Hi Nicolas,this is
Goldene Hochzeits-Jubiläumsmedaille
Golden Wedding Jubilee Medal
Goldene Hochzeits-Jubiläumsmedaille was instituted on December 20, 1918 by the last King of Bavaria Ludwig III (07.01.1845-18.10.1921) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his wedding to Marie Therese Henriette Dorothea von Österreich-Este (02.07.1849-03.02.1919). The wedding ceremony itself was held on February 20, 1868 in the imperial palace of Hofburg in Vienna.
Decoration was presented during celebrations in Munich to all the Royal Court officials and servants, bodyguards of the Royal couple as well as to subjects who distinguished themselves during preparation for solemn ceremony of the Golden wedding and its implementation. Totally 2,711 medals were bestowed.
Golden Wedding Jubilee Medal had a shape of a vertical oval with slightly raised border.
Design of an obverse was based on a work of art of the famous sculptor and medalist Theodor Georgii (30.04.1883-21.08.1963) – bas relief of the royal couple he created from June until December 1917 before the Golden wedding ceremony. Apropos, during the celebration of the King’s birthday on January 07, 1918 Theodor Georgii was given the rank of the “royal professor” (königlicher Professor). Thus, an obverse showed portraits of the Royal couple facing right encircled by a thin laurel wreath tied with ribbons on each side. Three rosettes surrounded with multiple raised dots were situated at the top and at the bottom of the wreath.
Design of a reverse was elaborated by the engraver and medalist Alois Börsch (Boersch) (01.03.1855-10.04.1923), who previously engraved König Ludwig-Kreuz. A reverse bore an inscription “In Commemoration of the Golden Wedding” (“Zur Erinnerung an die Goldene Hochzeit”) in capital letters of different height running in five horizontal lines. The date “February 20, 1918” separated with dots (“20·Febr·1918”) was placed below. Two heraldic shields of the royal couple, both topped with the Bavarian crown, were placed at the bottom of a reverse – lesser coat of arms of Bavaria and that of Austria-Este (Österreich-Este). Two branches of the blooming myrtle with three flowers flanked the whole composition. Initial of Alois Börsch, “B” was placed at the very bottom of a reverse, just below the central flower.
Goldene Hochzeits-Jubiläumsmedaille measuring 37x26 mm and weighing 10,1 g was struck at the Hauptmünze in Munich of the so-called “Kriegsmetall”, i.e. zinc.
Decoration was worn on the left side of the chest suspended from a 21,8 mm wide silk ribbon divided into sky blue and white halves, thus symbolizing Bavaria, with a central 3,4 mm wide golden stripe.
In addition to this decoration two more awards were instituted in conjunction with the Golden Wedding of the Royal Couple: Erinnerungszeichen an die Goldene Hochzeit des Königspaares and Goldene Hochzeits-Erinnerungsmünze.
The above information comes from other websites