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    Everything posted by Deutschritter

    1. Here are some of them: China-Denkmünze in Bronze Red Eagle Order, 4th Class with the Crown and Swords Württemberg Order of the Crown, Knight's Cross with Swords (WK4m.Schw.) Order of the Double Dragon, Third Class, Second Grade (ChDDIII2) Order of the Sacred Treasure, 4th Class / Officer's Cross (JpHS4) Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown, Knight's Cross Sankt-Annen-Orden, III. Klasse (RA3) Ritterorden der hl. Mauritius und Lazarus, Offizierkreuz (IMuL3) Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubiläums-Medaille Südwest-Afrika Denkmünze in Steel Sankt-Olav-Orden, Komturkreuz I. Klasse (NO2a) Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with the Crown and Swords on the Ring (PrA2m.Kr.u.m.Schw.) Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), Ritter II. Klasse (ÖEK2) Military Merit Order (Bavaria), 1st Class with Swords on 8/9 April 1915 Military Order of Max Joseph, Knight's Cross on 8 February 1916
    2. Gentlemen, I hope these promotions are right, I would love to have a list of his decorations as of 1918. If anyone can help out, please do. Thanks!!! 1879 Portepée-Fähnrich in the Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leib-Regiment (München) 13.11.1880 Sekonde-Lieutenant 1.10.1890 Premier-Lieutenant 22.2.1895 Hauptmann 10.7.1900 Major 18.12.1903 Oberstleutnant 7.5.1906 Oberst 18.11.1908 Generalmajor 25.5.1911 Generalleutnant 25.1.1917 Charakter als General der Infanterie
    3. Thanks for seeing that, of course I. Class with Oak Leaves and Swords (as Generalleutnant for the War 1870/71). Here is the Rangliste 1896 with BV2a ...
    4. Gentlemen, does anyone have the promotion dates of Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin? I have looked through the internet, couldn't find any exact dates. Thank you!
    5. That depends, higher awards (like silver/mattweiß) could be given for only one wound (schwere/schwerste Verwundung), if eye was lost, arm was amputated and so on. Maybe Mike can help with "16.07.1918 Commander’s Cross of the Royal Bulgarian Military Service Order with War Decoration" ... Commander (normally for colonels) for a Leutnant? Or should that read 1938? Thanks!
    6. Hello, Grey, I read somewhere: Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 369, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 15, where he was promoted to Leutnant der Reserve on 19 January 1917, and the 2. Garde-Reserve-Division ... I am sure Glenn will know more.
    7. Hello, Michael, thanks for the great information. I do have a question or two: Many sources say, Lutze joined the army as an officer candidate in 1912, but some sources say Einjährig-Freiwilliger. Seeing he became Postassistant, he could hardly become an officer candidate? So did he return to the Reichspost 1913 and was called to duty 1914 as Unteroffizier der Reserve? Becoming, like Glenn wrote, Vizefeldwebel d. R. and Leutnant d. R.? Any help would be great. Did he have three (Inge, Viktor and Adolf „Addi“) or four children? Thanks! Picture of 1 May 1943, the day of the accident (Leutnant Viktor Jr. seems to be wearing EK2, Panzerkampabzeichen, Riding Badge and Wound Badge in Black):
    8. Thanks for that, I was also thinking at least Hungary and Bulgaria. Sorry for not having a better picture.
    9. Gentlemen, what decoration does Oberleutnant Ross have on the ribbon, surely something Bavarian? Thanks!
    10. Gentlemen, can anyone help with the ribbon bar of author and SS-Sonderführer Edwin Erich Dwinger? In WWI he received the EKII, the Ehrenkreuz (first two ribbons) and the VWA in Black. What could the last three ribbons with swords be? Thank you!
    11. Good evening, Gentlemen? Do you have any idee what kind of breast star Veiel is wearing (left)? Thanks!
    12. WP has him as Fahnenjunker 1882 with about 21 years of age. Does anyone know why so late? Maybe WP has the year wrong? Thanks!
    13. Really great pictures, thank you! Am I seeing this right, Kronenorden II class with swords (neck) and the Friedrich-August-Kreuz I class under the EK 1?
    14. Gentlemen, Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth has as of the Rangliste 1914 only ZM, RAO4 and Dienstauszeichnungskreuz. Does anyone know if he received decorations for his time in China? Also I would love to know his WW I decorations except for EK II and I and HOH3x. A picture would be magnificent. Thanks!
    15. These are the decorations I have now listed for Leo von Bernuth, any additions or corrections would be great: Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71 mit acht Gefechtsspangen Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Ritterkreuz II. Klasse mit Eichenlaub (BZL3bmE) Sankt-Annen-Orden, III. Klasse (RA3) Ehrenritter des Johanniter-Ordens Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse Greifenorden, Ehrenkreuz (MGrO2c/MG2c) Zentenarmedaille am 22. März 1897 Gedächtnismedaille für Friedrich Franz III. am 21. April 1897 Albrechts-Orden, Offizierkreuz (SA3) Erlöser-Orden, Kommandeurkreuz (GE2b) Rechtsritter des Johanniter-Ordens Preußischer Kronenorden, III. Klasse Erinnerungszeichen an die zweite Hochzeit Großherzog Ernst Ludwigs von 1905 (Großherzogtum Hessen) Roter Adlerorden, III. Klasse mit der Schleife Großherzoglich Hessischer Verdienstorden, Komtur II. Klasse (HP2b) Preußischer Kronenorden, II. Klasse am 17. September 1909 Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Kommandeur II. Klasse mit Eichenlaub (BZL2bmE/BZ2bmE), 1911 Rote Kreuz-Medaille (Preußen), III. und II. Klasse Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe Dienstauszeichnung „Für treue Mitarbeit“ des Thüringer Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz, I. Stufe, 1922 Ehrenkreuz des Weltkrieges ohne Schwerter
    16. Another brother was Otto Wilhelm Gebhard von Bernuth, he fell on 22 August 1914 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur 4. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment. Good evening, Dave, do you happen to know if Leo von Bernuth was given the PKO2 or the RAO2 along with his retirement? Thanks!
    17. Gentlemen, does anyone know if Leo von Bernuth received the PKO2 or even the ROA2 to his retirement? Thanks! ... Update: Thanks, Dave just answered this.
    18. 8 out of 25 possible ... not bad at all! But no EK II??? Was Leo von Bernuth reactivated 1914? Maybe then EK II or even I? Thanks! Do I have the right one: Ludwig August Friedrich Leopold „Leo“ von Bernuth (b. 7 April 1851 in Burtscheid by Aachen)? If yes, his brother was Generalmajor Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth (1861--1957)?!
    19. Thank you!!! I wonder, if he ever received the Verwundetenabzeichen? I would say yes, seeing he also received the EK I, the first picture (with Fez in hand) is before August 1918, maybe even 1917.
    20. Wow, really impressiv! Do you know if the Turkish medal is the Imtiaz-Medaille in silver or the Silberne Liakat-Medaille?
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