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    Everything posted by Deutschritter

    1. Gentlemen, does anyone have a better picture of Weber? Looking at the ribbon bar, is that the Sudetenlandmedaille to the right? What about the rest? Did he maybe have the EK II (1939) or the KVK? Hard to identify with this picture, I know. Thank you!
    2. He was born 1889. He entered the navy on 3 April 1907 as Seekadett, 28 September 1910 Leutnant zur See, 27 September 1913 Oberleutnant zur See, ??.??.1918 Kapitänleutnant zur See; Awards according to Rangliste 1918 (at least): Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. Klasse and Militärverdienstkreuz (Mecklenburg), II. Klasse (MMV2).
    3. A gentleman of this forum wrote to me within hours and informed me, it is the Order of the Crown of Italy. Now I think I have them all for Ibbeken, please let me know, if I am missinh anything: Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. Klasse Baltenkreuz Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung, IV. bis II. Klasse Spanisches Marine-Verdienstkreuz, II. Klasse der weißen Abteilung Spanienkreuz in Bronze Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 Wiederholungsspange (1939) zum Eisernen Kreuz II. Klasse (1914) Eisernes Kreuz (1939), 1. Klasse U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen (1939) Orden der Krone von Italien, Offizierkreuz Ungarischer Verdienstorden, Offizierkreuz Kriegsverdienstkreuz (1939), II. und I. Klasse mit Schwertern
    4. Hello Monsun! What is the cross at the right with the red-white-red ribbon? Thank you!
    5. Extra: Both sons are named in their "Todesanzeige" as "Ritter des Eisernen Kreuzes" (for the Battle of Coronel), so surely the father was that also.
    6. In paintings he has the EK II, and on small statues he carries the EK I ... but I cannot prove that he received both. Do you happen to have his promotion dates? Thank you! Here is a picture from the Book "Die großen Deutschen im Bild" (Hg. von Alfred Hentzen & Niels v. Holst).
    7. Thank you, Gunnar, so he was married twice. Hmm, the "Familienangelegenheiten" could be, he was married and fathered the two girls with Renate. Maybe he was forced to divorce his first wife. This really helps. Thanks again! Sorry, I am not a member of ancestry.de, therefore they will not allow me to search his name.
    8. Thanks for clearing that up! Who was Hans? An officier? Maybe brother of Friedrich? Thank you!
    9. This is great, Gunnar, thank you so much! This is what I have on Gerhard Hubrich: Abzeichen für Marine-Flugzeugführer auf Seeflugzeugen (1913), Oktober 1914 Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse Ehrenpreis der Marineflieger Flieger-Erinnerungsabzeichen der Kaiserlichen Marine Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung Wiederholungsspange (1939) zum Eisernen Kreuz II. und I. Klasse (1914) Do you know of more? I am writing about him at the moment. Do you have his book "Zwischen den Meilensteinen der Luftfahrt – Küken Hubrich erzählt aus seinem Fliegerleben" (Luftfahrt-Verlag Walter Zuerl, Steinebach am Wörthsee 1969)? If so, I have a question: Did he write anything about his marriage or marriages? On 8 May 1943 in Bremen-Burglesum he married Renate Heberle (born 17 October 1916 in Altenburg). She had two daughters: Marion Heberle ( born 12 June 1939 in Hamburg) and Karin Heberle (born 14 August 1941 in Konigstein). After the marriage both girls, who were conceived out of wedlock, received the family name Hubrich. He must have adopted them, but I think, he was also the real father and married Renate late?! Renate died very young on 24 August 1945 in Bremen-Vegesack. Does "Küken" Hubrich write why? Maybe sickness? Thanks!!!
    10. Thank you, Alex and Dave ... I wished, I would have had a better picture to present, but at the moment, this was the best I could find.
    11. Gentlemen, I need your help once again. Theodor Rudolf Rowehl served in WW II, but also as a Seeflieger in WW I, and there is hardly anything to find about his time between 1914 und 1918. Who can help? Maybe with decorations? What is he wearing under the Ritterkreuz? Could that be something Hungarian? Thanks!
    12. Is the medal between EK and Baltenkreuz something Turkish?
    13. Gentlemen, I am trying to piece together all awards and decortions for Josef Carl Peter Jacobs. Of course I have the Flugzeugführerabzeichen, PLM, EK II and I, Hohenzollern with swords and the Ehrenbecher, surely Hindenburg 1934/35. In the topic below there are although many more (O'Connor Sammlung in the Technikmuseum), but were they actually his? I see a wounded badge, Hanseatenkreuz and more ... who can help identify them? Thank you! https://gmic.co.uk/topic/50883-pour-le-merite/
    14. Wilhelm Josef Franz Leeb, born 5. September 1876 in Landsberg am Lech ... here is what I have now, please tell me, if I am missing anything: China-Denkmünze für Kämpfer Prinzregent-Luitpold-Medaille Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse Ritterkreuz des Königlichen Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern Ritterkreuz des Militär-Max-Joseph-Ordens (BMJ3) Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern (SA3⚔) Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militär-Verdienstkreuz, II. Klasse (MK2) Ritterkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone mit Schwertern (WK3) Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration (ÖE3K) Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz (BH) Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz (HH) Eiserner Halbmond (TH) Bayerischer Militärverdienstorden, III. Klasse mit Schwertern (BM3⚔) am 12. September 1917 Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, II. Klasse (BD2) Heeresbergführer-Abzeichen Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung, IV. bis I. Klasse ... I. Klasse am 2. Oktober 1936 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange „Prager Burg“ Wiederholungsspange (1939) zum Eisernen Kreuz II. und I. Klasse (1914) Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes am 24. Juni 1940 als Generaloberst und Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe C Namentliche Nennung im Wehrmachtbericht am 21. Oktober 1941 Medaille „Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42“ am 19. August 1942 Großkanzler des bayerischen Militär-Max-Joseph-Ordens, 1954 1965 benannte die deutsche Bundeswehr die „Ritter-von-Leeb-Kaserne“ in Landsberg am Lech nach dem Generalfeldmarschall.
    15. Thanks so much, Daniel!!! I hope you still have a little patience with me. For Werner Voß I have the Flugzeugführerabzeichen, EK II and I, HOH3X and of course PLM. But I am pretty sure he had one or two more? Maybe you can help?
    16. Dear Daniel, maybe you can also help me with Walter von Bülow-Bothkamp, although the ribbon bar can sadly not be seen?
    17. That's great, Daniel! Yesterday I read he also had the Ehrenbecher ... now I must have them all! Thank you!!!
    18. In this Artwork from Professor Hans Kohlschein (brother-in-law of Böhme's brother, Gerhard) his last ribbon has another color ...
    19. Maybe Orden der Eisernen Krone? His friend Boelcke had that also.
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