Hi all, just read this old thread and thought to update it.
The original posted example IS infact a Souval made piece, it can be determined by the very small circle indicated on the obverse core arm, this in fact indicates that the core itself is not a one piece item, but two, consisting of a thin sheet sandwich stamping, one for the front and one for the back, the circle is a Spot weld, to keep them together, this is typical for the last type of rk, that souval produced in the 60's/70's, it should have much less weight than a solid core one, low swastika and date are also indicative, I had/have one somewhere and eventually pulled it apart,
Similarly, the ols seem to be his last 60's/70's produce, consisting of a thin one piece
stamping, integral oaks and swords, his early postwar OLS consisted of individual oakleaves and swords soldered together in the same manner as wartime ones, as shown earlier by member Graf