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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. I don't think anyone would argue with me, when I say researching a "modern" General Service Medal, is not the easiest thing to do. Especially the Northern Ireland campaign! It's certainly not my normal area of expertise, but when happened across this one I thought I'd give it a go. Although they do pop up from time to time, still in there boxes, I don't recall ever seeing one that included the reciperents battalion. A few things that struck me other than the naming on the box, was the fact that it didn't appear to have ever been worn? I made some enquiries on the battalions Facebook page hoping to perhaps that the chap himself might be on there or someone might recall him, sadly this wasn't the case. From that coupled with the fact that it doesn't appear to have ever been worn, I assume he only did the minimum amount of time back then of 3 years, then left the army, without ever having had the opportunity re requirement to wear his medal. It being 45 years or so since he must have served, I suppose it isn't surprising although sad, that no one remembers a chap that was only in the battalion a couple of years? Anyway I did a little digging regardless and think I can with some level of certainly reveal the following about him and the battalion during this potential service..... 24219811 Pte S A CLARKE 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment. His number suggests that he would have enlisted at some point between September 1970 and March 1971. The battalion were stationed in Munster Germany. CLARKE would have had to enlist for a minimum of 3 years. The battalion conducted 2 tours of Northern Ireland during this time. 02.08.72 - 06.12.1972 Belfast Hastings Street (Lower Falls). 27.07.1973 - 29.11.1973 Londonderry. During the Belfast tour, the battalion were actively engaged against the IRA and were involved in regular gun battles with them. The battalion lost 4 men - 17.07.1972 L/Cpl John BODDY - IRA sniper on Grosvenor Road 25.09.1972 Cpl John BARRY - IRA sniper Cyprus Street 29.07.1972 Pte Ian BURT - IRA sniper Albert Street 24.10.1972 Pte Robert MASON - IRA sniper Naples Street (Grosvenor Road). IRA gunman killed 2nd battalion declassified files state - 06.10.1972 Daniel MCAREAVEY shot and killed in disputed circumstances on the junction of Bosnia Street and Plevna Street, following a blast bomb attack. Two other gunman were wounded. The battalion also had a number of decorations awarded during this tour, included a DCM.
    2. Old gin bottles and gold sovereigns.. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/true-story-lawrence-arabia-180951857/
    3. Lawrence wishes to fulfill his promises to unite the Arab tribes when he continues his work in the desert with British support of arms, money, and training: Lawrence: Arabia is for the Arabs now. That's what I've told them anyway. That's what they think. That's why they're fighting. Allenby: Oh surely. Lawrence: They've only one suspicion. We let them drive the Turks out and then move in ourselves. I've told them that that's false, that we've no ambitions in Arabia. Have we? Allenby: I'm not a politician, thank god. Have we any ambition in Arabia, Dryden? Dryden: Difficult question sir. Lawrence: I want to know sir, if I can tell them, in your name, that we've no ambitions in Arabia. Allenby: Certainly. Lawrence: Two thousand small arms, not enough. I need five. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Money. It'll have to be sovereigns. They don't like paper. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Instructors for the Lewis guns. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: More money. Allenby: How much more? Lawrence: Twenty-five thousand now. A lot more later. Allenby: Dryden? Dryden: It can be done, sir. Lawrence: A couple of armored cars. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Field artillery. Allenby: Right. I know to give you every blessed thing I can, Major Lawrence, because I know you'll use it. Congratulations and thank you. Mike How interesting thanks for sharing, very much look forward to reading what you turn up!! 10 years, where does the time go!! Gordon.
    4. Bengal Covid Medal. https://thebengalstory.com/english/covid-warriors-police-doctors-nurses-felicitated-with-medals-and-certificates/
    5. Article appears to contain a picture, but as the Bobby’s are having to buy it themselves, none of them have by the sounds of things? https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/national/south/demand-of-money-for-covid-19-medal-draws-flak-from-kerala-police-900561.html
    6. Article contains picture, but it looks like the Bobby’s have to buy it themselves and they have refused..... https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/national/south/demand-of-money-for-covid-19-medal-draws-flak-from-kerala-police-900561.html Seem to remember a similar situation, when the U.K. handed Hong Kong back, there was a medal that the Squaddies had to buy themselves?
    7. Still no picture available of the Indian award, but it certainly is causing controversy!! https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news-amp.php?id=406790&u=
    8. Still no picture available of the Indian award, but it certainly is causing controversy!! https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news-amp.php?id=406790&u=
    9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8820045/Rare-2-000-year-old-Roman-gold-coin-expected-fetch-5-MILLION-auction-London.html
    10. https://astanatimes.com/2020/05/draft-decree-on-award-for-fight-against-covid-19-is-available-for-public-comment/
    11. India https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/corona-warriors-in-khaki-to-be-honoured-with-medal/story-guJBizt2b5enm5fVY07o8J_amp.html There was talk a few months back about the U.K. issuing one, but there’s been nothing mentioned since? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8396039/amp/Coronavirus-medal-rolled-early-September.html https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/frontline-heroes-to-get-covid-medals-within-months-rlbmk8tzb
    12. There appears to be a steady flow of Covid Medals that are beginning to be issued around the world. To that end have created this thread so as to keep them all in one place. Johor Eire United States of America Ukraine Russia Italy Australia Spain India has issued one as well, but as yet I’ve been unable to find a picture of one.
    13. I agree this thread, seems to be running away from itself. Will start a new one.....
    14. That’s great Antonio! Will be interesting to see what other countries, are added to this over the coming months.
    15. Interesting article about the India Covid Medal. https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news-amp.php?id=407231&u= Can’t find a picture of one mind, has anyone seen one or have a photo?
    16. Another development... https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news-amp.php?id=407231&u= Can’t seem to find any pictures of this medal mind, has anyone seen one or have a photo?
    17. Today, Martin Dunne, (Director of the National Ambulance Service) took delivery & started the process of distributing these medals for NAS Staff Members - in recognition of their tireless efforts in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
    18. Many thanks chaps, I stand corrected. How very interesting!! As a side note, curious how the Russian and Ukrainian medals are in English? Found these as well, not sure if there official or just purposed awards? Top one is from Spain, bottom one unsurprisingly is from Australia.
    19. I think I’m right in thinking that this is the first official Covid Medal to be awarded worldwide. I remember earlier in the year reading that India were going to issue one to their police officers, but haven’t heard anything since. Mention was also made that the UK might have one along the same lines as the Ebola one of a few years back, but never heard anything more. The US are awarding a medal that they’ve already got, but just including service during the pandemic into the criteria. India Medal https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/corona-warriors-in-khaki-to-be-honoured-with-medal/story-guJBizt2b5enm5fVY07o8J_amp.html US medal https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2020/07/02/medals-approved-troops-who-responded-covid-19-crisis.html/amp
    20. Thought this might be of interest? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2020/10/04/sultan-ibrahim-consents-to-award-medals-to-covid-19-frontliners/1909398
    21. The special World War II 75th Anniversary 2020-W Silver Eagle will have a low mintage of 75,000 coins (likely because it is the 75th anniversary), which will make it the third-lowest proof coin in the series after the 2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof and 1995-W proof. The companion 2020-W Gold Eagle will have a low mintage of 1,945 coins to match the year the conflict ended.
    22. Lance Edward Armstrong (born Lance Edward Gunderson; September 18, 1971) is an American former professional road racing cyclist. He became regarded as a sports icon for his seven consecutive Tour de France wins from 1999 to 2005, the most in the event's history. However, Armstrong's reputation was tarnished by a doping scandal and he was stripped of all of his achievements from August 1998 onward, including his seven Tour de France titles.
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