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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. They're not bad, it was used as a tool box. I might put a bit of WD40 on it but generally just leave it be.
    2. I am getting to the point of thinking wars never really end they just 'morph' into another one. If WW1 wasn't avoidable at least WW2 should have been off the back of what we should have learned? Man has become like a locust consumming everything, the next wars and the recent wars have been and will be about scarce resourses. Oil, gas and now the new move to Ukraine for the 'bread basket'? I loved the retorhic about only wanting to protect 'ethnic Russian speaking' folk, you couldn't make it up. I wonder if we have another 100 years as a species? Jock
    3. Peter, For sure a bit of a mixed bag. I was happy with the 'riding' boots as they have the wood tacks and steel heel which is common on WW2 period boots anything else is a bonus. Sadly I could not find the second boot from another pair, it had already been scooped up by the digger. I think they came from a barn judging by the straw and horse yokes etc that was with them. There are a lot of running repairs on them all which again leads me to think WW2 period but used post war during that period of 'austerity' the Germans suffered. It was the pair with the slightly higher heel (second to last pic) that I thought could perhaps be female RAD or the likes? My reconing is that they are solidly made but lack any sort of fashionable aspects that you know the women like? The rest just an interesting study of the times? Jock
    4. Rick, Good post, A bit depressing when you look at the news headlines recently, you think we might have learned something but apparently not. Jock
    5. Bernhard, I think you know your fellow countrymen better than me but I think a lot of Germans of a certain era can not throw anything away 'just in case' they need it. amongst the things I find are krankenkasse reciepts, bank statements, mail, receipts etc. Lots date from the 40s until they die today. It must be a German illness. There is always something to find even if it is only a button! Now who is more sick me or the Germans? Unfortunately the more modern kids have no problem binning/selling Opa/Omas stuff. Jock
    6. Paul, At the top 'my loving mother' at the bottom 'wishing you heartfelt goodluck on mothersday War year 1942, sent to you by your son Walter'. Jock
    7. Paul, I have a friend that has an exchange in his house and has run line to various rooms, yes they still work 9 times out of 10. you can test by shorting out the terminals pressing the 'prufetaste' and cranking it over the bells should ring! Jock
    8. Paul, they are not too bad as they appear to have been in a barn, they are very dirty/dusty. Jock
    9. Thanks for the link, I am not able to navigate further than the page it was on as I have no idea about Russian langage. looks like an interesting site for radio Buffs? What is the difference between The P-105m and the P-108m model, is it performance or frequency range etc? I did have a pair of these years ago that we took from an East German ACRV (brand new it was with everything in paper or packaging) gun tractor that was in service with the Iraqi army during Desserst Storm. I gave them away though. Cheers Jock
    10. Guys, Not much about today due to my late start, this is missing the crank handle but is in good overall condition. The speaker and mic inthe handset are the original, often these are replaced with post war produced parts. Jock :
    11. Guys, Had a late start today so not much about but I thought this was ok, I know there are a lot about no doubt but you just don't see them often at least not here! Has that nasty rubbery/plastic smell that the WP stuff smells of. Jock
    12. Bernhard, An egg banjo is a British Military nick name for a 'runny fried egg sandwich', normally brandished in two hands, and when bitten into results in an explosion of egg yoke that will typicaly land on your lap, the following reflex is to move the sandwich away from the body out to a flank and then the free hand cleans the resultant spill in a strumming motion so that you look like you are playing an air guitar or banjo! Hence 'egg banjo'. It is the extent of my culinary skills! I am allowed out to play tomorrow! Have a good weekend too! Jock
    13. Bernhard, Well, I a'm 'grounded' this weekend, I have to do some house work, maybe I will be allowed out to play tomorrow if the house is 'spick n span' tonight! I shall ply the wife with wine and 'egg banjo's' this evening to see if that alters her mood. Jock
    14. Bernhard, Thanks again, I will do my best but I can only post what I can find. Jock
    15. Bernhard, Thank you for your research, I guess all of the paperwork (Op orders) is left over from the pre war years as I think it is all from him as it was in one folder. Shame he has no grave but then so many don't. Honor Roll is quite unusual and posthumus, I have often wondered about the mechanics of it all as I thought the HR was obsolete when DK came into being? Always something new to learn every day. IG, as a fellow Gunner I knew you would apreciate it. Jock
    16. Guys, I was going to post this in the articles section but it is clearly not my work. I thought Lt Jucknies may be amused at his work being published by his former enemies. Seems he was tasked by the CO of IR 88 to prepare this brief! Hope it is of interest! This was amongst the other Op order papers from Sunday, Jock
    17. Larry, Done a search with google pictures , found something similar that was described as on board KM minesweepers used to hold the charges that were used to cut the cables of sea mines? It does have a rather good water tight seal so a possibility? I don't think it is ground forces pioneers as there is normally a lot of these such things available in collections etc, if it were I would have thought it better known? Thank you for the links. Cheers Jock
    18. Bernhard, Thats the problem with wars, the opposition never follow the script, bloody anoying, all that planning for nothing! Losses on any side these days are a shame, you would think that given the last century we may have evolved a bit, ironic I know it is since I have 23 years service but I suppose it is only with age you get a bit wiser. I am now a confirmed pacifist, I distrust all of the politicians that squander our young soldiers lives just because it is harder to not do it. LMF from them all. Chinless twats! Jock
    19. Guys, Yes Hannover makes sense since I am local but I did not understand the relationship between the RAD and the Luftwaffe since it is the same young ladies in the LW caps? Paul, she never gave enough as they still came second! Jock
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