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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. I think much more likely that it is the Karlsruhe based Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 20. Regards Glenn
    2. Paul, the letter from the Regimental Commander enclosing the EK2 is signed by Oplm winner Oberst Max v. Schlechtendal. Regards Glenn
    3. Doktor Lieber's all too brief entry in the 1914 Prussian Court and State Handbook which shows him as a Rechtsanwalt practicing in the town of Rüdesheim. Although a Bavarian reserve officer, Dr. Lieber was a Prussian citizen born in the province of Hessen-Nassau. A Leutnant der Reserve since 11.2.08, the Court and State does not show his Bavarian Landwehr 2nd Class Long Service Decoration or the Prinz-Regent Luitpold Jubilee Medal seen in the photograph. Glenn
    4. Andy, The pre-war Ranglisten used the abbreviation BMV4 for awards without the crown and BMV4mKr for awards with the crown. The abbreviation BM is for the Michael. Glenn
    5. Looking at the map in "Der Weltkrieg", volume 14, I would surmise units of 30. Infanterie-Division (251 Divisions places them at Villers-Guislan also). Presumably a unit of 60. Infanterie-Brigade: 2. Oberrheinisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 99 Kgl. Sächs. 6. Infanterie-Regiment König Wilhelm II. von Württemberg Nr. 105 4. Unter-Elsässisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 143 Glenn
    6. What to do when even the Prussian Rangliste could be wrong? Daniel Krause and I were looking at this one the other day. Captioned as Major Schmoller in Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 5 in Joachim Hilsenbeck's "Deutsche Offiziershelme" Band 2. Ok, lets check him out and a quick check in the Army List to confirm shows said Herr Schmoller from 1910 onwards as the recipient of a Bavarian Saint Michaels 4th Class. Hmmm!! And still shown with a BM4a in Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 13 in 1914. Presumably Major Schmoller did not bother ever reading the thing! After trawling the Militär-Wochenblätter of 1909 with no success, fortunately I found that he was in fact granted the permission to wear the Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th Class as gazetted in the 1 January 1910 MWB. Friedrich Schmoller eventually commanded Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 13 and retired as an Oberstleutnant. Glenn
    7. At the time of his pre-war awards, he was still a military official; veterinarians not being accorded the status of officers until 1 April 1910. And in fact as a reservist at this time, Herr Bertram did not convert to officer status until 16 June 1911 with a Patent as an Oberveterinär of 22.11.04 Glenn
    8. Now that makes sense. There appears to have been a hideous mix-up in many of the period publications. Franz Albert Philibert Wilhelm born 4 July 1860 is listed as an Oberleutnant a.D. in the Gotha. Dr. Albert Philibert Franz born 18 May 1862 (the eminent psychiatrist) is unfortunately listed as a retired Schutztruppen Kompanie-Führer!!!! Regards Glenn
    9. He is a bit confusing, this one. The 1909 Gotha confirms he was a medical doctor and former Schutztruppen Company Leader but the 1914 Reichsmedizinalkalender which shows him in München, lists no decorations and appears to show him qualifying as a medical doctor in 1888. The 1928 "wer ists" does not even mention any military service? Glenn
    10. Chris, Then no. I have yet to come across a DAL that specifically lists reserve officers although DAL C lists "Kriegsoffiziere". I will have a look in the 1943 DAL C I have but it is unindexed and may take a wee while. Regards Glenn
    11. Chris, do you believe him to have been an E-Offiziere at some time in the thirties? He is not listed in 1937. Regards Glenn
    12. Watching this thread whilst on my travels but now back home and looking at a copy of Louis Adalbert Mila's "Geschichte der Bekleidung und Ausrüstung der Königlich Preußischen Armee in den Jahren 1808 bis 1878". Sub Paragraph 708: Interims-Frack Worn from 1808 to 1856. Same cut as the Parade-Frack (parade tunic) but lacking the embroidery on the collars and cuffs. Until 1814, two rows of buttons and from then on. one row of buttons. Regards Glenn
    13. And considerably more. Unfortunately my silent and rapid overhead lightweight USB scanner had a major malfunction. However, it was during this trip that I discovered just how good the IPAD camera is for photographing pages from books. Glenn
    14. Rangliste der Intendanturbeamten des Deutschen Reichsheeres.......1912. The list of the military logistics officials in all branches and contingents as at 25 May 1912.
    15. Dienstaltersliste II zur Stellenbesetzung des Heeres 1943. Which lists basically the former supplementary officers (E-Offiziere), pretty much the reactivated imperial re-treads. A sample page showing veterinary officers in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel is below.
    16. Rangliste der mittleren Laufbahn der Kgl. Pr. Zoll- und Steuerverwaltung 1905. The customs officials' list of 1905.
    17. Die Königliche Schutzmannschaft zu Berlin 1898 - 1908. This was the supplementary volume to much more widely available first volume which cobered the period 1848-1898. Here is a nice portrait of the commander in 1908 - Polizei-Oberst Paul Hoefft.
    18. Just back from my twice yearly foraging trip to Berlin and came back with some rather rare tomes to add to the collection. Some examples: Bekleidungsordnung für die örtliche Verwaltung der Zölle und indirekten Steuern 1913 (Customs clothing regulations). This plate showing the epaulette and shoulder board of an Oberzollkontrolleur. Interestingly, although officials, the customs Beamten wore rank stars and not rosettes like most officials.
    19. I think more likely an Army Garrison Administration or Proviantamts Beamter. Difficult to ascertain the branch piping. Naval officials wore naval style uniforms. Glenn
    20. Sascha, Rick, This guy was a bit troublesome! Notwithstanding, that I did not recognise the "Stickerei" on this official's collar, the indeterminate time frame left quite a number of years to choose from. Daniel and I chatted about what appear to be lightening bolts on the collar and we surmised that he could possibly be an early Telegraph official. The next problem was that no one really fitted the bill in the Prussian Court and State Handbooks that I have. However, this morning, I was in the Berlin State Library and was able to check some of the missing years ........and in the smaller 1885/86 edition, there he was. The listing of an ME2 is in error as earlier additions do not show it. I have yet to determine a first name. Herr Telegraphendirektor Zappe retired just after this entry as he does not appear in the "full" 1886 edition and I believe he died in 1893. Glenn
    21. Rick, you might find this interesting: Fresh off the scanner at the Berlin State Library this afternoon from the "Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswärtigen Dienstes 1871-1945" Band 3. Glenn
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