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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. This thread got me thinking about the olden days. Here is a little reminder of the year I spent as an instructor at the Atomic Demolitions Munitions School. I was given this instead of a plaque when I left. If you read the above posted article closely you can figure out what it is/was.
    2. Peter, we were assigned a target on the Polish plains. The radar coverage maps showed interlocking coverage down to 50' agl. We asked the MC130 pilots what the infiltration plan was. They said they would fly low and slow and pretend to be a helicopter. I asked them what will they do when air traffic control picked them up and asked them to identify themselves (in Russian). They said they would ignore it. We (the team) decided we would don parachutes and be hooked up to the static line anchor cable before we crossed the FLOT.
    3. Not if it happens behind enemy lines. No one expected to get back to the West after the mission was complete. The team I was on intended to E&R to the east and attempt to cross the Bering Straits after a couple of years of walking.
    4. Not at all. And I still think that it detonated when you armed it so as to tie up all the loose ends.
    5. Given that Chris started a thread labelled "Spoon" I was hesitant to open it.
    6. They are in great condition. I had to put a piece of glass over them to photograph them as they were too big for my scanner. The glass is a round end table top hence the corners of the documents are trying to roll back up. All I can say is that this guy got around. C'mon coasties, can you match him?
    7. I came across these recently sitting forlornly in an antique mall.
    8. So many safety violations. Hey everybody, gather around and watch me defuse this mine.
    9. Here is an examination of the Somme, especially the preliminary bombardment and its effect or lack thereof:
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