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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Bernhard, Thanks for the translation, sometimes I can see it and others it is just impossible/incomprehensible. Another sad story then. I find quite often these blown up shots are taken from the postcard size pics to hang on the wall in memorium. I might re-frame him and put him on the wall. Jock
    2. Spolie, Thanyou for the link, my geography is as good as my spelling, hopeless! IG, They have got quite a lot onto a small piece of paper, probably the only thing that survives him to remember him by, this was a junk shop find and sadly there was only these two cards in the whole shop so no chance of anything else to add to his existance. Jock
    3. Guys, I can't remember where I read it but it was a similar theme. It applied to the Army and it stated this style was adopted as a 'war time ecconomy' that was about the gist of it. I am not sure though it was a while back, I do remember it was a post war reference book so may be wrong? Jock
    4. Guys, Again from the weekend. I like helmets in wear. his deinstbrille are quite clear too being a large print. Can't make out the spider writting though! Jock
    5. Guys, This is a big picture busted out of a frame I think (A4 ish size). There messing arrangements seem quite plush? Jock
    6. Guys, Two lads that fell, one at the Somme. The other battlefield is not one I have heard of. Jock
    7. Guys, A nice clear picture of these lads. I wonder if they removed their shoulder straps in mind of security? Jock
    8. Guys, Some young marine lads, I can make out SMS Boon or something similar, and is that a Uboat tally? Jock
    9. Guys, With the horse shoe on his arm he may be something to do with horses? Jock
    10. Guys, These are from today, nothing fancy but the HJ toy making guide is a first for me, Lots of military toys to make like cannon searchlights etc. Jock
    11. Guys, I got this Friday, not my bag but it was cheap and chearful. I remember these things being around in Iraq in 2003, I sold the one I brought back on ebay with a Dragonov scope, wish I had kept them now! Seems to have most of its 'monkeys and parrots' with it? Jock
    12. Guys, I think these guys must have had some sort of training day? Looks like the 'team medic' has been nominated as well? Jock
    13. Larry, I don't know! It seems most of these sort of things that I have found are not filled out more than to confirm the ID of the holder and any payment contributions that were made. Perhaps deemed pointless as the vetran would have his militairpass or soldbuch available? Just a guess though! Jock
    14. Bernhard, Thanks for the info. I am starting to take a closer look at all the old civie pictures as they sometimes have there bars or awards on them, my interest started with the Iron cross in civillian clothes thread. I wonder over the years how many potentialy interesting pictures I have discarded/passed because they were not uniform shots. I will broaden my search from now on! They cost pennies and are quite pleasing to the eye. Jock
    15. Bernhard, Yes got the number but was not aware of history, we have a few jacket with Gibraltar cuffs in the museum at Celle. IG, Thats what I thought so I put it up there, he also has a small medal higher on the collar but these must all predate WW1 I think. Jock
    16. Guys, Only these today, went out too late and it was a poor market only a few stalls, you can't win every time! Jock
    17. Nice grouping, what terrible luck for one family! At least one of the brothers survived. Must have been terrible for the parents getting the news by letter. Jock
    18. Bernhard, Thanks for the clarification. Your countrymen certainly do love their paperwork, nothing has cahnged there then (LOL). Promotion within the British army up to Warrent officer, you get nothing, after that you get a photocopy A4 page that is allegedly the Queens Warrant, I think mine is still in its cadboard tube thing that it came in, the tube thing cost more than the A4 sheet it contained. Still its good to save on costs I suppose! Jock
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