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    Everything posted by Markgraf

    1. Vitéz Kásás Árpád was born in 1896.02.21. His mother's name was Molnár Ágnes. His highest rank was paymaster director (equivalent to Lt. Colonel). He joined to the Vitéz Order in 1928. The Hungarian Military Archives have a file about him. The reference number of the file is 1896/1105. The homepage of the Archives (Hungarian only): http://militaria.hu/adatb/leveltariuj/
    2. The names of the medals on the big picture (Hungarian names): 1. Erdélyi Emlékérem, 2. Magyar Háborús Emlékérem karddal és sisakkal, 3. Signum Laudis (Horthy-era, peacetime ribbon) 4. Sebesültek Érme egy sebesülési sávval, 5. Nagyezüst Vitézségi Érem, 6. Kisezüst Vitézségi Érem, 7. Signum Laudis, hadiszalagon, kardokkal (WWI) 8. II. osztályú Tisztviselői Szolgálati Jel, 9. Károly Csapatkereszt, 10. Katonai Érdemkereszt III. osztálya, hadiszalagon kardokkal, 11. Nemzetvédelmi Kereszt. The correct order: 10, 7, 3, 5, 6, 9, 4, 11, 2, 8, 1 I agree with Erik, but the long service medal is not for officers but military officials. Much rarer version. He started as line officer, later became a military official.
    3. Yes it's possible. One more point, that the postman were eligible the 1898 Jubilee Medal on both (military and civilian) ribbon. See this: http://www.erdemrendek-kituntetesek.hu/tartalom/monarchi%C3%A1s-post%C3%A1s
    4. The ribbons and the fourragére. I know the precedence of the ribbons is wrong. Somebody can tell me, which medal indicates the fourragére? Thanks
    5. It seems, the sergeant's lace painted by the photographer. Nice photo!
    6. Dear Gentlemens! I'm looking for informations of a Hungarian-born WWII veteran of the US ARMY. Albert Kovacs joined the Army in 1940, and served until 1945(46?). During the WWII he served in the 7th Artillery Regiment in the 1st Infantry Division. The Silver Star (1942) and the Bronze Star awarded to him. His service records can be seen here: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KMX3-RBN I would be happy for any further informations!
    7. Gilbert Seeger, Cadet, k.k. 3. IR, 1823 https://archive.org/stream/militrschematis09kriegoog#page/n124/mode/2up
    8. Iver: Now everybody are on holiday, but in September I'll try it.
    9. The Fremden-Blatt noted Dr. Patrick Mannock who - it seems - lived permanently in Wien in the Golden Lamm inn. I guess he was Major Mannock's father. http://anno.onb.ac.at/anno-suche/#searchMode=simple&query=mannock&resultMode=list&from=1&selectedFilters=date%3A[1853+TO+1884]
    10. Just for fun: The Kölcsey Street No. 8 house on the Street View - an old house,most likely the same where he lived. https://goo.gl/maps/PBes5
    11. Thank You! It is possible, that the owner fought in Italy? An 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Italy Star ribbon bar was in the pocket, but I'm not sure that the ribbon bar was the part of the uniform.
    12. WWII Royal Signals Battledress - but I Can't find the patch. Somebody can help me? Thanks in advance!
    13. Probably: LW - Landwehr L St. B - Landsturm Batallion I think the maker is Zelinka - Zelinka János sword-maker Budapest
    14. Name: Béres Mihály Rank: Private Unit: 7th "Zrínyi Miklós" Infantry Regiment III. Bat. 8th Co. Service Number: 1679 22 0091 ( according the note, he was born in Kiskunfélegyháza, however the first four digit of the service nr. means a little parish Kőröstetétlen Religion: Roman Catholic Profession: Shop assistant Residency: Kiskunfélegyháza 3d page: description of person (hair: hazel, eyes: grey, height: 160 cm, nose, lips: normal, face: oval, eyebrows: brown, chambered) and size of the uniform and gas mask 4th page: blood group, vaccination 5th page: changes 6th page: tours to the operational area 7th page: data of the next of kin
    15. General badge for professional soldiers.
    16. I think the soldiers in the standing row are Jäger/Landwehr and Infantry. The sitting staff officer is k.k. Gendrmerie.
    17. Try here: http://anno.onb.ac.at/anno-suche/#searchMode=complex&resultMode=list&from=1
    18. According the Feldblatt he was überkomplett in k.u.k. FAR 12, and served in the k.k. FAR 121.
    19. All interwar/WWII period (the MG troop badge was in the WWI also) General Attack Badge, Paratrooper Badge Auto Troop Badge, Air Force cap badge for enlisted Riverine Forces cap badge, Machine Gun Troop Badge I'm not expert, but I think nearly all of them are copies...maybe the MG Troop badge is original
    20. As far as I know, when the helmets widely introduced in the AH Army, the great part of the cavalry units were already dismounted.
    21. From fortepan.hu. Note the Hungarian cavalry boots, they are probably hussars. In bigger size: http://www.fortepan.hu/_photo/download/fortepan_33802.jpg
    22. Nice pictures! The third gentleman is probably the member of the Habsburg family. The last picture is a Royal Hungarian Army Lt. Col between 1929-1940.
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