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    Everything posted by nickstrenk

    1. Red Star also joint grit,number 253391 is for sale.The order is not in excellent condition. These versions with the scrap are still looked for by collectioners. Order of Glory 3rd grade ,the booklet on Kapichula Dmitrij Stepanovich,number 331163 It is interesting only one award in the booklet Next Orders of Glory,number 689916 is quite interesting,I suppose it fot Hungarian Revolt in 1956, Order of Glory number 457112 is also for sale,the photo is missing For Valour and Merit in Combat I forgot to take the picture of the obverse but we can see they were earlier versions. The medals are for sale but first i must know the price.
    2. Set of Klybnyak Anisij Leontyevich:Red Star 2991993,Red Banner 450613 I will keep this set despite of the fact it is postwar. Set on Kobzev Grigorij Grigoryevich,but only Red Star numb.162250 is left,Order of Glory and Medal for merit in Combat are lost?
    3. Yesterday I bought some Soviet awards.There were about 40 of them.Some of them ,e.g. I am going to keep in my collection,some of them I will try to sell on ebay or aukro. Some of them are really worth to see. Order of Red Labour Flag.One with number 20952 and probably 62025 are interesting to keep. Numbers 452939 and 624720 will be for sale. 3x Orders of Red Flag are for sale:501740,112639-with small damages on the enamel,235391 Order of October Revolution,numb.27832
    4. A good condition.If somebody needs I am ready to sell it.White metal-brass?Height-7 cm.Number 0896
    5. What an excellent job!I read your reply with an enthusiasm.That means there are no state awards there.
    6. Many thanks,as I understand they are not state awards,but the awards of some organisations.Despite of the fact they nice.Now only 3 left to identify.
    7. I hope, this chainlet is French,or belongs to some French colonies.Help,please,identify these awards.Many thanks.
    8. What exactly do want to know?It is a jetton.A Peoples Medal Aleksandr II The Reformer.We can read his reforms till 1862 along both sides. Price?30-40euro?
    9. Above-The Board of National Assembly Affirms Ivan Nachev Petkov from Dermancy is bestowed on medal For Participating in Anti-Fascist Struggle
    10. The Grade Knight with the certificate on the Czechoslovak citizen.It is interesting the order of this grade is not from silver.
    11. 20th Anniversary of the Army of the Slovak Republic 22.9.-The Day of the Army of the Slovak Republic
    12. I am sorry,still I have not got the photos.The complet is not mine.Probably I will buy the Soviet awards,perhaps no.You know i have got too many offers.Many,many of them. As soon as I get the photos I will put them in.
    13. Jozef Ďuriš 3897658 Ladislav Melišek 6235911 Members of 2nd Parabrigade in the USSR one is for sale if somebody needs
    14. The pictures of some Czechoslovak awards.I gave the link in Slovak,who wants,that can read some information. Simply,first, I did not want to show his Czechoslovak awards,because we are in the Soviet Union awards division.
    15. Next group of Soviet documents https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ján_Juraj_Korenko
    16. 1.For 25 years of Public-Medical Service.This bronze medal was established in 1947 and existed for 2 years.About 200 awards of this medal were bestowed not only to doctors and nurses but also other medical workers.The design-wreath of limb leaves with Aesculaps stick.Down the number 25.In the reverse we can read the title in Slovak language-For 25 years of public-medical service The state sign and Board of Health.Diameter of the medal- 36mm.I have not had the certificate in my hands to take a picture so I am not able to show it.Isaw the certificate only in the picture. 2.Order of Slovak National Uprising is in the special topic but I am going to repeat the pictures.In picture we can see only 1st Grade of this award. 3.Order of the Slovak National Board-Parliament For Heroism in Work .Here you are the picture only the order of 1st Grade. The Slovak National Board was abolished in 1948 as perfomance of Burgeois Nationalism. So and the awards of SNB.
    17. I can help only with the translation of the text in the photograph. Private Ján Kolesár. 202nd Artillery Regiment,Communication Battery Kežmarok Slovakia What can we say about the private?He was not strong in spelling ,he wrote his name with mistakes.Probably ,he attended the schools in Austro-Hungarian Empire.We can say about him he was a good soldier.Because he is wearing 2 Shooters badges-Excellent Rifleman and Excellent Gun Finder? Kežmarok is a small town in the North of Eastern Slovakia. Wikipedia could not help us with his name he was not a General.
    18. Medal of M.R.Štefánik-the award of Central Committee of Slovak Antifascists.3 grades.In the pictures we can see the medals of the 1st and 2nd grades.
    19. A miniature to Al Valore Civile,diameter 1,5cm.
    20. I accidently found the etue to this Order of Merit. I sold the order without etue on ebay.us 1 year ago.One Japanese collector bought it.I hope somebody will need this original etue having the correct badge of order.
    21. I hope i will not create the doubled topic.It is not easy to go through all division and look for if there already is the same topic. This medal was awarded to a Czechoslovak expert who worked in China in the 50ies..I do not know the exact number of the awards bestowed on Czechoslovak workers.In the past I was an owner about 5 pieces of this award.The medal is made from silver and it is looked for by some collectors of China. .
    22. Beautiful! From your collection?
    23. For faith,dilligence and works Present award for Cossacs http://cossac-awards.narod.ru/Znaki_bez_voisk_files/Vera_Userdie_Trudy.html
    24. https://forum.faleristika.info/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=761653

      Hi,here it is the discussion about this badge.The user Ljubitelj7 took many of them in the office but he did not ask about the resource.Regards,Nick

    25. If they are original,so it is a very beautiful and expensive collection!!!!Having some more time you could take photos of some apart.
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