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    Everything posted by waldo

    1. Unfortunately, this flag ribbon was exposed to UV radiation for too long, so that the medal ribbons also became almost unusable. If the seller doesn`t agree to your price offer, he hopefully won`t be able to sell it for a long time.
    2. Servus, this miniature medal bar is from a Bavarian soldier, who received the silver MVM in 1866 or 1870/71. The entire ribbon is a banner from a bavarian „Kriegerverein“, where the awards of the deceased members were pinned. See here too: https://www.omsa.org/joseph-riedl/ Unfortunately, the condition of the flag ribbon is very poor, so the price is far too high for it. Many Greetings from Bavaria Walter
    3. The second case is also an original. I sold it because the market prices are currently very high and I had it in my collection without a medal.
    4. Servus Phil, Ask the seller if he will sell the medal to you cheaper. Many greetings to Cincinnati from Bavaria Walter
    5. Hello everyone, I plan to do a supplementary volume to my book ""Der Tapferkeit, Die Königlich- Bayerische Militär-Verdienst-Medaille im deutsch-französischen Krieg" (The Bravery, The Royal Bavarian Military Merit Medal in the Franco-German War) if I can gather enough additional information. Pictures of veterans or awards, legacies, etc. would be particularly good. Maybe someone has some good pictures or scans of it that they can provide to me. Many greetings from Bavaria and thank you very much Walter
    6. https://www.ebay.de/itm/296190592994?itmmeta=01HQDV6533YFJTFA0GF2EXDF9A&hash=item44f655c7e2:g:0r8AAOSwcjRlqB8N&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4OsalN21E0nhGXzc9PjvSGPbXIStIiLdLydNHjdEowlZS3aZkZLAXD7mnnrqtpLQNCQtafwGVwmli9dawpkznMmwJgZiJqrbR%2FyVN5kSWWl5XeekRkxOPRBBaVE4FEPH3SCUCOZm7GRpv5ctlRv38rJwWe9JKnukcQ8VEBWjhPts4u5GQjqfZMVc%2BiF1mpr7FI0LkoZinbe%2B%2BumKZyoLVwqNPAXpDtFvMggx8MRh2JyZz3RaZJCFym%2FN2LNq%2FqXQPqyDFT%2Bf2XhP4fly%2BWL%2B04x405tvGp9uQJjkZ4%2BsuXHj|tkp%3ABk9SR9TRmLu7Yw
    7. Servus. https://www.ebay.de/itm/296171167150?hash=item44f52d5dae:g:0r8AAOSwcjRlqB8N Many greetings from bavaria Walter
    8. Hello everyone, there are definitely no original PLMs being sold on eBay. Even after the war, the owners were all organized and the family certainly knew how to appreciate the value of the pieces and, if so, bring them to an auction house. Best regards Walter
    9. an unusual medal bar from an unusual wearer. See also here: https://www.omsa.org/bei-uns-wird-nix-gfangt-hauts-zu-was-konnts-franz-dettenhofer-trager-der-bayerischen-silbernen-und-goldenen-militar-verdienst-medaille-fur-den-deutsch-franzosischen-krieg-1870-71/
    10. Hello everyone, after a very long wait, the work that many have been eagerly awaiting will finally come in 2024 in 3 volumes and approx. 1200 pages about the Royal Bavarian Military Order of Merit by Sascha Zimmermann. The publisher hasn't given a price for it yet, but it will be worth every euro. An outstanding work in all parts with a quality that has rarely been encountered so far. Also in English! https://www.militaria.at/Search.aspx?RecentPublications=true I am looking forward to it. Best regards Walter
    11. Hello, All recipients of the Bavarian Military Merit Medal (Medal of Bravery) from 1793 - 1918 are published by the OMSA. If you're interested, just take a look there. https://www.omsa.org/verleihungen-der-churfurstlichen-ab-1-januar-1806-koniglich-bayerischen-militar-verdienst-medaille-von-1793-1866-an-bayerische-truppenangehorige/ https://www.omsa.org/verleihungsliste-der-trager-der-bayerischen-militarverdienstmedaillen-im-ersten-weltkrieg/ Best regards Walter
    12. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I will write to you here when I see a copy. greetings from Bavaria Walter
    13. That will be difficult. I don't know anyone who wants to sell an original at the moment. Maybe you can post pictures of your copies here? VG Walter
    14. These medals are very rare in their original form. There are good fakes, even in gold. I am aware of 78 original minted medals. VG Walter
    15. Sorry, hier die m.M.n. wichtigsten Teile des von mir vorgestellten Beitrags im SDA. "Hallo beisammen, nachdem Alex jetzt schon 3 interessante Beiträge über Persönlichkeiten der Fliegertruppe des 1. WK präsentiert hat, zeige ich Euch auch mal einen interessanten Brief von J. Jacobs, Leutnant der Res. und Führer der Jagdstaffel 7, PlM-Flieger, Rennfahrer und Sieger eines AVUS-Rennens 1922, Direktor der Adlerwerke und späterer Firmeninhaber (-Gründer) der REWE (Reparaturwerk Erfurt Josef Jacobs), der mit ein paar anderen Unterlagen über einen Münchner Flohmarkt vor vielen Jahren den Weg zu mir gefunden hat. Er starb als Sozialhilfeempfänger! 1978 in München. Nähere Einzelheiten zu seiner Person sind in Wikipedia oder auch z.B. bei Möller, Geschichte der Ritter des Ordens pour le merite im Weltkrieg, Erster Band, Seite 533, nachzulesen. Der Brief ist mit Schreibmaschine auf die Rückseite "Seiner" REWE-Luftpost an einen Hubrich geschrieben, der auch Mitglied der AA (Alten Adler) gewesen sein muss. Interessant zu lesen und auch m.M.n. allemal wert, hier vorgestellt zu werden." Hier noch ein interessanter Link http://www.axishistory.com/36-germany/germany-freikorps/2221-kampfgeschwader-sachsenberg Das Schreiben von Jakobs an Hubrich.
    16. http://h2385226.stratoserver.net/wbb4/index.php?thread/68462-kleinigkeit-von-josef-jacobs-plm-flieger-rennfahrer-firmeninhaber/&postID=436040#post436040 Best regards Walter
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