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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Chris, Looking at your link it is very well made! If it was made from scrap parts or original frames and the like I would have thought the EK fraternity would have nailed down where or from what it was manufactured. That is a lot of effort for not a lot of gain, the workmanship appears top notch. If it is a post war creation I wonder how many EK in circulation or in collections that are considered good are actually bent? Period or not it demonstrates the possibilities of what a skilled craftsman can create. I have not seen one of these before now, you would think more would have been seen by the hobby to the point that it was common knowledge or maybe it is and I am just way behind the curve?! Jock
    2. Guys, Just working my way through a €5 'lucky bag'. There is a mass of paper spanning over a century but these bits and bobs are more my bag. Jock
    3. can't make it out: ?W???burg here is a bigger picture if that helps
    4. No real story, retired old girl and husband clearing out their family junk. They have a lot of paperwork for what they are not sure. Could be something or nothing but I love the chase. I shall have to wait and see. Jock
    5. Guys, This is a new one for me, I have of course seen the blue metal tin type, this must be a cheaper expedient measure in cardboard? jock
    6. Guys, I think this is WW1 era due to the frame and style, I think they had boats like this then as well? If i am wrong please put it where it belongs. Cheers Jock
    7. Guys, I can make the date out to be 1904, 6 and 7. Thought the letterheads were quite smart but not really my bag though, I only bought them because it started to rain and if she moved any slower they would have been ruined! Jock
    8. Guys, Got these today, with an invite to her house to look at more stuff! Looking forward to that! Jock
    9. Guys, Thought these may be of use to anyone with a specific interest in the BW. It lists actions, personalities and pictures some of the fallen. Jock
    10. Sorry, I meant the ring is mounted in such a way as you can turn it either way, so now it is correct.
    11. I doubt I will be able to get them but never say never! Jock
    12. Guys, I don't know what it is but the bloke threw all the minis in. I put better shots of the TK on Robins Skull thread, I thought a possible Brunschweig TK since I got it near Brunschweig? I see what you mean about the bones but it is very small and fragile as can be seen from the broken bone? I know it is not junk its just on line one can sometimes get the wrong end of a persons stick. This stuff I bought but often I find stuff in the trash. Jock
    13. IG, by that I guess you mean the middle one, I have turned it the correct way, there is some play on the ring. Cheers Jock
    14. A small TK, possibly Braunschweiger? I wasn't far from there today! The gent threw it in since it had a broken bone, it is small, aprox 6 by 6mm. Jock
    15. The buttons look to have a device on them. Perhaps there lies the answer? I cant make anything out though myself. Is it any clearer in the hand? Jock
    16. Eric, Could this be WW1 era, it is quite heavy, could be zinc over steel but it looks quite crude? Possibly not German? Cheers Jock
    17. Guys, You are quite right it is marked on the L/H/S. Maker: Morltz Stech?, Erelbe?g , 1918. There is a very faint large number 1 on the panel oppsite where the crown mark is. found nothing underneath. Jock
    18. Guys, I thought you all might like this? You see less of these than WW2 passes! Jock
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