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Everything posted by SergioV
Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskowa Duke of Elchingen
SergioV replied to ColinRF's topic in Military Art
Amazing work -
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal for 65 Years of WW2
SergioV replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
I show my Jubilee Medal for 65 years of the victory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Var 1 (MMD) « 65 лет Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг. » The Document of the Russian Federation Assigned to: Кумарев ...... Kumarev Валентин ...... Valentin Варфaломеевич ...... Varfalomeevich Awarded by: Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Российской Федераций ...... Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation в Латвийской Республике ...... in the Republic of Latvia А.А. Вешняков ...... A.A. Veshnjakov -
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal for 65 Years of WW2
SergioV replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
And now I show you the documents Russian Federation Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan -
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal for 65 Years of WW2
SergioV replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
From the collecting point of view, this medal is interesting because it was not produced only by the Mint of the Russian Federation but also by some CIS states Mintspecifically from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, then there are five variants of the medal, while as regards the documents there are four types. Below I show you the five variants of the Medal MMD (Moscow Mint) SPMD (St. Petersburg Mint) Ukraine Mint Belarus Mint Kazakhstan Mint -
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal for 65 Years of WW2
SergioV replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
seems to come from the Ukrainian mint -
Thank you for the informations Frank
if I see one I'll whistle
Soviet 25th Anniversary of the GPW
SergioV replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
The Rare Blue Document Assigned to: Инж. полковник ...... Ing Colonel Орлов ...... Orlov Петр ...... Peter Петрович ...... Petrovich Awarded by: Министерство Обороны СССР ...... Ministry of Defense of the USSR Маршал Советского Союза ...... Marshal of the Soviet Union А. Гречко ...... A. Grechko -
Soviet 25th Anniversary of the GPW
SergioV replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
My little badge of the 25th anniversary of Victory with the normal document and with the rare blu document « 25 лет победы в войне 1941-1945 » The Document Assigned to: майор ...... Major Марухин ...... Marukhin Иван ...... Ivan Иванович ...... Ivanovich Given by: Министерство Обороны СССР ...... Ministry of Defense of the USSR Маршал Советского Союза ...... Marshal of the Soviet Union А. Гречко ...... A. Grechko -
Fake General Comments and discussion about fakes
SergioV replied to JimZ's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Rocket che piacere vederti, potrebbe essere un duplicato, i primi non avevano la Д e a mio avviso non ha senso falsificare questa medaglia con il seriale stampato, se avesse avuto il seriale inciso a mano con la famosa N iniziale e una sospensione rettangolare con nastro rosso forse avresti avuto ragione, ma in questo caso a mio modesto avviso hai solo trovato un duplicato. ma sentiamo cosa ne pensano gli esperti --- Rocket it's a pleasure to see you, it might be a duplicate, the first version did not have the Д and in my opinion it makes no sense to falsify this medal with the serial number printed, if he had the serial hand-engraved with the famous N initial and a rectangular suspension with red ribbon maybe you'd have been right, but in this case, in my humble opinion you've just found a duplicate. but let's hear what the experts think -
Fake General Comments and discussion about fakes
SergioV replied to JimZ's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
thank you very much Nick it's amazing, you know that for little money some shady characters create orders and badges as if they were assembling Lego and some unsuspecting collectors fall into the trap.. -
Fake General Comments and discussion about fakes
SergioV replied to JimZ's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
compared with another badge the enamel look different but the serial number is perfect.. somebody said that probably the metal ribbon was changed.. -
Fake General Comments and discussion about fakes
SergioV replied to JimZ's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Gentlemen's what do you think about this? -
Soviet Medal for Distinguished Service
SergioV replied to Gerd Becker's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
ohh grazie Nick I did not know this name before -
Beautiful Order..
Soviet Medal for Distinguished Service
SergioV replied to Gerd Becker's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
« За Отличие В Воинской Службе » II степени The Document Assigned to: Прапорщик ...... Ensign Тертычнй ...... Tertychny Владимир ...... Vladimir Степанович ...... Stepanovich Awarded by: начальника Харьковского ...... Head of the Kharkiv Высший военный колледж авиации пилоты ...... The Supreme Military College of Aviation Pilots полковник В. Осипов ...... Colonel V. Osipov -
Soviet Medal for Distinguished Service
SergioV replied to Gerd Becker's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
My Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st and 2nd class with documents « За отличие в воинской службе » I степени The Document Assigned to: Прапорщик ...... Ensign Мультан ...... Multan Николай ...... Nicolaij Петрович ...... Petrovich Awarded by: Командант в / ч Войскова часть 19178 ...... Commander Military Unit 19173 Полковник А. Барков ...... Colonel A. Barkov -
Assigned to: Ничиков ......... Nichikov Владимир ......... Vladimir Александрович ......... Aleksandrovich Conferred by: Секретарь ......... Secretary of the Oблисполкома ......... Executive Committee Е. Серикбаев .......... E Serikbaev