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    Everything posted by coldstream

    1. Rumjar, somewhere tucked away I have a lot of similar themed photos showing British Royal Navy and Marines from the South China Fleet Station dated 1938. I believe but stand to be corrected that they refer to the Japenese invasion of Canton around that time. Some are very graphic including civilian executions and are therefore not suitable for this forum but as time allows I will try to post some of the others. Again, not my area of expertise but this may ezplain your Marines in China!
    2. Rumjar. superb collection to one unit. please keep them coming :cheers:
    3. Mervyn. The HMS Liverpool in my post is infact the predecesor of the one refferred to on the clock . The HMS Liverpool refferred to here was a Town Class Light Cruiser, here is the wikipedia link for infowikipedia link
    4. HMS Liverpool for you, taken from my RMLI diary thread. :cheers:
    5. Sorry Rumjar forgot to say excellent photos please keep them coming.
    6. Never seen anything like that arm badge, any ideas Leigh?
    7. Rumjar, can you scan that patch in close up please, very very unusual :cheers:
    8. Definately a beard for the RMA man, did they adhere to Navy rules re beards at sea? Look forward to your photos.
    9. And the last for now in blue uniform. Still after an ident on the medal please Gentlemen.
    10. One of the same man in his khaki uniform with nice clear RMLI shoulder titles.
    11. I've shown these two photos before but they seem appropriate here. RMLI.
    12. Leigh, just found this thread thanks to Mervyn. Thought I'd add a few photos from my archives. First, a photo showing both RMLI and RMA aboard HMS Superb. I love the blackboard inscription. 'THE BANANA BALANCERS!' Now there must be a story behind that one.
    13. I ll try again with that link as it dos'mt seem to have worked, if not just goggle National Australian Archives and you'll find there homepage. link
    14. Hello Vanman, sorry for the delay in replying to your questions. The Australian National Archives are available on line through this link Australian archives[/url Its all self explanatory and user friendly imho. Welcome to the forum by the way
    15. The eagle is still proudly worn on the tie by many of my work colleagues Mervyn. Another unusual fact that some people may not know was the use of Police drivers for the squad. A much sought after job!!!!!!!!!! screaming around town in high performance cars :rolleyes:
    16. Leigh, this may be way off the mark but could the sun helmet you refer to in post 17 the picnicers have a piece of puggaree material from the turban of a member of Skinners Horse on it? Difficult to identify colours but the general stripe pattern appears to be the same.
    17. Had to clean the rear of the nice Police Officers car after being, umm, well, sort of ill in the back when being taken back to barracks!!!!!!!!! Must of been a good job though, no charges and a tie pin :cheers:
    18. Used to have a lot of these when I was still serving in Surrey Police but was never one to wear them on duty! Here is one I found at the back of the odds and sods drawer! Edmonton Police which I picked up when in Canada with the Army, butterfly clasp and maker marked 'AT'
    19. Mervyn, here is picture showing the kilt cover worn in India. Unfortunately the original photo does not enlarge well and I cannot say for certain which Regiment it is.
    20. I picked this up at the weekend and am wondering if any of our Soviet collectors can help me with an identification. The insignia is mounted on a red felt backed wooden board which measures 8 x 4 inches and I believe that the top insignia is the standard cap badge and collar insignia for a motorised rifle regiment? ( any help or corrections appreciated!) Could anyone tell me what the large bottom medallion refers to please? I was wondering if it refered to a specific place or barracks or maybe its unrelated and just a mismatch for the greedy collector like me! By the way it cost me 75p so hopefully its at least worth that!
    21. Number 7 is not British in my opinion. The style of his cap suggests he is from Greece or another of the Balkan states at least. :cheers:
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