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    Everything posted by Ferdinand

    1. I think it's a Lieutenant-General of Judiciary... A wild guess, but could it be Yevlampy Lavrovich Zeidin, after the war Deputy Minister of Justice, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union and Head of the Main Directorate of Military Tribunals?
    2. Here's a new one that isn't too difficult. Approximately 431.000 women were awarded the title "Mother-Heroine", and one man. What was his name and why was he awarded the title?
    3. After 342 days I finally heard from our researcher! A batch of research is ready to be flown across the pond. Is the research process revived? Anyway, I'm a happy man! :jumping:
    4. He looks good, but could you post some close-ups? We don't need to see the suspension.
    5. In ten days he completed nine missions, participated in three air battles and shot down two aircraft. He perished during an air battle on 19 January 1942 and was awarded the HSU title on 16 March 1942.
    6. Timur Mikhailovich Frunze! He was the son of the famous Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze and after his death in 1925 raised by Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov. Other than that, nothing special about him...
    7. Hello Avsar, That was Guards Lieutenant Georgy Semyonovich Petrovsky (Георгий Семёнович Петровский), awarded on 10 January 1944. Auke
    8. ЛВВПУ is the Lvov Higher Military-Political School.
    9. I guess I am starting to get hooked on Mongolian awards too. Just wanted to show my two OMMs:
    10. Very nice, I simply love those MZPP Red Stars. Nice bright enamel, funky serial number... Lovely. :beer:
    11. The rhomboid thing under the second MMM / CSM is the suspension for a medal on the second row. The first medal on the second row is the Medal for Bravery during a Fire.
    12. There were 4 full Order of Glory cavaliers who were also HSU, so it was probably - at least theoretically - also possible to be a full OLG cavalier and an HSL...
    13. Then why "Unless you have the document, dead end"? Even with a document these are unresearchable, I think.
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