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    Old Contemptible
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    About Jacques

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      Legion condor items, Spanish crosses, Documents, Photos, Panzer Gruppe Drohne,etc..
      Army combat badges

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    1. Hi Scott, Nice cross. I like the crosses made by Deumer. they are well detailled. Note how the eagles and the swords grip are sharp. This one is to my opinion a mid-war production due to the form of the pin and the hinge. regards jacques
    2. nice white breast star and great picture showing the family
    3. Jacques

      SCiS n/s

      the first one looks original to me. It seems to be the one piece construction variant, which is rare in silver class. the second one is a fake IMO
    4. It looks like a good gilded tombac Meybauer cross.
    5. Very nice early bronze cross in mint condition . I can't say if the case fit the cross, I would have expected a blue case. Nevertheless nice assembly.
    6. Hi, During the 11/11 ceremony an ''Ehrenmedaille" was also awarded to a german Nco. The attribution of the silver class is not reserved to the HQ, but it is there that you find the most part of the high ranking officers. I can't say if it is a written regulation or simply a common practize concerning the awarding of the german "Ehrenkreuz" for duty to foreigners(not in combat operation): - private = Ehrenmedaille - Nco = Ehrenmedaille or Ehrenkreuz bronze - Officers = Ehrenkreuz bronze - high ranking officer : Ehrenkreuz silver - general = Ehrenkreuz gold As I already said, it is not common to be awarded these medals, during 5 years I only saw around 10 French guys from my Batallon awarded by the german counterpart. French side do the same for the german who made a special duty attributing the medal of "defense nationale" in bronze , silver or gold. the date of 11 november is a commemoration day in France and for the frech troops, but not in Germany . To the D/F Logistic Bt, the day is a working day but it begins with a ceremony or at least a remembrance allocution , and then the day is dedicated to sports challenges between the Coys'.
    7. Concerning the wear of the full medals on the parade dress uniform whith weapons, it is may be a special regulation to the GF Brigade in order to be conform to the French regulations and to keep some germans ones too. the GF brigade ceremonies are full of such special arrangments mixed from both countries regulations in order to make something binational. For exemples, orders can be given either in French or in German, the Spiess is at the right place during the parades, we salute and sing both national anthem, Companies have a sing, etc, etc...It is a bit special but I do think that or german comrades, at least NCO's and Officers are happy of that.
    8. Thank you, It's just to reward 5 years of hard combat to keep and pulling forward the bi-nationality and hard working with the german comrades of the bataillon. Indeed, not so many did received this decoration, overall in silver. Most of them were attached to the HQ of the D/F Brig. OK for the medals bar, the Ehrenkreuz is larger than the other one and not yet at the right place.
    9. Hi, This morning I have been awarded with the "Ehrenkreuz in silber". All the troops were in combat dress, Only the flag guard, the French commander an the german deputy commander were in parade combat dress uniform with full medals.
    10. France has a "national defense medal" with bronze, silver and gold class , plus gold class with star or palm for a citation for good conduct in operation, commemorative medal for overseas deployment on which you can add bar of the country( Extreme orient, Tchad, Liban, cambodge, république de cote d'ivoire, cente Afrique, etc..), French commemorative medal for other deployments than overseas (with bar ex-yougoslavie, Afghanistan, etc..). War cross, military valor cross depending the engagement, with stars and palm for the citations. Each soldier knows what he done and what value to accord to his medals. Main soldiers of the French army turned somewhere in the balkans, in Africa or Afghanistan, so anybody knows what are the value of these medals, but a soldier without commemorative medals is just looked as the martian: what he has done ? Where he served ? I think that far over the value of the medal it is a testimony of an experience, mor or less stressing depending the unit and the current situation. And It is nice on the uniform when parading...and what did we collect if governments had the same opinion as you ?
    11. next week I'll attend a ceremony in Germany to be awarded the Ehrenkreuz in silver, I'll ask to the german officers concerning the wear of full medal on the full dress uniform on parade.
    12. In the french Aarmy, the wear of full medals bar is only allowed during the parades, for the troops under weapons, and for the authority who is delivering medals, generally the commander. the other ones (HQ officers, etc) wear the ribbons bar. the ribbons bar is worn with the service dress uniform. In the German army, it is quite the same rules or customs. why medals are mounted ? certainly because it is well done and have a better look than individually pinned, as they are worn during parade, the parade dress uniform must be perfect . Ii is part of the military rules of a country and part of its traditions. It has a cost for sure.
    13. What I observed is that it depends , I saw both way to wear them. I guess that german officers or NcO's prefer wear them at the german fashion...I think they prefer the german style, or just the medals pinned separatly. At the DF Brigade is a bit particular because some of them ask the french tailor to prepare their medals bar, thus the french style..
    14. for sure it is not forbidden at the DF Brigade, and I saw other units of which the guys were wearing their full medals or the ribbons bar.
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