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Austria-Hungary Friedrich August Ernst Graf Bellegarde
David M posted a topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
I am looking for information and pictures of Generalmajor FAE Graf Bellegarde. I found this already....compiled from the Militär-schematismus and the Militärverordnungsblätter to be found online. thanks a lot :-) Friedrich August Ernst Graf Bellegarde (geboren 10.12.1826, gestorben 12.01.1886); 1. Rittmeister im Cürassier-Regiment "Ludwig Graf Wallmoden-Gimborn" Nr 6, Versetzung zum Uhlanen-Regiment "Ferdinand beider Sizilien" Nr 12 5.11.1857 als Oberstlieutenant zum Uhlanen- Regiment "Graf Civalart" Nr 1, 11.04.1858 Versetzung in gleicher Eigenschaft zum Dragoner-Regiment "Fürst Windisch-Graetz" Nr 7, 21.06.1859 Oberst und Commandeur; 21.08.1866/26.08.1866 Generalmajor und Generaladjutant. MVK; 22.12.1864 belobende Anerkennung; 03.10.1866 OEK3mKD; HG3; RStW4; BHLO3 27.04.1852; PROA2b 07.12.1860; PKO2bX 03.09.1864. -
Italy Italy: date of the SMLO3
David M replied to David M's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Hi Claudio! Thanks for your quick and interesting reply. I will check this out when I get home tonight. I have some other recipient of the SMLO as well, so maybe I will have a good evening spent :-) David -
Goodmorning Could one find out a date to the awards of the Sardinian and later Italian Order of Sankt Moriz und Lazarus? Where to find such a date? Not many of the Calendario di corte are online to be found.... I am especially looking for a date between 1850 and 1870. Thanks for your reply regards David David
Hi I have been looking for the firstname of a prussian civil servant, of whom I have the following details. Is it really impossible to find it? Or do I have to look somewhere else. Thanks for any help :-) regards David NN Leiss; 1854 Kanzleirath im Chiffrirbureau des Außenministeriums ; 1873 Geheimer Hofrath. ODM: 1857 PROA4; OFJ3; ITML3. Q.: KPS 1857; KPS 1873.
These are alle PROA3's, I looked through the STB's so I was able to give an estimation of the years. Please tell me if this works. If not, I would be more then happy to look through the Ordenlisten myself, do you know where to find them? Schrader Wilhelm Ludwig Geheimer Regierungsrath PROA3 before 1834 1787-1856 Wilkens von Hohenau Karl Friedrich Major a la suite PROA3 before 1834 1792-1888 Pfeiffer Franz Georg Geheime Regierungsrath PROA3 before 1837 after 1835 Bàumler Georg Philipp Adam PROA3 before 1841 after 1839 Kopp Johann Heinrich Geheime Ober-Medicinalrath PROA3 before 1843 after 1839 von Starck Kriegsrath PROA3 before 1843 after 1835 Wöhler August PROA3 before 1847 after 1843 von Heppe Theodor Geheime Regierungsrath PROA3 before 1847 after 1843 Spohr Louis PROA3 before 1847 after 1843 von Kaltenborn-Stachau Rudolph Wilhelm Carl Roland Oberst-lieutenant PROA3 before 1851 after 1847 von Lossberg Carl Wilhelm Jeremias PROA3 before 1851 after 1847 Weiss Wilhelm Otto Theodor PROA3X before 1852 after 1847 Schenck zu Schweinsberg Heinrich August Ludwig Oberst PROA3 1853 Wachs Heinrich Regierungs-Director PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 Schier Martin Generalstabsarzt PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 Lange Georg Friedrich Geheime Oberbaurath PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 von Marschall Wellenstein Christian Oberstlieutenant PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 Treusch von Buttlar Julius Oberst PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 von Eschwege Hermann Ludwig Carl Julius Hans Major und Flügeladjutant PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 von Heimrod Ludwig Friedrich Major PROA3 before 1856 after 1851 Cramer Wilhelm Ober-Finanzrath PROA3 before 1859 after 1856 Freiherr von Dörnberg Emil Kammerherr PROA3 before 1860 after 1856 von Schmerfeld Sigmund Director der Eisenbahn-Direction PROA3 before 1864 after 1859 Sezekorn Simon Eduard Wilhelm Geheimer Regierungsrath PROA3 before 1864 after 1860 These are all kurhessians. The Schleife is not mentioned anywhere in the Staatshandbücher, so I cannot say if all or any of these have also received the 4th Class.
Hi I am looking for some data on two militairy officers from Sachsen-Meiningen who also stood in prussian militairy service: Ludwig Freiherr v. Türcke (Priesdorf Bd 7 S. 498 Nr 2434) Leonhard Theodor Lothar Freiherr von und zu Egloffstein (Priesdorf Bd 7 S. 481 Nr 2423) I am primarily interested in birthdate and place of birth, date of death and place of death and the ODM these men received. Amongst the ODM you will find the CHGL3, the reason for my interest in these men. As I already have a number of over 1000 individual knights, I will not take the complete career in my publication, but just the one from their first appearance in the Court and State handbook :-) Thanks a lot in advance regards
David M replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Gladly volunteering for any kind of typing out there is to do :-)...please let me know/send me a PM or anything. I have the coming 3 weeks off , so I could do a lot now :-) -
Hi Rick Would it be possible to find out (if there is anything to find out on his brother as well?) I will post his career here, but I have hardly anything on his ODM. I simply cannot believe he just ended up with what I have on him. The DOA 1908/9 entry although under his name, is his brothers Louis': Georg Emil Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim (geboren Neuß a. Rh. 18.02.1873, gestorben Berlin 23.01.1940 kgl. preuss. Zentenarmedaille (27.03.1897), (figured this one out because he was in active service at the moment of award of this medal) kgl. preuss. Ritter des Eisernes Kreuzes I. Klasse, because he received the HHO3X kgl. preuss. Ritter des Eisernes Kreuzes II. Klasse, because he received the HHO3X kgl. preuß. Ritter des hohenzollnerischen Hausordens mit dem Schwertern (18.12.1917), His career (for which I am largely in debt to the researchers here, Glenn, Andy) Nach abgelegten Abiturienten-Examen als Grenadier 18.9.1893 Diensteintritt als Avantegeur im Kaiser-Alexander-Grenadier-Garde Regiment Nr. 1 (Garnison: Berlin), 21.11.1893 Gefreiter, 27.01.1894 Unteroffizier, 21.04.1894 Portepeefähnrich, 27.01.1895 Secondelieutenant, 22.03.1897 (Patent vom 27.01.1897) Leutnant 1. Kompagnie, 3. Bataillon des Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg (2. hanseatisches) Nr. 76, 10.07.-05.08.1899 zur Gewehrfabrik Spandau, 15.09.1904 Oberleutnant Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg (2. hanseatisches) Nr. 76 (Garnison: Hamburg), 1905-1908 zur Kriegs-Akademie kommandirt, nach Beendigung des Commandos zur Kriegs-Akademie bis 30.9.1908 zur Dienstleistung beim 1. Garde-Dragoner-Regiment Königin Viktoria von Grossbritannien und Irland commandirt, 01.04.1909 auf 1 Jahr zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen General-Stabe commandirt, 01.04.1910 auf ein ferneres Jahr zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen General-Stabe commandirt, 20.03.1911V unter Enthebung von dem Commando zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen-General-Stab und unter Beförderung zum Hauptmann als Compagniechef, 2. Kompagnie Niederrheinisches Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 39 (Ganison: Düsseldorf), 01.05.1915 Führer des III. Bataillons des Füsilier-Regiments 39, Januar 1916 Führer des I. Bataillons Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments 220, 22.03.1917-Ende 12.1917 Major und Bataillonschef des II. Bataillons Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 220, 04.1918 zur IV. Compagnie der Ausbildungskursus für Fahnenjunker auf der Truppen-Übungsplatz Döberitz kommandirt 15.05.1918 dem Kriegsministerium überwiesen, 17.05.1918 Militärkommission Kiew, 09.11.1918 Bevollmächtigter des Kriegsministeriums für die Ukraine, Gesandter zu Kiew, 01.03.1919 demobilisiert, 24.07.1919 Versorgungsabteilung des Kriegsministerium, 09.04.1920 Abschied mit Pension und mit der Range als Oberstleutnant. So basically I would love to know more on this guys ODM. his archive was destroyed in WWII. So that cannot tell me much more. regards David
Hi I have been looking for a Oberförster Schaefer in Kulik for....well quite some time. Purely by chance I found out that his name was pronounced Schaefer but written Schefer. the place he worked was written Kullick in stead of Kulik. I know he got a PROA4 and a PROA3mSchl at his pensioning somewhere in the mid 1890's. I am wondering if he is in one of the DOA's 1904/5 or 1908/9. I dont know his firstname, but I guess Schefer with one f is not that common. A scan would be nice, when available. regards David