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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Bernhard, I think is like with most Armies the information is there, you just have to relearn the lessons. Bit like us with the convoy drills against the U-boats, and then the US having to discover the same on entry into the war when it should already have been known? I assume alot of what is in there is from WW1 when engaged onthe Russian front then? Jock
    2. Greg, Yes, I'm happy with that but as he is more of a gold and silver man, his selling point was the scrap weight of the cross in silver, I tried to stop him from scraping it on the stone but he did it anyway. He does not seem to have damaged it. Jock
    3. Bernhard, Its just what I find, a bit of luck never goes amiss. You just never know what is going to be there. I have taken a laid back approach now as we go late to the market knowing all the good stuff will be gone but that equally the dealers and fanatics will always miss something, you can't see everything. I think the infantry had these guns because they secertly wanted to be gunners!
    4. Typical German, too effcient so it has to be slowed down, makes sense though. Cheers
    5. Guys, Another book today, it is from Inf Regt 74 at Hameln. I am surprised they are trying to teach the grunts the ways of the wise, surely beyond them? Of note a seperate book was produced for the aluminum fuse as it would have been balistically different when used on the weapon. Jock
    6. Guys, Found this rather interesting appendix to the Infantry vorschrift today about fighting and more importantly surviving in winter conditions, there are too many sketches to show so here are just a few, it is 372 pages long. Jock
    7. Guys, The bottom picture shows the girl in the middle wearing some sort of trade badge with the blitz's and a RAD sleave patch, whats that all about? They are also wearing Luftwaffe caps? Jock
    8. Guys, Here are the rest of the pics from that lot. I have emailed the bloke that owns the website noted above for his thoughts but no rely as yet. Jock
    9. Guys, A spot of luck today. I know this is not everyones bag but I like these sort of things as it is linked to a unit history. My favourite being ex arty is the shooting and movement log from AR214, with 4998 rounds fired and 667km traveled.
    10. Guys, Found on local flee market today. Faint marking of RO&Co L??? Had a bit of a hard life! Jock
    11. Jerry, I know its nothing special but maybe you have something (German) you could swap if you want it? It's not my bag, the bloke threw it in with the EK2. Jock
    12. Sorry mate, never seen them before your thread, have you any more detail on the booklet as it looks like it has a few more pages under the cover? Cheers Jock
    13. He rubbed it on a stone thing and then dropped a liquid on it. I was able to show him with a magnet though that the core was iron so got it down a bit. Jock
    14. Sorry, no idea about who or when or why, possibly a mess function? Jock
    15. Guys, Got it today with a British cap badge. No markings but the frame is silver as the bloke tested it to demonstrate it was real silver. I had to explain the centre is iron so he would not get carried away with the silver value. Pics with and without flash. Jock
    16. Guys, Got this today, these really are quite heavy in the hand. Jock
    17. I have not seen that book or picture before, i will try and get a copy. I doubt I will be able to find out any more since the very fact that these have been skipped means anyone that knew about it is usual dead and the family not interested. Cheers Jock
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