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    Everything posted by spolei

    1. Hello, nice picture, below the EK is the war-medal 1871 and the bavarian veterans-cross 1866. Sorry, but I can't describe his rank and I don't know if it is a bavarian or a prussian uniform. regards Andreas
    2. Hello Scott, the MVK is a early Lauer and very nice. regards Andreas
    3. Hello, here a picture of my relative ( the same as my avatar), doing his job .
    4. Hello, a NCO's bar is possably. MVK, EK2 and Preussisches Militärehrenzeichen, but an officers-bar is also possably. regards Andreas
    5. Hello Miguel, the MVK at your bar is a late Leser-production. It has a spheric eyelet at the agraffe. Look to my little listing for the producers of the mvk, http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/57227-bayerische-militrverdienstkreuz-321-klasse/ http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/43620-what-do-you-know-about-bavarian-mvks/ the owner of the bar was a high rank NCO. He was already 1905 member of the bavarian army, so he got the Jubilee-medal. The service cross is for 15 years and longer. regards Andreas
    6. Hello Larry, very nice pictures. Hello Larry, very nice picture of a bavarian shootingclub member after WW1. After the Kyffhäuser is a "Ehrenlegion des Weltkrieges" and the last medal is the bavarian service-medal for 9 or 12 years. On the picture below you will see a member of the house Lippe-Detmold with a lot of decorations of this dutchy. regars Andreas
    7. Hello Jody, a very nice bar of an bavarian NCO. The manufacturer of the MVK was Lauer (Nürnberg) Regards Andreas
    8. Hello Spasm, a very fine miniature. The swords of the MVO look like the swords of Godet MVO's. The mini of the 1th Chev. Reg. ist fantastic, thanks for showing. regards Andreas
    9. Hello Sascha, I see the bavarian regimental medal too. regards Andreas
    10. Hello, I think it is impossible to find the owner of the bravery-medal bar. The "Bayerns goldenes Ehrenbuch" includes all the names oft the winners of the Bravery-medal, the MMJO and the Militär-Sanitäts-Ehrenzeichen, about aproximately 4000 Names. In this book are the descriptions of the individual heroics of the winners, but nolisting to their another decorations. On the ancestry-database, you will only find the decorations till end of WW1. I don't know a database for the decorations in WWII and the Partei-decorations. Regards Andreas
    11. hello alan, that would be my favourite bar. It would be very intersting, to know the name of the owner of this bar. The second ribbon could be for the bavarian bravery-medal or for the Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden.
    12. Hello Christophe, very nice items. Thank you for showing this beautiful decorations. The officers cross Sachsen-Meiningen in a box is very seldom. regards Andreas
    13. Hello Padro, are you sure with Hemmerle for the mvk ? The picture is to bad, to identify the maker. The swords look like Deschler. regards Andreas
    14. Hello Westfale, that miniatures are very nice. This DA's have the form like the badges before 1913. I have never seen this kind of miniatures on pictures, are they all silver marked ?
    15. Hello, your cross is a fake. That was a third class of Leser MVK .
    16. Here is the next question. When he was promoted to LT. d. Res in 1918, why did he get a MVO with golden medaillons? @ saschaw I am not sure! It is possible for a post-war bar I know officer-bars with Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung II, bur not with regular NCO-service award. According to regulations, the officer service award startet with 24 years.
    17. A serving officer has not wear any NCO service awards. For a long-serving NCO I lack the Jubiläumsmedaillie. This type of service award was introduced 1913th The bar looks good and the decorations too. Possibly the MVk was changed into a MVO, or the sevice medal, was a Landwehr-sevice medal. regards Andreas
    18. The last letter is again a letter from Georg the mushroompicker It is very difficult to transcribe this letter, as it is written very indistinctly. I'll just download it and have to work with an image editing program. What I could read as a love letter to his wife. regards Andreas
    19. Letter 4, written by Rheinhard Zemisch. Im Schützengraben ( in the trench) 22.5.16 This is a letter of congratulations for 50 years jubilee in gymnastics club. Zemisch does his duty in the trenches and send this wishes to his gymnastic friend. He regrets that he can not be at the ceremony here, since he is on listening post at the front. Unfortunately, it is not clear at which front he fought. regards Andreas
    20. Hello Padro, I like it very much. Today Coburg belongs to Bavaria. In 1918 it belongs to Saxonia on the border to Bavaria. A lot of soldiers did their duty in the bavarian army, so the owner could become this decoration. regards Andreas
    21. The third letter is from a soldier to his wife. Russland 22.9.1916 He thanks his wife for sending 2 packeges with goods. He sent her dryed musrooms, picked in the russian forrests back. It seems his wife is named Bette an they have a daughter named Irmchen. A war letter for the family at home. No unit and no names of places. The writer is named Georg. The next letters come tomorrow., I'm tired regards Andreas
    22. Hello, the second letter is very unspectular. It is adressed to the writers mother and Irmgard ( possibly the sister) The author was sitting in the office, doing the duty for another comrade. For this duty he will get a piece of ham on the next morning. The following night, he get arrested. He wrote about his preperations for the night on the wooden bench. He wrote nothing about the reason, why he get arrested. This letter has no adress, no ranks and no names. The place i can't decipher, also his sign.
    23. Hello John, you give me a lot of work to do, but the main work for me, is the translation into the english language. The google translater may help, but the google translation has a lot of mistakes. I write the complete text in German and try to translate the letter to the appropriate. Here is the first letter: " Mrentuzli ??? ( bei Schaulen Russland) 31.7.15 Sehr geehrtes Fräulein Stern, habe soeben ein Paketchen von ihnen erhalten und mich sehr darüber gefreut. Sage meinen herzlichen Dank dafür. Ich habe nur meine alte Mutter von 74 Jahren alt und die hat nur noch mit sich alleine zu tun. Die kann mir nichts schicken und weiter habe ich niemanden. .......... ? einst wir haben hier in Russland schon viele Strapazen durchgemacht, aber es ist alles für unser Vaterland und wir armen Soldaten verlieren den Mut nicht. Und wir alle hoffen das bald der Frieden kommen wird und alle nach unserer Heimat zurückkehren. Hier in Russland sieht es sehr schrecklich aus und es ist alles zerstört. Ich werde sie nie vergessen. Sage nochmals meinen herzlichen Dank. Mit herzlichen Grüßen sendet ihnen diesen Brief Carl Kelling Absender: Armierungssoldat Carl Kelling, Armierungsbataillon 93, 2. Kompanie, 5. Korporalschaft. Im Osten Briefpost Tilsit. Ich bin Arbeiter und kann sehr schlecht schreiben. Darum lasse ich ihren Brief von Kameraden schreiben" This is the german text, word for word. The grammar is not the best. Possibly is here a person, which can translate this text complete in english. Carl Kelling is a worker for trench constructions, like a pioneer. On the end of the letter he wrote:" I'm a worker and can't write very good. This letter is written by a comrade" The letter was sent to Miss Stern. She sent a little package to this soldier to the eastern front. The name of the place I couldn't read. He has only a 74 year old mother, but she wont't send him packages, so he was very happy to become a parcel from Germany. He wrote that the surrounding at this place was destroyed, but the soldiers do their best duty for the fatherland. All soldiers in hope for peace and comming home. With the best wishes Carl Kelling The next letter is in work Andreas
    24. Hello Goodsight, that are three different letters. The first from a son writing to his mother. The second is from a soldier, who send birthdaywishes to 50 year old sports comrade. The last is from a Armierungssoldat, Armierungsbataillon 93, who writes to a girl. The translation is very difficult, because the pictures are very small. regards Andreas
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