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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. Hi One of my kurhessian guys received the GSF2. I am just curious if it should mention GSF2b/a in his biographical entry or just GSF2. In other words: did the GSF know a grade Commander with star which would result in a possible 2a for my guy or is there only a GSF2 with a neckbadge and then GSF1. Hope you can help me out here regards David
    2. I thought I did see an example of a GC worn on a RB sometime ago?
    3. Hi I know it is a long shot and to my knowledge neither are available fulltext via googlebooks, but I was wondering if anyone had access to one of the underneath mentioned books: Lange, E.: R?ckblicke auf die Stammgeschichte des 20 Landwehr-Regiments (Berlin, 1858) Brecht, C.: Geschichte des 3. brandenburgischen Landwehr-Regiment Nr 20 (Berlin 1866) regards David
    4. Hi Glenn Thanks that would make sense! regards David
    5. Hi For a small part explaining the mE, mSchl and awB kind of things for prussian decorations, I am looking for a reference book. I know I can find the details I need here, but I just want a book to refer to for the readers of my own publication on the CHWO. any help appreciated thanks regards David
    6. Understandably. if I had such jewels, I would put them in a bank safe as well :-) regards David
    7. Just a weird question: I guess you did just the wartime decorations, not the awards pre-1914? regards David
    8. Hi Eitze you must have acquired quite a collection of Waldeck ribbon and medalbars. I am sure not only I would be interested in a 1 photo overview (which would have to look really spectacular!!) regards David
    9. They were something like Edle Herren von Kranichfeld thats why the bird (dunno the name in english) is in the wappen.
    10. Hi Matthias Thanks for that, would you happen to research there yourself a lot? regards David
    11. Hi I found here http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga-Orden that this order was mainly awarded to nurses. I have in my data the WOO awarded to a man My questions regarding this order: 1. How rare were decorations to men (is there a full list or maybe a records of the number to men somewhere) 2. Is it possible to trace a date of award (basically requiring the same as ad 1.) 3. What was Dietzsch final record (basically enquiring as to any prussian awards such as a PROA4 as he was a Professor) on ODM in the 1874 or 1875 Prussian Staatshanbuch My data: Gustav Adolf Dietzsch (geboren 31.01.1808, gestorben 09.09.1875); Stiftsprediger und Di?cesan-Vorstand zu Oehringen ; 1870 Professor der systematischen Theologie an der Universit?t in Berlin. 1871 WOO; 1871 D70/71; SEK3 Hof und Staatshandbuch des K?nigreich W?rttemberg 1873 S. 137 und 595. thanks and regards David
    12. Hi Bob That could very well be: I found this : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_von_Rauch not my von Rauch, though most likely related regards David
    13. Hi In trying to find out anything more on Alfred von Rauch, an officer in the Garde du Corps. I am hoping someone could tell me about the ADC of the Prussian Princes. von Rauch received a grade of the CHWO (Wilhelmorder) in 1853, some prussian Princes received the CHGL (Hausorden vom goldenen L?wen) around the same time. It is shown not uncommon for a Prince or high-ranking General to receive the Hausorder (in 1 Class 1851-1866) and his ADC to receive a (low) Grade of the CHWO. So specifically my questionn is: Is Alfred von Rauch mentioned as ADC to a prussian prince and around 1850-60 specifically to: Friedrich (III.) Wilhelm Nicolaus Kronprinz von Preussen (1831-1888) Albrecht Prinz von Preussen (1809-1872) Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Ernst Prinz von Preussen (1826-1902) or General der Infanterie and Generaladjutant von Neumann Should Alfred von Rauch be found, I would be most interested in his ODM, possible dates of promotion (I have his last charackter as Major ausser Dienst in 1864) Any help would be greatly appreciated. regards David
    14. Hi Where would I find possible data of maneuvres of regiments? I am especially interested in the Baden Field-Artillerie Regiment in the seconde half of 1863 (summer-autumn) and any accompaniening units of other states of the Confederation. regards David
    15. there should be previous ones (for the 19th century) as well. Does anyone have a picture? I am referring to the one awarded around 1850-60 regards David
    16. Thanks for the explanation. Delpy von la Roche lived from 1793-1871
    17. Hi I have received yesterday a picture of the royal bavarian General der Infanterie Heinrich Delpy von La Roche. I am currently trying to date the picture, as the ODM's are very clear in sight and I have the dates of Erlaubnis zum Tragen of most of his ODM. I have several questions regarding the looks of some ODM, which I can hopefully compare with the picture and narrow down the period in which the picture was established. I am most specifically looking for pictures of: kgl. bayer. Veteranendenkzeichen Ehrenkreuz der Ludwigsorden (it really does say Ehrenkreuz, not Grosskreuz) there is no state mentioned in the entry, but I never heard of a bavarian Ludwigsorden?? I am also looking for a picture of the Modena-Est'se Order of the Eagle. As the copyright of the picture lies with the Haupstaatsarchiv in M?nchen, I cannot post the picture here. I can tell you it will be in my book on the CHWO at some point, as it is !!!!!THE FIRST PICTURE I FOUND SHOWING A CHWO1 IN WEARING!!!!! I am sure you can all imagine my excitement. Thanks for any help in advance! regards
    18. Hi I am looking for details (militairy careerd, birth-date, firstnames things like that) of: NN Geim; Premierlieutenant a.D., Stallmeister und Ordensherold der Hohen Orden vom Schwarzen Adler. PortC3; SEHO4. KPS 1857, 1861 . He also received the CHWO4 and is not mentioned anymore in the KPS (prussian Staatshandbuch) of 1868, so died somewhere between 1861 and 1868. Being a court-official in Potsdam, I expect him to have served in a regiment closeby. I suspected a cavalry-regiment, however searches in the regimental histories of the 1. Garde-Dragoner-Regiment, Garde-C?rasier-Regiment and Garde-Husaren-Regiment came out negative. Possibly, he was in an infantry-unit. At this point I only know where he was not in ( which excludes !!!3!!! already ) Yeah I know, a long shot....any help on where to look, possible suggestions are very welcome. regards David
    19. Hi I just wanted to let you know that I am on esnips, collecting pdf-books (most to be found on googlebooks as well) on pre-imperial german and austrian militairy history, Should you happen to be on esnips as well and would like to get into my folder, let me know (by PM or here) and I will invite you regards David
    20. Hi Mike Thanks for that. However, the guys I am looking for (at least from austria-h.) were all dead by 1905. Do you have any othe Schematismus between 1866 and 1905? regards David
    21. It is definately Koenemann, the 'e' are written flat, the confusion is common (I had some very strange name's in the beginning of my S?tterlin tries as well. regards David
    22. There are some regimental histories online to be found however I could not find the ones I am after. Furthermore the Schematismus does not give dates of promotion (as far as I know) and that is basically one of the thigs I am looking for. regards David
    23. Hi Today my recently purchased 1866 Frankfurt Staatshandbuch came in. I will make an excell file with data regarding the persons who received an award and what kind of award that was. It should be finished latest by the end of May. Although I will make another note of that, I would just like to make this note beforehand so shoudl you be looking for a specific person, you can either PM or contact me via this thread. regards David
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