12. The Second Class medal. All of these have the usual State Council reverse found on most military/political decorations. As opposed to the unique back faces found on the Distincion type awards.
    13. It will be nice when we know what the distinction by class is for as well as what it was awarded for! Example of a First Class Medal:
    14. Medalla "Ignacio Agramonte" Awarded in three (3) Classes. Complete set:
    15. Example of the 50 year anniversery medal. Possibly mounted incorrectly (reversed)
    16. Medalla Conmemorativa "50 Anniversario" From 2003, so no ribbon example on Lukasz' site. But there is an example of the ribbon for twenty years:
    17. Medalla " Combatiente de la Lucha Clandestina" Wonder what this one was for?? Sneaky stuff, I'll bet... Ribbon Example:
    18. Medalla "Fraternidad Combativa" Awarded for?? Being a combat buddy, but to who?? Soviets, other country's soldiers fighting with Cuba?? Ribbon Example:
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