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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Here is a freshly minted version of the Juncker fake currently on ebay. They have given it a nice bronze finish.
    2. He used that name as a seller on milweb- der africaheld Here he is selling his wares: http://www.best-antiques.com/german/all_au...e=ww-collection If you want to see the status of fresh TR take a look. If he does to Imperial what he has done to TR you better start selling now.
    3. Rick, the guy that wrote that COA is known in TR circles as the African Hero. He is the biggest perveyor of freshly made TR items there is.
    4. Should we be worried???? http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...bayphotohosting
    5. Hi Gordon, I don't suppose you have a picture of it do you?
    6. What badge was it Gordon? Mike Tucker found a badge marked AS Triangle in a Scholz marked packet too I believe.
    7. I don't even have one KMST yet and Micha has millions of them....
    8. Thanks guys. Its great to discover something new about your ancesters.
    9. WW1 Victory. He was born in 1864 so if he served overseas I would imagine he was far behind the lines.
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