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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Awarded for service in Metalurgy & Electronics. In research.
    2. Very interesting that they have continued the numbering into this new era of the country!
    3. This piece has been continuosly copied since 1914....... There was only one made.
    4. Holy smokes, look at the size of his hands!!!
    5. As of today, there are three (3) different ones available on eBay/USA. Think they're real? There's a $700 bid on the Rothe Fake There's an offer to sell a repro for $625 There's another (Spanish?) fake up to a few hundred already. In the last thirty (30) days, there have been 24 listings for "Blue Max"... the bulj of them sell for under $100 USD. One would think, people have learned a lesson or two....
    6. Piece looks original and Micha did state in the initial post that the case is an EK1 case.
    7. Well, the other combo that is close, but no Kewpie Doll is: Medalla "Por la Valent?a durante el Servicio" (I)
    8. "Decreto-Ley #30, de las Condecoraciones, Titulos Honorificos y Distinciones" (Gaceta Oficial de la Republica de Cuba of December 10, 1979) If ANY member has access to a copy of this document, please contact me via PM. Thanks!!
    9. Medalla "Alejo Carpentier" It is conferred to Cuban and foreign citizens acknowledging their outstanding merits and their labour enriching Cuban culture. Lukasz' site has no example of the ribbon. However, this image was culled from eBay: Biographical en Espanol, note the third name!: Sr. Alejo Carpentier Balmont Alejo Carpentier Balmont, naci? en La Habana el 26 de diciembre de 1904, hijo del arquitecto franc?s Georges Julien Carpentier y de la profesora rusa Catherine Balmont o Blagoobrasoff, que hab?a sido estudiante de Medicina en Lausana, Suiza, donde conoci? a su esposo.
    10. Distinci?n "23 de Agosto" Unfortunately, I have no details or information on this one yet. Ribbon example below. A Cuban site specifies: "Distinci?n "23 de Agosto" de la Federaci?n de Mujeres Cubanas" So an award from The Federation of Cuban Women (??), I found many Cuban women bographies that noted receipt of this award.
    11. Really small pix are almost impossible to judge accurately.... but it looks like a nice condition, authentic badge.
    12. Note the slightly crooked bottom arm. A common thing amongst the early issued crosses.
    13. There's a really nasty "Hindenburg Star" EK copy floating in eBay with the bogus Deschler mark on the pin. The finished edges look like they would cut you right open...
    14. Looks like a one-piece cast copy. There's nothing crisp (or accurate per iron Time I) regarding the details.
    15. Reverse: (For the record... I'm not entirely comfortable with this example, I would enjoy comments, opinions and discussion!)
    16. It seems that many (most?) of the Distinci?n medals have unique reverses
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