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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Ordered mine on 13 Oct and it arrived on 14 Oct, via normal shipping. Do you live right down the street from me?
    2. The person who put this together removed the hangers, and mounted all the awards directly to the bottom of the ribbons with thread. Then they used swords devices to replicate the hangers on the ribbons. To me it appears they wanted it all level across the bottom per the post 35 regulations.
    3. Hard to tell for sure because of the overlap. Wouldn't be the first time a tailor/ordenshaus substituted a ribbon.
    4. When did he die? I used to drive thru Plauen back before the Wall came down.
    5. I wonder if that bar is the one from his funeral pillow. Notice the FAM is absent as if it didn't matter.
    6. And a special thanks to Rick for helping me puzzle thru this one. I have a special affinity for enlisted groupings and it is rare to put a face/name to them.
    7. Thanks for outlining his carrear. Can anybody add his awards to this?
    8. Looking for info on his awards. Thanks in advance.
    9. on the awards of Gen Achim Oster and his father General Hans Oster. Anyone have a detailed list of awards for them? thanks in advance.
    10. Any chance of identifting this guy. An observer who won the Prussian GMVK, had a Saxon connection, and survived the war?
    11. Thanks guys. I wondered about the EK2 being in first place and the lack of a Centennial medal myself. Then I figured, given it is a Jubilee period bar, why not the EK2 in first place. As for the Centennial, perhaps he didn't feel the need given the awards shown or this bar was put together for the Jubilee and prior to institution of the Centennial. I'll post better pics when it arrives. Now, given the combination of awards, the possible units based upon the battle clasps, and the date of the bar can we put a name to it? Perhaps cross referencing against the Prussian EK rolls?
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