No Ed. This is your typical thought on the subject for anything German. My thoughts are that you don't avoid eBay or any other selling site. The important thing is, as with all collecting, that you know your subject and history. Research and learn, that's the basis for knowing what's right from wrong. At times we all have cock-ups, but we learn to avoid them. E-bay has brought to my collection many nice pieces that I know are true, but before bidding I researched and made sure the item was correct. My first purchases of Imperial German were on E-bay back in 2001, and they were from a well known senior Mederator that's on this forum. Maybe I was lucky with my first buy's, but that someone was a guiding light for my further collecting themes and knowledge. By belonging to, and being actively involved in forums such as GMIC, you learn from others and in return pass your experiences on to new collectors. That is what is happening in this thread. Don't knock it Ed but try to get actively involved instead of trying to disrupting it. Regards, Mike