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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Jacques

    1. No Rick, unfortunatly no name .
    2. with the bronze cross w/o sword
    3. Another with an overseas cap and a spanish cross in bronze.
    4. A family picture, One son with the Spanish cross and one with the Braunschweig skull tradition cap badge.
    5. To keep it alive. Another picture of Harlinghausen,showing the SC with diamonds
    6. I would say: 1/ TAHURE 2/ FISMES 3/ CHAUMONT
    7. Richard, Let me know if you want to sell it Doc for KM with bronze w/o sword is still lacking to my collection jacques
    8. Paul FREUDENREICH, if I read correctly !
    9. Jacques


      Something for SAL
    10. Could you send better pics of the doc please ?
    11. One a little bit original. German asigned to a Kosak unit, with the radio-gunner badge, and LC veteran
    12. Credit to Rolf Michaelis booklet.
    13. really fien and unusual. I would like to find the same for Spanish crosses and other LC related items jacques
    14. I don't know for which kind of unit it has been done. I suppose for Lw flight unit. Any further information are welcome.
    15. another one date april 1943
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