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Everything posted by David M
Hi I am hoping to find out more on Axel Freiherr v. Wachtmeister via this forum. Here is what I have so far. Should there be any details on his kids, next to his careerdata, that would be most welcom 1. Anna Wilhelmine Marie Friederike Bock v. Wülfingen (geboren Lehe 30.06.1855, getauft katholisch Lehe 19.09.1855, gestorben Hannover 14.02.1941), heiratet Axel Freiherr von Wachtmeister, (geboren Friedenthal/Mark 13.12.1846, gestorben Hannover 16.05.1909), kgl. preuss. Oberstleutnant a.D. Regards David
Hi I am looking for sometjing like a Stammliste of the Kadettenanstalt Oranienstein. I found a relative who was a Kadet there and died in 1873. Max Fick (geboren 28.11.1853, gestorben Flü… (Kanton Zürich) 17.11.1873) Kadet in Oranienstein. I have no idea how to get more information about him, maybe you gents do :-) many thanks David
Hi I am looking for the careerdates (preferably from stammliste) of the following officers. They were both in hannoverian service in 1863, and were maybe/hopefully transferred to the prussian army by 1866: Hauptmann Alexander Ostermeyer (1863 reitende Batterie) Premierlieutenant Hartwig Ostermeyer (1863 2nd Infanterie-Regiment) I do hope you could help me out with these 2 :-) Have a nice sunday regards David
Hi First of all, all the best and a very happy 2016 from Papendrecht, The Netherlands! I am looking for this book Maximilian von Zastrow (Oberstleutnant): "3. Badisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 50" - nach den amtlichen Kriegstagebüchern und Aufzeichnungen von Mitkämpfern, (Erinnerungsblätter dt. Regimenter, Truppenteile d. ehem. preuß. Kontingents; 267), Oldenburg, Berlin, Stalling, 341 S., 1929 and a possible entry of the Fick brothers, of which up to now I have (mainly thanks to forummember Andy) the following details: 6.e.b. Roderich Fick (geboren Würzburg 16.11.1886) Ingenieur, 18.08.1911 Lieutenant der Reserve im 3. Badisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr 50, 23.05.1916 auf spanisches Gebiet übergetretene Beamte des Gouvernements Kamerun, seit 06.09.1916 Kriegsgefangenschaft in Pamplona. 6.e.f. Roland Fick (geboren Zürich 29.10.1894, an seine Verwundungen 09.02.1916) Diensteintritt, Lieutenant der Reserve, 3. Badisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr 50 (5. Batterie) während die Gefechte vom 09.-13.05.1915 leicht verwundet. Would anyone have this book in his collection? Thanks,\ David
Great info, Alex. Does it also mentions the date 04.06.1916 and maybe a hint why he got the EK2 at that time or any possible reasons for the other awards he got? I would also like to know why he suddenly goes into a staff-position in September 1917. Was he unfit for active-flying duty from then, did he maybe have an accident?