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    Everything posted by SergioV

    1. Rocket for me is original, but a i am not an expert anyway i need some help for this badge, original od copy?
    2. Gents if is possible i need help about these badges about the originality, different variations etc.. any suggestions?
    3. thanks for the pictures Nick i saw in streming on pc
    4. ok gentlemen saw that this section is a bit dormant I propose a new question... What the photo shows? belonged to which nation?
    5. Hi Nick thank you for share
    6. Hello people, I show you a new entry in my collection, three badges of Pilot Cosmonaut first, second and third class .. From the little info that I have, the third class was assigned by the Commander of the Air Force for the first space flight the second class was assigned by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR for two space flights, and the first class was assigned by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, for three space flights. On June 19, 1983, Order No. 161, the Ministry of Defense of the USSR changed this provision. The third class was assigned for the first flight in space, the second class was assigned for three space flights, and the first class was assigned for five space flights and for exemplary performance, as conducting missions with particular complexity and long lasting. « Знаки классности летчиков-космонавтов СССР » MMD Mintmark
    7. Yes BURGERHAUS you are correct you are the winner so feel free to ask the next new question
    8. Thank you Paul another easy question, I'd like to know who is the gentleman in the picture
    9. Order of the Red Star I Class from Bukhara 1922 Order of the Republic from Tuva 1943
    10. Good Paul Brezhnev was a lover of military/civil decorations and jealous of those who owned Zukhov that's why he was made to attribute a lot of medals, the same number of stars as a hero and one more "hero of socialist labour" to overcome Zukhov and even the order of the victory that had no reason to be assigned because it was not a time of war Paul well you won now it's your turn to do the next question.
    11. well Lukasz I take the ball to mention the highest honor of the Soviet The order of Victory. A beautiful jewel of just 72mm at the top, platinum gold and silver studded with Diamonds and Rubies to be precise 174 diamonds and synthetic rubies 5 (to have a more uniform red color , rubies are always different in nature have shades ) . It was granted only to Generals and Marshals that have been active in the victorious battle that took part in one or more armed and with the success of an operation on one or more sides. After the death of a holder of this honor , decoration had to return to the state. The medals are now kept in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow . All orders delivered to the Soviet military leaders , as well as the badge of the Order, delivered to the Marshal Rola - Zymierski ( Polish) are kept in the Diamond Fund of Russia. The Order is delivered to the Eisenhower Memorial Museum in Abilene, Kansas. The Order of the Marshal Tito is exhibited at the Museum " May 25th " in Belgrade . The Order of the Marshal Montgomery is showing the Imperial War Museum in London. Only an order of "Victory" , which once belonged to the King of Romania Michail , is in a private collection. According to some , was sold at auction by one of the relatives of the dictator Ceausescu . Estimated value of the order in 1945 was £ 3,750 . Estimated value of the order in 2010 ~ $ 5,000,000 In his story , he was given only twenty times in thirteen personality ( plus five foreign leaders ) , with only one case of revocation. but come to us and to the questions of Soviet Quiz - Since you like old photos would be nice to see a picture of each personality honored with the Order of Victory. - I would like to know who and especially why? the order is revoked - And if anyone has info on who owns in private collection the Order
    12. countries belonging to the Warsaw Pact were eight (Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania Soviet Union) the last should be DDR Colonel General Heinz Keßler the smiling general i dont know..
    13. Hi nice picture and nice question i try to answer Polish General and 1st President of Poland Republic Wojciech Jaruzelski Marshal of the Soviet Union Viktor Kulikov commander of the Warsaw Pact General of the Army of the Soviet Union Anatoly Gribkov and in the shadow the Chief of the Romanian Army Vasile Milea The photo was taken in Warsaw in 1986 during the meeting of the State Committee of the Warsaw Pact, December 1 to 3
    14. yes Ferdinand is right, the third document on mondvor website is what i was searching
    15. Badge of Internationalist Soldier A badge to reward the soldiers of the armed forces of the Soviet Union , formed on 28 December 1988for participation in campaigns abroad. It is not a Medal Afghani but as I said the Soviet Union, was given to the service China, Spain, Mongolia , Korea, Cuba , Algeria, Egypt , Yemen, Vietnam , Syria, Angola, Ethiopia and the last time, after the war in Afghanistan, with a total of 505 083 Badges accompanied by gramota of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet . The Badge designed as a five-pointed star , red with white trim , superimposed on a laurel wreath. At the center of the star is a ball of blue, the background of the globe overlaid with a handshake , there is an inscription " soldier - internationalist ." and down a small shield with the inscription " USSR " . The suspension has a rectangular screw mount and a red ribbon . I show you my badge and the gramota « воину интернационалисту » has been assigned to Podborochinsky Stepan Petrovich Given by the Supreme Soviet is signed (signed print) by President Mikhail Gorbachev and the Secretary - Menteshashvili Tengiz Nikolaevich
    16. Hi Nick nice group about Afghanistan, my little contribution is this... Here's my Medal of Gratitude of the People of Afghanistan with assignment document in two languages​​, Russian and Pashto (the language Afghani) Assigned to: Skvorodnev Alexander Anatolevich Given by: Military Unit 20523
    17. There is someone who has the rare documents with the signatures of the President and Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Murmansk City Council of Deputies?
    18. Gentlemen, I show you my Medal for the Defense of the Soviet Polar Region with the document of assignment «За оборону Советского Заполярья» Assigned to: Куничкин ...... Kunichkin Виктор ...... Victor Ефримович ...... Efrimovich Given by: Владивостокский Городской военкомат ...... Recruitment Office City of Vladivostok Подполковник Чеков ...... Lieutenant Colonel Chekov
    19. wow fantastic picture and info thanks for share Nick
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