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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Mervyn, Its 1930s or early 40s. I found one on ebay I will ahve a look at what it went for as it ended today. Edit just had a look and it went for €595, outrageous! (Item number:400901313500). Jock
    2. Guys, Here is a set of small Y-Straps, there are no markings, they have a bit of age to them. The carbine clips are the same as those often encountered on HJ waterbottles? I have no idea, anyone any thoughts? Cheers Jock
    3. Michael, Thanks for the info, can't see any picture though? So you are saying Col rank had a badge without the German flag on it, is this a general rule or just paras? Cheers Jock
    4. Eric, One of them probably is but they are 4 different bullets used there. How uncouth of me not to know the difference from Tea or coffee, I can tell them appart when they are next to each other, would have been nice to get a matching set! Jock
    5. Paul, I will keep my eyes open for you, you see lots of BW stuff at the markets and it is mostly inexpensive. Jock
    6. Aha, so if they are a bit tight they just go with the issue. Thanks for clearing that up for me I shall remember that in future! Cheers Jock
    7. Berhard, I have lifted the info from an excellent link that I got from WAF a long time ago, '26.10.1944 Regimentsstab und Einheit Grenadier-Regiment 295.' Here is the link, http://www.stampsx.com/ratgeber/stempel-datenbank.php You need only enter any feldpost number into the box third from bottom, you will of course need a date to interprit which unit owned the number at any specific time. Chris, He got injured a bit late in the day around Berlin way, so perhaps 'admin' was not quite up to speed with regard his possible EK or that doc has been lost as this is an Antik shop group? Sadly this is all I have so I suppose that is all that is and ever will be available. Jock
    8. Guys, Not sure where to put this so here it is. Sadly no ordance markings present so not sure from which parts it has been made. Quite unusual though, I have not seen any before. Jock
    9. I thought the officers had bullion badges on their headgear? Most round here do that I have noticed anyway? I don't really know that much about the BW though to be honest so it would be good to know. Cheers Jock
    10. Guys, The early style without the German flag on the bottom of the oak wreath. Sadly missing 2 pins and a bit rough at the front but I suppose these are now getting on a bit too! Jock
    11. Guys, I enjoy the little things in life so I was quite pleased with this group of papers. They are not anything unusual but they are local to here 'Soltau' just up the road from Bergen. Jock
    12. Guys, Check the dates out, they loved paperwork to the end. Jock
    13. Guys, Thought this small poster was quite interesting. I know I can't spell but the grammar on this is not good! The paper is not in the best of condition. Jock
    14. Xen, I tried your link and tried to register using my name as on here but unless you already have someone by that name then I guess the site owner has pre emptively banned me under my name. Thankyou anyway for the invite. I could of course register under a different ID and IP but I just can't be bothered. Have you had a look at that excellent site about the RZM, since the link is on another thread http://reichszeugmeisterei.npage.de/herstellungsfirmen/handbuch-der-rzm.html Thanks again though. Jock
    15. I think his pension will be safe for him unfortunately. Pensionable from 18 years on the old scheme isn't it. What a twat and a 'colour boy' too. Not the sharpest tool in the box though and still pled not guilty, not even the decency to cough to it when he has been caught red handed. Still five years will give him time to reflect.
    16. Chip, It is only the one belly strap that is the nearest bottom right of the first picture. It is in good order for its vintage, I will do you some pics tomorrow. Jock
    17. Nice group, I am glad his buddies took the time to picture his grave (and his mates) and that it has all stayed together. Jock
    18. Guys, Not sure where to post this? Was having a poor day at the markets until I got this for €5 on my last look round, even sweeter was the fact that there were only a handful of stands and I passed a dealer half way round going in the opposite direction and he missed it. It is pretty cool as toys go, you can even fire match sticks out of the cannon. Jock
    19. Xen, That is good info to have. Do the serial numbers date to specific years or could each company that produced the badges start at number 1 with their own product. Is there any documentation to support that one way or the other, I wonder how this was co-ordinated between firms that are known to have produced them particularly when you may not automaticaly have your licence renewed? This would have been dificult enough with todays technoligy. I just don't think we know enough about the RZM and all of its sub departments. On the other side of the coin has anyone outed who and where these were post war made as that should be easier to find I would have thought? I do not want to replicate all of what has been discussed beforehand but as I have seen on many of these fora that it is quite often opinion rather than hard fact, I prefere the later. I am not a member of the forum you have linked as HJ is not my bag but I will give it a spin. Cheers Jock
    20. Xen, I take the point but there is not much known about the RZM post 39ish? Also the licence was an annual renewal so do we know for sure that they did not expand into badges later, it would seem logical as it was not a small firm. If I get more time I shall poke around and see what I can turn up about the firm as i am sure there must be something more out there. What interested me was the configuration of the marking with that small 11 in it which would make it look like a fantasy piece but I was surprised to find that there were certainly paper stamps with the numbers in them as is demonstarted on the RZM site under the Betreibskontrolamt section? Do you know what date is on the M1 licence? I have no time at the moment as I am changing job just now. Cheers. Jock
    21. Guys, From the skip again, not sure what all the bits are and if they are all period, 7 pieces are maker marked or property marked. I did not know the KM had use for horses but it would appear so. One of the straps that would go around the horses belly is 1913 and has another later date of 1915 added. I know there is not much interest in horse stuff but as always to my wifes dismay I could not see it go up the chimney. Jock
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