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Soviet Russian Abbreviations
Gerd Becker posted a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi gentlemen, i found this list of abbreviations on another forum and i thought, it could be useful in the future. Please add the one, you know. A - Administration ABTU - Avto-Brone-Tankovoe Upravlenie - the Truck-Armor-Tank Directorate, also see the GABTU. AKFD - Archive of film and photographic documents. AMTORG - Amerikanskaya Torgovlya - Trade Company with USA. Artkom - Artillerijskiy Komitet - the Artillery Committee. ASSR - Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. BCPX - All-Russia Trade Union of Chemical Industry Workers. BCXB & BDHX - Exhibition of Successes of the Soviet Agriculture, BCXB CCCP, later BDHX CCCP. BOT - Bronirovannaya Ognevaya Tochka - Armored Firing Point ChKZ - Chelyabinskiy Kirovskiy Zavod - the Kirov Factory in Chelyabinsk. ChTZ - Chelyabinskiy Traktorniy Zavod - the Tractor Factory in Chelyabinsk. CMVS - Centralniy Muzei Voorushennikh Sil - Central Museum of the Armed Forces. DOBROKhIM - Society of Friends of Chemical Defense and Chemical Industry DOSAAF - Dobrovolhnoe Obxestvo Sodeistvi? Armii Aviacii i Flotu - voluntary society of assistance to army, aviation and navy. DT - Degtyarev Tankoviy - the machine-gun developed by V.A.Degtyarev. ENSV - Eesti Nuokogoude Sosialistemaaks Vabariig (Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic). GAZ - Gorkovskiy Avromobilnij Zavod - the Gorkij Automobile Factory. GAU - Glavnoe Artilleristkoye Upravlenie - the Chief Artillery Department. GABTU - Glavnoe Avto-Brone-Tankovoe Upravlenie - the Chief Truck-Armor-Tank Directorate. GBTU - Glavnoe BroneTankovoe Upravlenie - the Chief Tank Department. GIRD - Gruppa po Izucheniyu Reaktivnogo Dvizhenia - Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion. GKB - Glavnoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Chief Design Bureau. GPU - Glavnoye Politicheskoye Upravleniye - State Political Administration (secret police), also see OGPU. GKO - Gosudarstvennij Komitet Oboroniy - the State Defense Committee. GOKO - see the GKO. GULAG - Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei - Main Council of Prisoner Camps. GUVP - Glavnoe Upravlenie Voennoi Promyshlennosti - Main Council of Military Industry. HTO - Научное и Общество Текникал - Scientific and Tecnical Society. KA - usually Krasnaya Armiya - Red Army. KB - Konstruktorskoe Buro - Design Bureau. KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti - Committe of State Security KhPZ - Kharkovskij Parovozostroitelnij Zavod - Kharkov Locomotive Factory. Komsomol (TsK VLKSM) - A youth political organization. KVVMU - Kaliningrad Higher Naval School KVVMY - Red Banner Vladivostok Higher Naval School. KVZhD - Kitaisko-Vostochnaya Zheleznaya Doroga - the Eastern-Chinese Rail Road. KTZ - Kirovskij Tankovij Zavod - the Kirov Tank Factory. LIAP - Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instruments. MAI - Moscow aviation institute. MIFI - Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering. MMU - Murmansk Maritime School (fishing fleet) MVIMU - Murmansk Higher School of Navy Engineers. MODVF - Moscow Society of Friends of the Air-Fleet. Narkom - Narodniy Komissar - Peoples' Commissar (equal to Minister) Narkomat - Narodniy Komissariat - Peoples' Commissariat (equal to Ministry). Narkomfin - People's Commissariat of finance. Narkomiust - People's Commissariat of justice. Narkomnats - People's Commissariat for nationalities. Narkompros - People's Commissariat of education. Narkomtrud - People's Commissariat of labour. Narkomvoenmor - Narodniy Komissar po Voennim i Morskim Delam - Peoples' Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. NKB - Naucho-konstruktorskoye Byuro - the Research Design Bureau. NKO - Narodnyi Kommisariat Oborony - the People's Commissariat of Defense. NKSM - Narodnyi Kommisariat Srednego Mashinostroeniya - the People's Commissariat of the Medium Machine-Building. NKV - Narodnyi Kommisariat Vooruzhenij - the People's Commissariat of Armaments. NKVM - Narodnyi Kommisariat Voennogo Mashinostroeniya - the People's Commissariat of the War Machine-Building. NKVD - Narodnyi Kommisariat Vnutrennikh Del - the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. NKTP - Narodij Komissariat Tankovoj Promyslennosti - the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry. NTK - Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy Komitet - the Scientific-Technical Committee. OAT - Orudiino-Arsenal'nyi Trest - Artillery Arsenal Trust. ODVA - Otdel'naya Dalnevostochnaya Armiya - Independent Far East Army. ODVF - Society of Friends of the Air-Fleet. OGPU - Ob'edinennoye Glavnoye Politicheskoye Upravleniye - Unified State Political Administration (secret police), also see GPU OKB - Opytno-Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Pilot Design Bureau. OKDVA - Osobaya Krasnoznamennaya Dal'nevostochnaya Armiya - ("Special Red Banner Far East Army") OSOAVIAKhIM - Obshestvo Sodeistviya Oborone, Aviatzionnomy i Khimicheskomy Stroitel'stvu - The Association for Assistance of Defense, Aircraft and Chemical Development. OTTPP - Otdelniy Tyazhelij Tankovij Polk Proriva - Independent Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment (also see TTPP). PVKhO - Ready for Anti-Aircraft and Chemical Defense. RGAKFD - Rossijskii Gosudarstvennii Arkhiv Kino-Foto-Dokumentov - Russian State Archive of Films and Photo Documents. RGAE - Rossijskii Gosudarstvennii Arkhiv Ekonomiki - Russian State Archive of Economy. RGK - Rezerv Glavnogo Komandovaniya - a Reserve of the High Command. RKKA - Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya - the Army of Workers and Peasants, or simply the Red Army. RKKVF - Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnayy Vozdushnyy Flot - Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Force. RKP(b) - Russian Communist Party (of the bolsheviks). RKSM - Russian Communist Union of Youth RLKSM from 1924, and VLKSM from 1926. RSFSR - Rossijskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Federativnaya Sovetskaya Respublika - Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, one of 15 Soviet republics. Today, it is Russian Federation. RVS - (or Revvoensovet) Revolutionniy Voennij Sovet - the Revolutionary Military Council. RVGK - Rezerv Verkhovnogo Glavnokomandovaniya - see RGK. SAP - Samokhodno-Artillerijskij Polk - the Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment SKB - Samostoyatelnoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Independent Design Bureau SNK - Sovet Narodnikh Komissarov - the Council of Peoples' Commissars (Council of Ministers) Sovnarkomsee the SNK STZ - Stalingradskij Traktornij Zavod - the Stalingrad Tractor Factory TSAP - Tyazhelij Samokhodno-Artillerijskij Polk - the Heavy Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment TsK VKP(b) - Tsentral'niy Komitet Vsesojuznoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii (bolshevikov) - the Central Comittee of the All-Union Communist Party (of bolsheviks), later VKP(b) was renamed to CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) TTPP - Tyazhelij Tankovij Polk Proriva - the Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment TsAKB - Tsentral'noye Artillerijckoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Central Artillery Design Bureau UZTM - Uralskiy Zavod Tyazhelogo Mashinostroyeniya - the Ural Heavy Machine-Building Factory. UMMA - or UMM RKKA Upravlenie Motorizatzii i Mekhanizatzii Armii - the Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. VChK - All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for combatting counter-revolution and sabotage. VIKZhEL - All-Union executive committee of railway trade unions. VIM BTVT - Voenno-Istoricheskij Musej Bronetankovogo Vooruzheniya i Tekhniki - the Military-Historical Museum of Armored Transporters and Tanks. VKP(b) - All-Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). VOAO - Vsesoiuznoe Orudiino-Arsenal'noe Ob'edineniye - All-Union Artillery Arsenal Association. VOKhR - Voiska Vnutrennei Okhrany Respubliki -Troops of Internal Security of the Republic VOKS - All-Union society for cultural links with foreign countries. VSNKh - Vysshiy Sovet Narodnogo Khozyaistva - the Supreme Soviet of the People's Economy. VTsIK - All-Russian central executive committee. VTsSPS - All-Russian central council of trade unions. YaAZ - Yaroslavskij Avtomobilniy Zavod - the Yaroslavskiy Automoblile Factory. BCXB & BDHX - Exhibition of Successes of the Soviet Agriculture, BCXB CCCP, later BDHX CCCP OKDVA - Special Red Banner Eastern Army PVKO - "Ready for Anti-Aircraft and Chemical Defense"? Komsomol (VLKSM), RKSM..........etc. HTO - Научное и Общество Текникал - Scientific and Tecnical Society -
One thing is sure, i would never have been an archivist at this times. Also seems to have been a very paranoic system with that question asked (and for sure much more personally, before they were allowed to enter service) I am glad, that the citations are typed, so i am maybe able to translate parts of it myself. What exactly will be part of a research, when i get the award card and the citation for the researched order. Are Citations the same like the German "Urkunden" or will it describe the act of heroism or act of duty the Order was awarded for? If you were in the party, did that speed up your career? For sure, or not? And if you answered the questions with the Tsarist Army or the White Forces, that was the end of your career, right?
Interesting Medal and great to see a picture of one in wear. I can add also a picture of ALL the above shown awards
Luftwaffe 40 Year Long service Cross.
Gerd Becker replied to J Temple-West's topic in Wehrmacht Medals, Decorations & Awards
I am allways stunned, when i see these both bars of you, Rick. John, the 40 years Mini is lovely and the whole picture is excellent. Gerd -
Soviet Labor Awards of the USSR
Gerd Becker replied to Gerd Becker's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
This is the Medal for Distinguished Labor. Like the Medal for Valiant Labor its a Type 2 Variation 2 unnumberd and earlier version were numbered. -
Soviet Labor Awards of the USSR
Gerd Becker replied to Gerd Becker's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
The next one is a Medal for Valiant Labor Type 2 Variation 2 (unnumbered) These are made from silver and have very nice enamel. Earlier version were numbered. -
Awesome bars, guys. jumping John, the NSDAP-Set and the little 12+4 years with Lapel bow are just beautiful. Gerd
Soviet City Jubilee Medals
Gerd Becker replied to a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
You did post it before, Darrel. It was my fault :speechless-smiley-004: Thanks to Rick for putting this threads in one. Gerd -
DPRK= Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea jumping I should have made a websearch before posting :speechless-smiley-004:
I could not agree more, Rick. But at least some countries started to think about Nuclear energy and some changes were made. Not that much we wish for ourselfs, but though. I remember the day of the Desaster like it was yesterday. Gerd
You are right, of course. :speechless-smiley-004: Thanks for clarification, Rick. This is the one, you mentioned.
Next one is the Order of the National Flag 3rd class. I have a 2nd class with document in the mail and i will post them when they arrive.
Next one is the Order of Labor, like the Order above a very heavy badge. I wonder, how they were able to wear a jacket full of these badges. :speechless-smiley-004:
Another collecting line of mine are other Communist Orders and i started, more per accident with North Korean Awards. This one is the Order of the 20th anniversary of the DPRK( Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea)
That was really a cheap award for the hard work they did at the reactor. I would expect that they at least got an Order, maybe a Labor award. Even the Labor Medals are nicer. Not meant in a bad way, Darrel. I will of course add on to my collection too, as its a part of the history. I just wonder, why they got such an ugly thing. Gerd
Hi everyone, i am wondering, how it was handled, when a unit (for example) gets a collective award. Was there actually an numbered order issued with booklet and all and did these appear on the market already? I have seen a group with an Order of Friendship to the People including a "wearers copy". What was this for? (if it existed at all) Gerd
Soviet 1970 Lenin Jubilee Medals
Gerd Becker replied to a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
I have checked all available dealer sites and my archive and i cannot find this medal. But i will keep my eyes open to find it. Gerd -
Soviet 1970 Lenin Jubilee Medals
Gerd Becker replied to a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Rick what is the medal under his Medal bar? Gerd -
Soviet 1970 Lenin Jubilee Medals
Gerd Becker replied to a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Thanks, Rick. McDaniels says, that the Military version was awarded probably less than 1.000.000 times. And of the Labor version "Millions". Do you have more precise numbers, especially for the labor version`? Gerd