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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. Thought this might be of interest? https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/cy/request/737076/response/1769491/attach/html/3/FOI2021 02914.pdf.html
    2. I think some of the Australian ones are quite appealing?
    3. I couldn’t agree more, truly awful looking thing!!! Really I thought they looked ok? But am open to discussing any examples you’d like to share? ? I always thought that American ones looked tacky, but even they are nicer than the EU ones! I maybe being totally bias here, but no country can hold a light to British medals (Jubilee medals excluded, I hasten to add).
    4. Well nearly a year on since this article, claiming such an award could be issued as early as September 2020? With numerous other countries having already awarded a medal. But as far as I’m aware there has been no further mention of it in the U.K.? Had a little tinker about with what it could have looked like.... Thought the ribbon should be green for the virus, perhaps? Gold on the edges for the effort made fighting it? The 5 red stripes are for the army, navy, RAF, ambulance and police services (scope for two more if the Fire & Prison services need including?) Thought it would only be issued to services that already have a medals concept?
    5. Mile End pogrom a week after the battle of Cable Street. I suspect Constable LAMBERT, would have been involved in the police response to this as well. Certainly an overlooked if not forgotten piece of East End pre WW2 history... https://romanroadlondon.com/mile-end-pogrom-battle-of-cable-street/
    6. Thanks Dave, I don’t suppose you took a photo did you? I’ve scoured the net and can only find pictures of miniatures?
    7. Have seen two examples so far, North Wales Police Northampton Police Has anyone seen any others?
    8. Has anyone seen a full size example of this medal? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_Honorary_Police_Long_Service_and_Good_Conduct_Medal
    9. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/amp/prince-charles-asked-to-support-covid-medal-245159/
    10. Can anyone confirm for me the order of wear for this medal, in respect of whether it comes before or after any long Service Medal?
    11. https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/people/key-workers-deserve-a-medal-for-efforts-during-covid-19-pandemic-says-northamptonshires-chief-constable-3185945?amp
    12. Courtier joined in March 1888. A Division sent a contingent of officers to H Division to assist in the hunt for the ripper. These officers were mainly young in service Bobbies, perhaps your chap was one of them? 34 uniformed officers originally detailed for patrols in Trafalgar Square (A division) remained in Whitechapel and were still there in the summer of 1889. More information available here... https://forum.casebook.org/forum/ripper-discussions/police-officials-and-procedures/general-police-discussion/9702-police-reinforcements
    13. Constable 446 Maxell GROOME South Yorkshire Police. Police Constable Maxwell ‘Max’ Derek Charles GROOME was born during 1957 in Nottingham. He grew up in the village of Great Bowden near Market Harborough in Leicestershire. He joined the South Yorkshire Police and was stationed at Woodseats Police Station in the very late 70's into the early 80's. He was on duty in uniform at the Hillsborough Football Stadium on 15th April 1989 for the FA Cup Semi-Final between Liverpool & Nottingham Forest. By 1989 he had policed over 140 football matches, half of which were at Hillsborough. For that match he was stationed within the stadium and was initially in front of the Spion Kop where the Nottingham Forest Fans were. At around 3:10pm he realised Liverpool fans were running down to his position to obtain advertising hoardings to use as make shift stretchers. He realised it was not a pitch invasion and began to help the fans carry the hoardings back to the Leppings Lane Pens. He later helped carry 19 year old victim Colin Wafer, on a temporary stretcher, with 7 football fans to the gymnasium. 3 days later Pc Max Groome submitted his written statement on the incident, but it later became the most heavily amended police statement during the subsequent enquiry. He had criticised the police staffing levels and management during the incident. He later made allegations that senior officers were protecting each other due to their membership of a certain Masonic Lodge. Only following his retirement did he feel safe to speak openly about his concerns and suspicions of senior officers, this was during the 2014 Hillsborough inquest hearing. During 2001 Pc Max Groome was photographed whilst escorting Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy around Fawcett Street Police Station, on J District in Sheffield. This station was closed down in 2015. It was around this year that Pc Max Groome retired from the South Yorkshire Police. Maxwell Groome passed away on 7th December 2020 aged 63 years, at home near Market Harborough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsborough_disaster https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-30520871 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/dec/17/hillsborough-disaster-police-masonic-conspiracy https://www.channel4.com/news/hillsborough-inside-the-library-of-a-cover-up https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/retired-pc-tells-mayhem-pitch-8306263 https://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/first-team/176452-hillsborough-inquests-december-17 https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/ 915438/hillsborough-116-statements-by-pcs-altered-to-lose-criticism-of-cops/ https://pop-culture.fandom.com/wiki/Special:MobileVisualEditor?page=Hillsborough_disaster&section=25 https://www.civillitigationbrief.com/2016/04/27/hillsborough-and-witness-statements-1-amendments/ https://www.channel4.com/news/hillsborough-inside-the-library-of-a-cover-up https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/maxwell-groome-obituary?pid=197309304
    14. New book out for anyone interested? Names loads of North Wales Police officers, involved in the case. Certainly worth a read.
    15. Seem to recall the KSLI had something to do with this? Not sure if their medals were officially issued named? I suppose it was like the Ebola medal of it’s day, or dare I say it Covid... if a medal is ever awarded for that. Thought this might be of interest? https://www.dcmmedals.co.uk/a-medal-for-the-black-death-hong-kong-1894/
    16. Unfortunately it’s virtually impossible, especially to Corps. You could see if there’s an old comrades group on Facebook, perhaps someone may remember him. Certainly worth a try. Regimental journals can also uncover some info or a picture if your lucky.
    17. This medal is currently up on EBay. Thought the positioning of the rank curious. Has anyone else come across it’s like before?
    18. The Castle January 1973 - The capture of James Emerson Bryson and the ventilation of Mr. Lynton have been the highlights of the tour so far The events surrounding this action are so well described elsewhere that no more need be said. Twelve hours after 'C ' Coy, under the command o f Major Neil Crumbie. arrived in Belfast, they moved in to search a derelict house in Grosvenor Road. Within minutes it was patrolling the streets. During the search 'Sniffer' (a device for sniffing gelignite) uncovered these items under a carpet in the corner of a first Hour room. About the nicest thing about our early days in Belfast here was taking over from the 3rd Battalion: so many of them are old friends They looked after the Advance Party very well and did all they could to make sure the transition was as smooth as possible. W e’re also quite sure that the locals appreciated seeing the same cap badge even though there were some different accents for them to fathom. The main body of the Poachers arrived in the wake of the now famous Operation Motorman. The Pompadours ran it for a day and a half and then we were launched at midday on 2nd August. We would have looked a bit strange to an outsider that day. We had two companies (‘A ’ and Sp) of the Pompadours and Sp Coy of 1 PWO but none of our own until late evening. ‘A ’ Company became operational at 8 p.m. and ‘C ‘ Coy followed at 10 o’clock They both started out with an intensive patrol programme so that the maxim um numbers could get to know their areas quickly and to impress the locals. ‘B’ and Sp Coys arrived on 3rd August and by midnight that night we were complete. The new arrivals followed the previous night’s pattern and so the battalion area was seemingly crawling with soldiers. The biggest thing that struck the first-Belfast tour men was the desolation. A huge number of houses are derelict and the empty sockets of their doors and windows glower at you as you pass. The whole area is overlooked by the notorious but ultra-modern Divis flats. Unfortunately though, the vandals have been at work here too: no lifts work and most of the stairway lights are broken. The surrounding open spaces are packed with piles of stones which are am mo dumps for the little boys when they welcome our armoured patrols. The armoured ‘Pigs’, so familiar to the old hands, have been added to by a fleet of 6 wheeled Saracen Armoured Cars. They have been out of use in Germany for some years but this lot were mostly brand new—part of a cancelled contract to the Libyan Army. It was Libya that was reported to be supplying arms to the IRA: ‘It’s an ill wind’. The Saracens (called ‘Jumbos’ over here) came in so fast that many of them are still ---------------- ? Restored Recoup (R & R) has become the major topic of conversation and what a great fillip it is to our morale. Those of us not actually involved feel better for seeing the bright eyes and perm anent grins of those about to go. We are also succeeding in getting folk out of Belfast for a change of air. Even a day on the range is a change—all that grass! Someone said when we arrived in August, ‘Just think, by the time we go back to Munster, all the leaves will be off the trees’. He was greeted by a chorus of 'W hat b------ trees!’ We have actually found one now: it’s in a back yard north of the Peace Line (an evergreen!). The Lower Falls (the Reservation'), being the centre of hard-line Republicanism, has attracted most of our attention and will continue to do so. Although the particular 'parish’ of ‘A ’ Company, most of the battalion has seen its grim and dirty little streets at close range and listened to the lilting accents of its womenkind. It is also the place where we’ve had most of our successes—and long may they continue. ‘B’ Company, concentrating on the Divis Flats, have achieved a relative peace and quiet almost unknown. Even the deprivations of the vandals are being put right—by the inhabitants. The ‘East E nd’—a bit of the City Centre—the Drummond Domain has been very active. Car bombs have been the dish of the month: there were two beauties. One brought us some strange friends—the SDLP—their offices were one of the targets. The CO has renewed an old SDLP acquaintance— Paddy Devlin (no known relation to Bernadette!) and C/Sgt. Groom helped by bricking up some dangerous looking derelicts nearby. ‘B’ Company also see quite a lot of our Munster neighbours, the Welsh Guards, and once found that they each had a check-point at the same cross roads! ‘C ’ Company have, perhaps, had the most varied month, ranging from the re-landscaping of the notorious Grosvenor Park Football G round (to prevent its use for more nefarious purposes) to (he weekly bomb scares at the sprawling premises of Northern Ireland Carriers The problem facing a search for a parcel bomb is easily understood when there are usually over 4,000,000 parcels there on any day Major Crumble assumed the honorary appointment as their Security Advisor and is looking well on it 'C Company has established a perm anent look-out on the tail Telex H ouse Being a very com m ercial organisation, one wonders how long it will be before the Company invites tourists (at a suitable fee) up there to view the notorious Lower Falls and Distillery Support Company on the Peace Line have had the unique experience of being shot at by both sides! It was good to discover that Prot marksmen were seemingly no better than the Cowboys on the other side Fortunately, the experience was an isolated incident and generally the Company is doing a grand job North of the Peace Line and relations with the locals are good. A’ COMPANY — NEW S FROM THE RESERVATION IRA CHIEF CA U G H T IN CAR-RAM In the middle of Thursday afternoon, 14 September, the Company captured Jim Bryson, who commanded ‘B’ Coy of the Provisionals, one of the most wanted terrorists in Belfast L/Cpl Ley felled him with a rugby tackle as he fled after a section led by Cpl. Nichols rammed his hi jacked car with a 10 ton Saracen in the notorious Leeson Street. The chase began when Cpl Nichols and Driver O'Brian spotted the stolen car in a queue of traffic Both vehicles met seconds later in Leeson Street where the wanted car reversed wildly before hitting a wall. As one of the two passengers raised a gun Pte. Sentence, the vehicle gunner, ordered the driver to ram the car The two gunmen fled and the soldiers quickly dismounted to give chase. Shots were exchanged and one gunman was hit before he disappeared into a house in one of the many side streets. Cpl Nichols' section was by now strengthened by the remainder of 3 PI, 2 PI and 7 PI from ‘C ’ Company as a crowd of some 200 people had gathered in the street. 2Lt. Groom and Sgt. Arnold followed a trail of blood which led from the yard of one house over a 12 foot wall and into another house where they found the wounded man being given first aid by three others. During this chase a 'cut-off group', Sgt Whitfield and L/Cpl Codling, whilst climbing another wall, came upon Jim Bryson pointing his pistol at a foot patrol Bryson, hearing movement behind him, ran off and into the arm s of L/Cpl. Ley and Pte. A m berton. So ended the days of cat and mouse and two near misses. It was a game as if Tom and Jerry had played it for real, lt saw two near misses and many crash outs, all of which ended with the Company Commander banging his fists on the pilots seat in frustration and the Senior N CO ’s cursing bad luck Finally, observant and quick thinking soldiers led by a determined junior NCO put everyone out of their misery, and instead of gloom, Mulhouse is a happy place. The Daily Telegraph ‘Among those detained were Jim Bryson, leader of the 2nd Bn and the second most w anted m an in Northern Ireland. Mr. Whitelaw, the Ulster Secretary, was so delighted he made a special point of congratulating the Army and Police. He asked Major-General Robert Ford to pass on his congratulations, especially to the 2nd Bn Royal Anglian Regiment, who captured Bryson and four other men in the Lower Falls on Thursday.’ Irish Times The British A rm y claimed yesterday to have captured twenty top IRA men during the previous 48 hours. Yesterday, the Commander of Land Forces, General Robert Ford, visited the Commanding Officer of the Royal Anglians, who are said to have made most of the captures, to convey to him the congratulations of the Northern Ireland Secretary of State, Mr Whitelaw .’ 2nd Battalion CORPORAL MICHAEL PHILIP BODDY On the night of Thursday, 17th August, 1972, Corporal Michael Philip Bodily, whose home was in Peterborough, was killed by a sniper's bullet while leading his Section in the Lower Falls area of Belfast. He had been with the Battalion for four years. He joined the Regiment us a Boy Soldier in 1963 and became a member of the Corps of Drums at the Depot. He continued in this employment on joining the Battalion in 1966. He was an excellent drum m er and was twice selected to be the Commanding Officer's Bugler, firstly at the Regimental Depot and later while serving with the Battalion. He was a most capable musician and dedicated to the Corps of Drums, there are many drummers who have cause to be grateful for his excellent teaching. A well-liked, cheerful and most helpful NCO who will be sadly missed by all officers and men of the Battalion. We offer our deepest sympathy to his wife Marlene, and his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. M Boddy on this tragic loss, which we all share. CORPORAL JOHN MICHAEL BARRY John Barry enlisted in the Regiment at Lincoln in October 1966 and went to the Regimental Depot at Bury St. Edmunds when he was sixteen. He joined the 2nd Battalion in Cyprus in March 1967 and served as a rifleman before joining the Officers’ Mess Stuff in Felixstowe. He served for two years in the mess, travelling to Gibraltar and Malaya. In October 1970 he transferred to ‘A' Company for the Battalion's first tour in Belfast, and remained with them for two years, gaining promotion to Lance Corporal and then Corporal in February this year. He was wounded in the head on 23rd September while leading his section in McDonnell Street in the Lower Falls district of Belfast He died from his wounds two days later in The Royal Victoria Hospital. Known as a bold and fearless soldier, and a cheerful, good hearted and com passionate man. he was a strong but fair leader who was liked and respected by his men. His loss will be felt by all members of the Battalion hut most especially by those members of A' Company who knew him so well. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife. Mrs. Kathleen Barry, and his father, Mr Barry, and share their grief. PRIVATE IAN STUART DAVID BURT Ian Burt joined the Army as a Junior Leader in August 1960 He was trained at The Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion at Oswestry and The Queens Division Depot at Bassingbourn before joining the 2nd Battalion T he Royal Anglian Regiment in Munster in June this year He came to Belfast with ‘B’ Coy, and was working as a member of a patrol from 4 Platoon when he was shot dead by a terrorist sniper during a follow-up operation in Albert Street on 30th September He was a keen, hardworking and enthusiastic young soldier, a cheerful and reliable comrade and full of life He will be missed by all members of the Battalion and particularly by his friends in 'B‘ Com pany with whom he was so popular. We offer our deepest sympathy to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A D J Burt, on their tragic loss, which we all share. PRIVATE ROBERT MICHAEL MASON Robert Mason enlisted in the Regiment on 20th August, 1970, the day after his seventeenth birthday, and went to the Regimental Depot at Bury St. Edmunds. He joined the 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment in December 1970 in Londonderry and served with them for three months before he was sent home because he was under eighteen. He was posted to Tiger Company 4th Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment who were doing demonstration duties at OCS Mons and RMA Sandhurst. Whilst on exercise with Tiger Company in Wales he broke his leg and as a result did not go to Gibraltar with them He joined the 2nd Battalion on 6th September 1972, and was serving with 'C ' Company. He was shot by a terrorist sniper on 24th October while on patrol in the Grosvenor Road area of the Lower Falls. He is remembered for his cheerful sense of humour, his determination and his industry. He was an excellent GPMG gunner and won a prize at the Depot for being the best shot His loss is felt by all members of the Battalion but most especially by his comrades in 'C' Company, who, although he had only been with them for six weeks, had already got to know him very well We extend our deepest sympathy to his father and mother, Mr and Mrs P. D. Mason, and his brothers and sisters. The Castle January 1974 - In this first once-a-year Castle we must record that for the Second Battalion (as with the other battalions, no doubt) it has been an extremely busy year. The Press date of the last issue saw us in Belfast and at the same time this year we are back again, this time down the road in Londonderry, where the name of the Regiment is known only too well. In between we packed a great deal into our short time in Germany and proved for the nth time that it is possible to do more than one thing at a time—just! Like all good Battalion Reviews we shall start at the beginning and work forward. That last month of our tour in Belfast in 1972 was like the three that preceded it, except for one thing: it was the last. The cold weather of November reduced terrorist activities in quantity but produced a different quality. Shooting at A Company’s base at Mulhouse continued as night entertainment to supplement the television. One attack was so steady a 10-rounds application at a sangar that the sentry used his loud hailer to send corrections to the gunman Towards the end of the tour we became painfully aware that the IR A had a new weapon — the RPG 7. The first attack missed a Saracen but made a good hole in a factory wall; the second hit the very top of Albert Street Mill — fortunately without producing casualties But the third did— a Saracen on patrol to monitor and protect, if necessary, a People’s Democracy March was fired on by both small arms and an RPG-7 and Pte. Sanderson of A Company was badly hurt. This last incident occurred just two days before we handed over to 1st Bn. The Queen’s Lancashire Regt. It was about now that we heard the list of awards for our second Belfast tour. The CO’s Mention in Despatches we already knew, but to this was added Major Charles Barnes, Capt. Roger Howe, Capt. Alan Thompson, all awarded the MBE, Sgt. Nigel Whitfield a very well-earned DCM, Lieutenant Tom Longland and Second Lieutenant Michael Shipley Mentioned in Despatches. We were all delighted and the cork-popping was heard the length of the barracks. 23945040 Sergeant Nigel WHITFIELD, The Royal Anglian Regiment Londonderry - So it was that, as July faded away into history, the Second Battalion found itself once more relieving the Third Battalion ‘in the line’. Twice in one year— it can’t last and we hope it won’t happen again. Just as they did in Belfast, the Pompadours handled our reception and handover like the very good friends they are. Soon they were gone, the grins disappeared and we settled down to the job in earnest. I won’t attempt to describe the area, the camps or the people. Anyone who wants to know more can approach the nearest Army Careers Information Office and ask to be able to come and sample the place first hand. Suffice to say here that we deal almost exclusively with Catholics and the majority are hard-line Republicans. By definition they do not like the British Army, government, RUC and law and order generally. They complain volubly and frequently, but we can’t ! In a way the triviality of the majority of complaints gives grounds for some comfort. They’ve nothing better to rattle on about. Some of the things we are alleged to have done indicate that most of Dave Allan’s Irish jokes are in fact true episodes of Irish life. We are the last of the Royal Anglian battalions to come to Londonderry and there’s no doubt that the other two made a name for themselves here. Unfortunately, it is unprintable in this Journal, but the others will be pleased to know that we have inherited it! As these notes are written we are within our final four weeks and thinking constantly of our return to a more normal existence. In describing life in BAOR in that way, one can perhaps give some idea of how odd it must be here! What is so sad is that Londonderry is a charming little place standing in truly beautiful countryside. The air is clear and unpolluted. If only these misguided folk would sort themselves out— and they have the ultimate solution in their hands—Londonderry would be a very pleasant place to be indeed. We hand over to the 2nd Battalion, The Queen’s Regiment. So although the Royal Anglian badge leaves the City, the Queen’s Division is well represented. The ‘long distance’ battalion here is also ‘ours’ — 1st Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers—at Ebrington Barracks.
    19. Found a couple of period newspaper articles relating to some of the fallen lads from the 1972 Belfast tour.
    20. I don't think anyone would argue with me, when I say researching a "modern" General Service Medal, is not the easiest thing to do. Especially the Northern Ireland campaign! It's certainly not my normal area of expertise, but when happened across this one I thought I'd give it a go. Although they do pop up from time to time, still in there boxes, I don't recall ever seeing one that included the reciperents battalion. A few things that struck me other than the naming on the box, was the fact that it didn't appear to have ever been worn? I made some enquiries on the battalions Facebook page hoping to perhaps that the chap himself might be on there or someone might recall him, sadly this wasn't the case. From that coupled with the fact that it doesn't appear to have ever been worn, I assume he only did the minimum amount of time back then of 3 years, then left the army, without ever having had the opportunity re requirement to wear his medal. It being 45 years or so since he must have served, I suppose it isn't surprising although sad, that no one remembers a chap that was only in the battalion a couple of years? Anyway I did a little digging regardless and think I can with some level of certainly reveal the following about him and the battalion during this potential service..... 24219811 Pte S A CLARKE 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment. His number suggests that he would have enlisted at some point between September 1970 and March 1971. The battalion were stationed in Munster Germany. CLARKE would have had to enlist for a minimum of 3 years. The battalion conducted 2 tours of Northern Ireland during this time. 02.08.72 - 06.12.1972 Belfast Hastings Street (Lower Falls). 27.07.1973 - 29.11.1973 Londonderry. During the Belfast tour, the battalion were actively engaged against the IRA and were involved in regular gun battles with them. The battalion lost 4 men - 17.07.1972 L/Cpl John BODDY - IRA sniper on Grosvenor Road 25.09.1972 Cpl John BARRY - IRA sniper Cyprus Street 29.07.1972 Pte Ian BURT - IRA sniper Albert Street 24.10.1972 Pte Robert MASON - IRA sniper Naples Street (Grosvenor Road). IRA gunman killed 2nd battalion declassified files state - 06.10.1972 Daniel MCAREAVEY shot and killed in disputed circumstances on the junction of Bosnia Street and Plevna Street, following a blast bomb attack. Two other gunman were wounded. The battalion also had a number of decorations awarded during this tour, included a DCM.
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