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    Bill Garvy

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    Everything posted by Bill Garvy

    1. It resembles a Rudolf Wachtler & L?nge, Mittweida. Please compare yours to this maker marked version. . . obverse: reverse:
    2. "Fr." = Friedlander "FR" = Frank & Reif I think. . .
    3. Rick gets all the mint ones, and I get all the used examples. . . obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    4. From the "less mint" end of the spectrum. . . obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    5. On second look, I'd have to agree with you, Richard. . .
    6. Thank you for your kind words, Rick, but I don't have a"20" in 2nd Class. I would agree with you though; the cross looks good. I thought it could be a "20", or perhaps a mis-stamped "25". . . If it is a "20", it is a rare piece indeed, and the first one I have seen!
    7. It's a beautiful unmarked Zimmermann or, perhaps, a Godet!
    8. I haven't a clue regarding the manufacturer, but allow me to cast another consenting vote as to its originality. It's a real pity about the rust; rust never sleeps. I don't think it's a Deschler though. It's missing that Deschler hump as illustrated below.
    9. I thought to resurrect this thread with my latest addition, a "1" in 1st Class. Thank you, Micha! obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    10. The reverse. . . note maker mark on pin. . .
    11. I agree, an unmarked L/56. . . Here's a marked example that appears identical. . .
    12. Here's a one-piece example. As you can see the detail is exquisite!
    13. Here's an "S" in 2nd Class for comparison, Steve. . . obverse: reverse: maker mark: They apear to be identical. . .
    14. Here is a "7" maker stamp for purposes of comparison from a Meybauer in 1st Class I received from Micha. . .
    15. With envelope of issue, ribbon, period pin, and tissue:
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