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Everything posted by David M
I dont know if this is even slightly possible, but is there data available to look up the dates when persons got their FLE? If so, I would be very interested in knowing how and where Thanks and good night David
Adolf von Herzberg, geboren Danzig 28.07.1820; 07.05.1849 Premierlieutenant im mecklenburg-schwerinschen Exercir-Bataillon, 01.10.1849 Bataillonsadjutant, 29.10.1851 zum Leichten Infanterie-bataillon, 18.09.1852 zum Generalstab, 06.04.1856 Hauptmann, 01.06.1857 Compagniechef im Grenadier-Garde Bataillon, 28.07.1858 Fl?geladjutant SKH des Grossherzogs, 05.10.1860 Major, 19.06.1864 den Abschied bewilligt, 20.06.1864 in k?niglich preussischen Milit?rdiensten als Major im Grossen Generalstab, 10.12.1864 zum Generalstab der 5. Armee Division, 08.06.1866 Oberstlieutenant, 16.08.1866 Commandant des III. Bataillons des F?silier-Regiment Nr. 36, 18.01.1876 als Generallieutenant zu den Offizieren von der Armee, 04.02.1879 mit Pension zur Disposition. D70/71; GHLO2a; GHVP2b; MecklW2a; MeckK1; 07.09.1870 OHO2bX; PrRA2mSt&E&XaR; PrRA2mSch&Xor, PrKr1mXaR, PrKr3X, EK1, PrDK, Pr64, Pr66, PrZM, WaldV1, WFO1 ?EK3X, RStS1 Wouldn't a higher class make that a lower class is not being mentioned anymore? Hope someone can explain this to me regards David
Like your L?beck roll, Everybody Should Have One. Thanks for the info and the nice comment, please don't forget mentioning that again once the L?H are finished BTW interesting to see the different abbreviations used for orders in various publications at the moment I am using these GHVP for Philipp the Magnanimous SEHO for the ernestine House order PKO for the Prussian Crown Order for my publication on the CHWO that is David
Hi I am looking for details on Joseph Riepenhof. Here is what I have on him: He was at Norm?e with then Hauptmann L. M?ldner von M?lnheim, who calls him his treue Bursche R. Later in the war he was Ordonnanz and driver? of the Crownprince (therefore I take it he was an officer on the staff of the 5AOK Deutsche Kronprinz. He lived to see the end of the war, as he is amongst the officers who accompany the german Crownprince into exile. Hope it is possible to find out something about him. regards and thanks David
David M replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Hi Kapitular Well I think I can speak for all of us if we say that we are trying and I think we should, it almost 100 yeras ago and so little of these kind of details are known nowadays. Still a lot of work to do. How many of the L?beck lifesavingmedals are mentioned in the rolls you have on microfilm? Was it a WWI-award? I am afraid I do not know much about the lifesavingmedals, but am eager to learn more about the L?beck ones David -
David M replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Hi Werner that's great. It would be an idea that if you were to publish it, the rolls for the GHLO and GHPV should be starting their rolls in 1871, it concludes a nice periode of time (Empire) and another publication can cover a more logic timespan before that (pre imperial) But that is just a thought -
David M replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Did you also do the several HD Orders? From when? -
Hi a cousin of my greatgranfather served at the eastern front (Bulgaria) I am looking for a picture of his bulgarian awards: 06.05.1916 Bulgarian Tapferkeitskreuz IV. Klasse (do I read this one right? what does it look like?) 02.09.1916 Bulgarian Militair Verdienst Kreuz (a picture of this one anyone?) 23.03.1918 Bulgarian Seeflieger Abzeichen (a picture of this one?) Wilhelm M?ldner 22.08.1914 Diensteintritt im Freiwillige Marine Flieger Korps (Berlin-Johannisthal), II Seeflieger-Abteilung (SFA): 31.07.1915 Obermatrose, dann Bootmannsmaat, 11.1915 Flugmaat, 06.11.1915-03.12.1915 Seeflieger-Station (SFS) Borkum, wo er mit dem Friedrichshafen FF 29a (Seeaufkl?rer) Nummer 419 flog, 23.01.1916-12.10.1916 und 01.05.1917-16.06.1917 I. SFA: SFS Varna (Bulgarien), hier war er Flugzeugf?hrer der Friedrichshafen FF 33e (Seeaufkl?rer), Nummer 507, 529, 530, 723, 738, 780, 835, 861 und 862, 04.07.1916 Vizeflugmeister, 24.05.1917H Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie, 15.09.1917-03.1918 II. Adjutant der Stab der I. SFA (Kiel-Holtenau), 30.04.1918 zur Dienstleistung bei der Kommandeur der Flieger des Marine Korps Flandern (KoFl) commandirt (Zeebr?gge, Belgien), 06.05.1918 unter Enthebung von dem Commando zur Dienstleistung bei der KoFl, zur Verf?gung der Marine Flugchef (Berlin) vom 25.08.1918-25.09.1918 Reservelazarett Bad Nauheim (Erkrankung), dann bis Kriegsende zur Verf?gung der Marine Flugchef (Berlin), 21.01.1920 ausser Dienst. Thanks a lot David M
L?beck (L?H) Statistics so far: Year number Procentual 1915 353 10,45 1916 1090 32,28 1917 1036 30,68 1918 772 22,86 1919 46 1,36 1920 34 1,01 1921 1 0,00 subtotal 3332 98,64 unkown 45 1,33 Total 3377 99,97 In this number 3377 we do find the following Schutztruppe 7 0,21 Marine 232 6,87 Marineflieger 6 0,18 Flieger 21 0,62 Luftschiffer 7 0,21 Marineluftschiffer 2 0,06