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    Gerd Becker

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    Everything posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Wow, i missed this completely. Ed, fantastic collection of Family Medals. You are very lucky to take care of these treasures. Thanks for sharing them here. Gerd
    2. I would say, from the precendence of the awards on the Medalbar, he was a Prussian with heart and soul.
    3. This was researched over the unnumbered Military Merit Medal. Its possible to research them, if you have the ordersbook of the recipient. 1985 OGPW?s are unresearchable. Gerd
    4. www.Historical-prophecy.com is still free, Dave Rick, could you please move this thread and the one with the Zholmukanov-group (Sino-Soviet Friendship) to the Researched Award Forum?
    5. Wow, i totally missed this one. What a beautiful bar!!! Lets see a picture of the restored condition, Joe.
    6. Hi Ron and welcome, i would get them researched in this order: Red Banner + OGPW 2nd class pair (totally agree with you, first canditate) Red Banner 89350 Valor Medal 444954 Military Merit Medal 293832 Red Banner 354569 (probably a Long Service award, but 20 years career can have a lot of interesting events and details) Red Star 714684 Nice group, btw Gerd
    7. Thank you! I have seen the document, but didnt?relate it to this group yet. For anyone interested, here is the link: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...ost&p=98447 best, Gerd
    8. Thanks so much, Rick. Great info, i didn?t even know about the Situation in Western Ukraine in 1949. No, you haven?t posted Grinenko?s medals yet, as far as i can see. Please do so, when you find the time. Thanks again Gerd
    9. Here is an overview of his citation , as far as i could translate it: "Comrade Vasily Mikhailovich Shtibel?s participated in the partriotic war in the 330th Rifle Regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front as a machine gunner. during the fightings on th 27th of January 1945 he was heavily wounded in the soft parts of his right and left shin. He was treated in Evacuation Hospital Nr. 5412 and was demobilized into the reserve after his recovery. He presently works as a senior-conductor in the railroads, he is honest.... Deserves to be awarded the "Medal for Bravery"
    10. Award Record Card Obviously the only thing missin to this little group is the Victory over Germany Medal Thanks again , Chris Boonzaier for this nice little group
    11. And, surprise, surprise, Dave was spot on: FINALLY an award for wounds!
    12. Jacky, all of them are okay in my opinion. I can?t say anything to the prices, as i am not up to date with them, sorry. The Lippe-Detmold Cross is a very nice one, btw. best, Gerd
    13. You just have to love the design of this Medal Great Example! Sal, thats a nice 1st class
    14. Hi Jason, i like it. I think, the two LS-awards aren?t a problem in this case, as it was probably an Enlisted Rank(15year-cross), which became an Officer(25 year cross) later and just decided to wear both of his LS-awards, i guess. The Crown-Order is definately an old one (small crown) and the awards and bars on the bar are all real in my opinion. The construction of the bar looks very good too. Lets see, what the others say... best, Gerd
    15. His citation tells us, he was a telephone-operator of the 1st Mortar Company of the 922th Rifle Regiment of the 250th Rifle Division, which was in the 35th Rifle Corps/3rd Army/1st Belorussian Front: "Military order to 922nd Infantry Red Banner Regiment of 250th Infantry Bobrujsk Red Banner and order of Suvorov Division # 0114/N May 16, 1945 Active Army On behalf of the Presidium of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the following people awarded with: ---Military Merit Medal--- ... 2. Telephone operator of the 1st mortar company, private Zhulmukanov Boris for his actions displayed in battles during eliminating of surrendered German troops south-eastern to Berlin on April 25, 1945. When Germans started a counter attack near important highway Frankfurt-Berlin, private Zhulmukanov provided constant phone connection with the observation point. Despite heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire he personally fixed 7 cuts of the phone line. Born in 1926, Kazakh, Youth Communist League member, in Red Army since 22 November 1944, recruited from Chapaevsky District Military Office of Western Kazakhstan Region. Home address: Western Kazakhstan Region, Chapaevsky District, Inbeksky village community, collective-farm (kolkhoz) Intaly." (Thanks to Andrei for the translation ) Probably he changed his forename from Baktibay to Boris to make it easier for his officers. I wish, i?d get his service record to learn about his service in Korea...
    16. I have the Ukaz for his Long Service MMM and a 3 page citation for the numbered MMM, thankfully typed, if there are any volunteers, please let me know. I am working through it letter for letter with an online translator, but i?ll get it properly translated as soon as i recovered from my research-bill.
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