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    Antonio Prieto

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    Everything posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. In other regulations it indicates anything. The cipher YR or IR identify it as the pieces of the period of Isabel II (1833-1868) and perhaps subsequent periods, republics and others to Alfonso XII King of Spain between 1874-1885, regency of María Cristina (1886-1902 ) and Reign of Alfonso XIIII (1902-1931), which would use the FRO7 Cypher FY are the initials of the Catholic Kings, (F)ernando and (Y)sabel of the las regulation of 1998: "And on the reverse, the initials and crown of the Catholic Monarchs on Blue"
    2. The explanations of the regulations give rise to interpretations. In the founding of 1815 he says: "My name, as founder of the Order, on a blue field in a gold cipher, royal crown crowned in the center of the shield" The founder is the King Fernando VII. Cipher is FR (F)ernando (R)ey
    3. HONORES OLVIDADOS. LAS CONDECORACIONES DEL PROTECTORADO ESPAÑOL EN MARRUECOS Y DE LAS CIUDADES DE CEUTA Y MELILLA Francisco Javier Hernández Navarro y Antonio Prieto Barrio FORGOTTEN HONORS. THE DECORATIONS OF THE SPANISH PROTECTORATE IN MOROCCO AND OF THE CITIES OF CEUTA AND MELILLA 316 page book, full color. Hard cover. Some 235 images, many of them unpublished, as well as tables and graphs. A QR code included in the book will allow you to access the appendices of this work. More of 250 pages in PDF format, containing both the nominal lists of those awarded the Mehdauia Order, the Military Order of Constance and the Medal of the City of Melilla, as well as various relationships and equivalences of military and civilian positions, as well as a series of Legislative annexes on the decorations studied. Size: 210 x 270mm. Publication date: 12.2022 Edit:: Servicio de Publicaciones de la UNED-Melilla, Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes y Archivo General de Ceuta Index https://www.coleccionesmilitares.com/medallas/imagenes/libros/indicehn.pdf Also https://faleristicadecoleccionesmilitares.blogspot.com/2023/02/para-los-autores-este-trabajo-ha-sido.html
    4. FRO7 crowned also between 1875-1931 All dates and periods are approximate. There are no regulations in this matter
    5. Please see https://es-es.facebook.com/faleristica/ https://www.facebook.com/faleristica/posts/pfbid02XMLrimwNRUmNLEDFBoB8NuwCt5B12q7upvAjz61Rtwr8BhfgUowcFhM2GVoRz8PAl?__cft__[0]=AZXQsV-lUNZ0otRmhuW0lqVJl4i-DxWzFQecFlKk5d15qAgUJWJ-QSPXPCWJPSkqzuZFNbBMLQcIDHdVrupJhYaLgfwIiMEYYrnZNb3sSCYrKdLp8pWygjTIBzYxGvDtZV84Vj626W61ELzh9KjGqDG209TRryz5S7n_ctZ9aD_w6MhdrgFvml6WVwxXhhaRMV6-mQZGM7RG5cqnc5V2MiLm&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
    6. CALVO PÉREZ, José Luis; DOLADO ESTEBAN, Jesús; PRIETO BARRIO, Antonio; ROBLES ESTEBAN, Eduardo; ÁLVAREZ RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, José L.: Los Escudos de Distinción de los Ejércitos de España y la Armada. The distinction badges shields of the Armies and the Navy of Spain. Volume I. Chapter I: Conflicts in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Chapter II: The Peninsular War. Volume II: Chapter III: Distinction in America (XIX century). Volume III. Chapter IV: Other events: 1815-1941. Chapter V: Collective decorations. Galland Books paper edition. 954 pages in three volumes (five volumes) More than 300 badges are described, with images of original pieces of the Army Museum and private collections, as well as reproductions from idealized designs or reconstructions and infographics of those carried by historical characters in portraits. Legislation and references
    7. Bahrain rewards clinical professor with medal for COVID-19 policy Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa Medical Merit Medal for helping put together a COVID-19 policy, including testing and early treatment, for the Kingdom of Bahrain.
    8. NSW Ambulance Pandemic Service Medal The New South Wales Ambulance Pandemic Service Medal recognises the sustained support and personal sacrifices NSW Paramedics and support staff have, and continue to provide to the community during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    9. Iran Covid-19 Medals On behalf of the Tanavoli Museum, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who supported us by purchasing the medals. Together we succeeded in reaching our goal, and are donating essential equipments to assist the healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.tanavoli.com/medals
    10. Croix-Rouge française (Val-de-Marne) Committed for almost a year alongside the public authorities, the volunteers of the Red Cross still respond today tirelessly to the various requests for support and assistance. To salute this commitment, the French Red Cross has created two new distinctions allowing to honor this flawless commitment. The medal, one per unit, is intended to salute an exceptional action. Considering everyone's commitment as such, the departmental office of Val de Marne chose not to choose between its 800 volunteers and decided, in agreement with its national chancellery, to have this decoration put back to its flag for the benefit of all. The departmental office prompted its local units to follow this idea and many of them have already followed suit. The badge will be given to each volunteer having committed at one time or another in the missions proposed by the Red Cross within the framework of the fight against the COVID-19. All these distinctions will take place by the end of spring.
    11. Barbados Humanitarian service Medal https://gisbarbados.gov.bb/blog/tag/humanitarian-awards/
    12. Unfortunatelly only in bulgarian. Created in 2014 https://pp.mod.bg/sites/pp.mod.bg/files/dio/mz_oh-236_25.03.2014_nagradni_znaci.pdf https://pp.mod.bg/sites/pp.mod.bg/files/specifikacii/ts_n_97.3175.18.pdf
    13. Some concessions of Crosses found to Swedes and Finnish 01-11-1852 Nicolaï von Knudtzen, Vicevcosul of Spain in Christiansund (Sweden). 02-11-1852 Emil Helking, captain of artillery (Sweden). 01-01-1932 Ulf Barck-Holst, diplomatic, added to the legation (Sweden). 04-04-1932 Ragnvald-Richardson Bagge, diplomat, added in the Ministry of Foreign Business (Sweden). 04-06-1945 Claes Göran Gripenberg, Major of Cavalry (Finland).
    14. These crosses of the Order of Isabel la Católica regardless of its approximate date or use have been carried out later, or "inherit" case of family concessions as children or grandchildren. If you have a name, it could see it in some listings. Unfortunately, dont known prices for these crosses. I dedicate myself only to your study and I do not collect
    15. This crowned FR monograme are in use between 1847-1868, the Reign of the Queen Isabel II of Spain
    16. These are emblems for several head garments (helmets, mountain caps) since 1943 (open crow) and since 1978 (royal crown) The buttons are from the same era
    17. 19.10.2022 Former Commanders were awarded with the Silver Medal by Romanian CIMIN Presidency during the military ceremony in Chinotto Barracks parade. On the day before EUROGENDFOR Silver Medal Award – EUROGENDFOR
    18. For the next update. Some devices are missing today
    19. DECRETO 961 DE 8 DE MAYO 2012 MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL Por el cual se crea la Medalla Militar “FE EN LA CAUSA” de la Armada Nacional y de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana y se adiciona el Decreto No. 4444 del 29 de noviembre de 2010. ARTÍCULO 2. CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA JOYA DE LA ARMADA NACIONAL. La Joya de la Medalla Militar “Fe en la Causa” de la Armada consiste en una medalla esmaltada, de 55 mm de ancho por 55 mm de alto, con corona cóncava plateada de la cual pende un círculo en laurel donde estará expuesta una Rosa de los Vientos con el Escudo Heráldico de la Armada Nacional y en su base el emblema “FE EN LA CAUSA”. En la parte inferior de la joya vendrá una cinta dorada con la descripción del lema esculpido “PLUS - ARC - ULTRA”; esta joya penderá de una cinta de 40 mm, de ancho de color rojo, sobre la cual llevará bordado en el centro, de izquierda a derecha, franjas con los colores azul, rojo, rojo oscuro, azul cielo, amarillo, rojo, azul, morado claro y verde, cada una de 2 mm, colores representativos de las especialidades de la Armada Nacional. Al respaldo lleva impresa en alto relieve el escudo institucional de la Armada Nacional. Decree 961 of May 8 2012 MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE By which the “faith in the cause” of the National Navy and the Colombian Air Force is created and Decree No. 4444 of November 29, 2010 is added. Article 2. Characteristics of the National Navy jewel. The jewel of the military medal "faith in the cause" of the Navy consists of an enameled medal, 55 mm wide by 55 mm high, with a silver concave crown of which a circle in laurel hangs where a rose of the winds with the heraldic shield of the National Navy and at its base the emblem "faith in the cause". At the bottom of the jewel a golden ribbon will come with the description of the sculpted motto "Plus - Arc - Ultra"; This jewel will hit a 40 mm ribbon of red width, on which it will carry embroidery in the center, from left to right, stripes with the colors blue, red, dark red, sky blue, yellow, red, blue, light purple and green, each of 2 mm, representative colors of the specialties of the National Navy. The institutional shield of the National Navy is printed to the support. The jewel is updated by decree of 2015, but the ribbon I dont know. I will modify it on my website. Thank you
    20. No, these are the facts Durante la succedentisi esplosioni de una polveriera incendiata, con lunga fatica e con grave pericolo, cooperava al salvataggio di due soldati rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie della polveriera spessa During the successful explosions of a burned powder keg, with long effort and with serious danger, he cooperated on the rescue of two soldiers who remained buried under the rubble of the thick powder keg
    21. Yopu can use the web of the Instituto del Nastro Azzurro http://decoratialvalormilitare.istitutonastroazzurro.org/# For LAGANÀ, VALENTINO see Bronze Medal in 1917 (bottom of the page) http://decoratialvalormilitare.istitutonastroazzurro.org/view_doc.php?img=e-1917 vol_1/e-1917 vol_1_00000449.JPG http://decoratialvalormilitare.istitutonastroazzurro.org/view_doc.php?img=e-1917 vol_1/e-1917 vol_1_00000450.JPG
    22. This is a piece for the period 1942-1977 in silver .915 (star in ellipse) and perhaps for Celestino Jordana (Madrid) 23M in hexagon A good item of "Comendador de número", Commander with plaque See for actual types https://coleccionesmilitares.com/medallas/texto/omc.htm
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