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https://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/forum/community-forums/groupings-and-individual-soldier-s-history-archive-forum/320938-deutschland-deutschland-über-alles Hi, On pages 1-2-3-4 of the Koopmann family story, I’ve added over 80 new pictures and documents, I have also revised or corrected all the written texts. Cheers, Robert
The pictures are part of a Heer Officer "grouping", he was Bezirksführer as Headmaster of Postschutzschule (Postal protection school) Besenhorst when the General visited the school. In August 1939, Erwin Koopmann was commissioned a Leutnant der Reserve with I.R. 90 of the Hamburg 20th Motorized Infantry Division. He did not participate in the invasion of Poland in September, but remained behind as an instructor with I.R.90's Ersatz battalion. After being promoted to Oberleutnant with 2./ I.R.90 on January 1st 1940, Erwin Koopmann was transferred in March 1940 to the operation area of the Western Front in preparation for the upcoming invasion of the Lowlands and France. KIA near Kiev in 1943.
Friedrich Fromm? Friedrich Wilhelm Waldemar Fromm (8 October 1888 – 12 March 1945) was a German Army officer. In World War II, Fromm was Commander in Chief of the Replacement Army (Ersatzheer), in charge of training and personnel replacement for combat divisions of the German Army, a position he occupied for most of the war.[1] A recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, he was executed for failing to act against the plot of 20 July 1944 to assassinate Hitler.
Colin, I was doing some research on Holwede and I stumbled on this web site;http://www.lot-tissimo.com/de/cmd/d/o/222.21001-462/auk/21/, it seems that Himmler forced him to retire from the Wehrmacht. "20. Juli 1944". Nachlass des General Wolfgang von Holwede. Silberner Erinnerungsbecher des Offiziers-Corps des III. Bataillons 7./(Preuss.) Infanterie-Regiment an den Hptm. v. Holwede 1921 - 1927 mit schauseitiger Widmungsgravur und Chiffre des ehemaligen Grenadier-Regiments K?nig Friedrich III. (2.Schlesisches) Nr.11 Breslau. Im Boden Hersteller- und Silberpunze, Gewicht 227 g, H. 14 cm; Silberner Erinnerungsteller des Infanterie-Regiments 448 an den Anschluss ?sterreichs 1938. Geschwungener, leicht hochgestellter Rand, im Spiegel graviertes Einheitswappen und Einsatzr?ume der einzelnen Kompanien in der Region Stift Zwettl, der Rand mit Hersteller- und Silberpunze, ? 23 cm, Gewicht 262 g. Dazu Mappe mit vielen Dokumenten aus seiner Dienstzeit bis 1945: Annahmeschein als Fahnenjunker 1910, Zeugnis der Reife zum F?hnrich, Patent als Leutnant 1913, Befehle, amtliche Schreiben, Feldpostbriefe, Fotos, z.T. beschriftet, viele Visitenkarten von Offizieren mit Einheitsangaben, Belobigungsschreiben der Rgts.-Chefin Charlotte Herzogin von Sachsen-Meiningen 1916. Urkunden wie Besitzzeugnis und Schreiben zum Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Schwarz und Besitzzeugnisse zum Schlesischen Adler 1. und 2. Stufe 1920. Schallplatte mit dem Parademarsch des GR 11 aus dem Jahre 1959. Schreiben der Wehrmachtsfestungshaftanstalt K?strin vom 10. April 1945 ?ber die Inhaftierung und Aussto?ung des Generals von Holwede aus dem Heer am 31.12.1944 im Zusammenhang mit den Ereignissen des 20. Juli 1944 auf Befehl Reichsf?hrer SS Himmler. Stich des Kadettenhauses zu Wahlstatt mit Beschriftung "Generalleutnant von Holwede. Kommandant der Kadettenanstalt in Potsdam 1879 - 1884" Thank you very much for your time. Kind regards, _______ Robert
Lost comrades These images reside untouched in the back of my mind; My comrades, laid to rest in foreign soil, Baptized by blood and tears of sorrow, Never to return to their unpredicted, unfinished lives. They sacrificed themselves willingly, Unable to see their family and loved ones, They bravely marched through the dark gate, Never to return as mere mortals, but as wandering souls. Onward through the mists of time, They will struggle to perceive the light Of the candles softly flickering in the darkness, As they are forgotten, seeping into the earth, Never to hear, see, and feel again. __________ Robert T. The cemetery grounds are punctuated by several large oak trees which cast an oppressive shade on the scene. Hermann?s grave location is circled in red.
A meaningful coincidence I have recently experienced synchronicity to the utmost heightened level; my experience has rendered me almost speechless.Here's a meaningful coincidence that I'd like to bring to the sharing table: The first two photographs that Filip Debergh had sent me did not illustrate a stone wall near Hermann?s grave site and could not be compared with the grouping?s original picture that showed a wooden cross decorated with flowers. I then asked Filip if he would be kind enough to take one more photo while facing the nearest surrounding wall, he replied that I would get it within ten days. Shortly afterwards, I got an email from "Wehrmacht Awards Forum" member ?rijke88? telling me that he had found by chance a photo of Ritterktreuztr?ger Erwin Koopmann (Hermann?s brother) on eBay, I got all exited when I positively recognized Erwin resting on a large chair. Roger (rijke88) then proceeded to deal with the seller and managed to buy the picture along with the rest of the desecrated 2./IR90 album. Roger subsequently sent me an additional scan featuring Erwin koopmann; he was at the Langemarck cemetery, paying respects to his fallen brother!!! For a moment, time stood still? I was astounded and tears came to my eyes. I received Fillip Debergh?s new photo two days later and was able to assemble this miraculous ?THEN AND NOW?. ________________ Robert Tremblay
The Soldatenfriedhof monumental entrance building is constructed with red Weser sandstone and can only be described as cold and dreary. Behind the fretwork screens of a cast iron gate is a chapel memorializing the students and some of the reservists slain here in 1914. The official register notes that there are 6,313 names on the Oakwood panels of that sombre room. If you look around in the dark chapel you will ultimately find Hermann?s name ? another small trace of him...
Resurrection Filip Debergh, an author and renowned World War 1 tour guide from Belgium, has kindly provided me with several wonderful photographs depicting Hermann?s burial site. He contacted me after reading the article on Chris Boonzaier?s superb web site. The total number of German soldiers who died in Flanders during the Great War has never been confirmed, the bodies of 126,168 known soldiers are buried in the four main collecting cemeteries of Langemarck, Vladslo, Hooglede and Menen. Of these, about 120,000 were killed within the province of Flanders, however many others just disappeared without trace in the abysmal mud, 90,000 soldiers are still considered "missing? and consequently one comes to a sum of about 210,000 dead. Many German fallen were concentrated and buried in the Military Cemetery at Langemarck, not all soldiers ended up in a mass-grave; Hermann Koopmann got a semi-individual burial place (No.A/3936) and a gravestone with seven other names on it. Those brave men are guarded by towering oak trees whose roots are now intertwined with their remains, creating a bond between the Dead and the Living. Langemarck nowadays is a place of peace and quiet. The sound of the guns of two World Wars has long since faded away. People of many different nations individually or on guided excursions are visiting what remains of the Western front. Some come to Langemarck just as curious tourists, others for historical research. Filip D. assured me that he will certainly tell Hermann?s story to his tour participants.
The Fall of Berlin...
robert39 replied to Chris Boonzaier's topic in Germany: Post 1945: Bundesrepublik & DDR
My uncle had several photos showing destroyed buildings but I don?t know if they were all taken in Berlin, one of those is surely a church or cathedral. Can they be identified? ___________ Robert -
The Fall of Berlin...
robert39 replied to Chris Boonzaier's topic in Germany: Post 1945: Bundesrepublik & DDR
My uncle Joseph Langevin was in Berlin with the ?Fusiliers Mont-Royal? (Sixth Canadian Infantry Brigade) from July 4th to July 27th 1945 as part of the occupation forces. On July 21st, he participated in the Victory Parade in front of Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Montgomery. He wrote about it in this letter to his family.