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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. I have started poking around in modern Estonian medals, and adding what information I can find to my site. Please do bob over and proffer any suggestions & comments. I have found a document in Estonian (which I don't know a word of!) which I think is quite recent - February 2013? - and would be grateful if anyone who can read it (better than Google Translate, their version is virtually unintelligible!) could give me a hand with it...
    2. Congratulations to the winners and indeed all entrants who made judging so, so difficult (if pleasurable!).
    3. I think it may be a society order - the French are fond of such things - for the Ligue Républicaine du Bien Public (Universal League of Public Welfare) which has quite a long history of working for the public good and has NGO status with the UN. I've seen a breast badge with the same design as that mounted on the star, suspended from a red ribbon with a central narrow black stripe, attributed to this League.
    4. Still plodding on adding Nigerian medals to my website. Antonio mentions a 1963 Independence Medal (as well as the 1960 one, which I added to the site today): does anyone know anything about that? Nigeria gained independence from Britain on 1 October 1960, so what is the 1963 one all about?
    5. If it were green rather than blue at the edges, the Armed Resistance Medal 1940-1945 would be a possible. Are you certain of the blue?
    6. Arrgh - another area I need to get on my website! Thanks for all the information, now to scamper off and find images I can use...
    7. No, Peter - that's the Nigeria Police Star (which is its official name although it looks like a cross!). I am after more information on the Prison Service gallantry award. I've posted the official description which is at complete variance with the 'Prison Service Cross' Emmanuel has!
    8. This is quite unlike the description given in the Honours (Prison Service) Warrant of 14 April 1972. This describes a Maltese Cross of silver metal with the outer edges joined by a coiled ring, having, on the obverse, in the centre, a shield similar to that forming part of the arms of the Federal Republic, the shield being surrounded by a laurel wreath and the uppermost arm of the cross having on it a representation of an eagle, and on the reverse, the words "FOR GALLANTRY" in the centre and "THE NIGERIA PRISON SERVICE" at the upper arm of the cross. The ribbon is blue with a green-edged red central stripe bearing a narrow white stripe.
    9. Nice site - who runs it? The 'about us' page is signed "The Author" which isn't very informative!
    10. Here is the Civil Bronze Medal: Again the reverse is plain.
    11. The second of Nigeria's "Orders of Distinction" (as they term them) is the Order of the Niger. It was also instituted 1 October 1963 and modified in 1977. Alas I cannot find any pictures of Type 1 (1963-1977), but originally the order was awarded in four classes - Grand Commander, Commander, Officer and Member - for public service, with green and white ribbon, the pattern varying with class. In 1977 silver and bronze medals were added, the order was split into civil and military divisions and the ribbon was changed to a red, white and green one - the same for all classes of the order, with a white edge for the medals and an additional central red stripe for the military division. Here is a Type 2 Commander, Civil: And a Silver Medal, also Civil:
    12. Here is the sole example of the Military division of the Order of the Federal Republic that I have so far found, the Bronze Medal.
    13. Oh yes, forgot to say, in 1977 a military division was instituted - the above ones are all from the civil division. Insignia was identical, but a red stripe was added in the centre of the ribbon (in the middle of the central white stripe for the medals).
    14. Continuing with the Order of the Federal Republic, after the 1977 revamp, there are silver and bronze medals - I think they were added in 1977 - no documentary evidence but I haven't seen any earlier ones! Silver Medal (reverse is plain): Bronze Medal:
    15. Megan


      Wow... more goodies.
    16. Continuing with the Order of the Federal Republic, here is the 2nd Type Grand Commander insignia: Badge: Star: The main changes from the first type are the ribbons and the lettering on the green circlet.
    17. Inspired by Antonio, I have started in on the Nigerian section of my website. First is the Order of the Federal Republic, instituted 1 October 1963 and awarded in 4 grades (Grand Commander, Commander, Officer and Member) for distinguished public service to the Republic. It was modified in 1977 and at some point a Medal - in silver or bronze - was added (not yet sure if that was in 1977 or later). Here is the Grand Commander Star, first type (1963-1977):
    18. Thanks, Antonio - found it for myself yesterday! You'd kicked me into action Now starting to gather materials to improve that section of my site....
    19. Now to find some pictures of the beasts...
    20. Nice... where are you digging all these up?
    21. Those pictures bring back memories... I think I must have seen that booklet at some time as a youngster. Which, given that my early passion for medals led to an interest in the uniforms they are worn on and that I lived in London until 1968 is not too surprising!
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