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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by HeikoGrusdat

    1. Hello all, nice picture that came in today with some questions........first sorry for the quality but I had to take pics with the cam , the scanner did not like the picture..... What we see are three bavarian soldiers , maybe brothers.... all wear the bavarian long service clasp , all wear the 1905 Luitpold medal and all wear the 1901 china medal - so far so good... but please why did one of those men get the MEZ2 (for china of course) but no home country award and one of them the Bavaria MVK (for china of course) and no MEZ2 ??? Normally I would think the right man should have earned the MVK too and the man in the middle the MEZ too - or? What are your thoughts on this..... And......... the rights man Schützenschnur has 3 same looking oaks and a 4. different looking one.... ???!!! Why ? What is that? thanks for all help and thoughts Heiko
    2. Great bar..... but for me it is a bit crazy that someone like this went into war as a soldier after serving in some kind of court position...
    3. Hi Timo.... very nice bar !!! If someone got the Kriegshilfskreuz he must not have been a Kriegsteilnehmer... you could get this one for nearly everything... making wood in the forest as well as owning the biggest ammo firm So, this one here looks like a nice bar of a civillian that lost a son. By the way - I know two 100% original medal bars where the Frontkämpferkreuz AND the Witwenkreuz were worn together !!! cheers Heiko
    4. Artillerie Regiment 934 A Hufschmied of Artillerie Regiment 934 at the moment on ebay.de .............
    5. Yesterday there ended one on ebay.de...... that was a real cracker.... in the box with the writing on it: "100 Jahrfeier Kaiser Wilhelms d. Grossen 22. März 1897 Thüring. Husaren-Regt.No.12" never seen one with a box like this 1897 + box sold for 203 Euro !!!
    6. :speechless1: Now that is a really really great thing you have there !!! Absolutely rare find - congratulations !!! :jumping:
    7. He got only his iron cross during the war.... maybe an additional iron cross 1.class , but that is a pinback award and would not have been on the bar... After ww1 during the young and wild german "Weimar republic" the former soldiers put a lot of inofficial awards on their bars and breast from many different veteran organizations , warrior clubs and other curious institutions.... but none of these "awards" were officialy given out by the country or the government. Then the honour cross was given out in 1934 to replace all of these hundreds of inofficial awards as the only OFFICIAL veteran award for all ww1 vets in a new , strong and reunited germany - it was a symbol . There were only some more of the inofficial awards that were allowed to wear after 1934 like the silesian eagle or the baltic cross - all other were banned from this day.
    8. From left to right : 1. Prussia / imperial germany : iron cross second class 2. 3.Reich germany : honour cross for frontfighters 3. war rememberence medal of Austria 4. war rememberance medal of Hungary typical combination of a "regular" soldier with the pair iron cross and FKEK (every war veteryn got one in 1934) - the other two medals were some kind of "I want one and pay for" medal , you just had to show your military papers with service during ww1 to get some of these... So , nothing special at all in a very bad mood... I would say on the free market about 60 - 75 Euro
    9. Hi Timo, nice bar, your white-russian medal is the medal of the Soldaten-Siedlungs-Verband Kurland very rare indeed with a nice value... greez Heiko PS: goodies arrived... :beer:
    10. ...... the way of mounting would have made sense if he lived in England or other Comonwealth countries as said before.... I am no expert in TR awards or mountings BUT what my little imperial eys can see is what they cannot see... Where is his 1934 honour cross??? If this was a new made bar for wearing outside germany and two of the worn awards were after 1936 then it is clearly missing.... think about it!
    11. always the same problem......... nothing is as easy to change as a mini on a chain...... no chance for this one!!! :shame:
    12. ....sometimes history is really crazy !!! :speechless1:
    13. Where did you find that foto? Very interesting to see some (!!!) of his orders and awards in wear...
    14. may I just use this "old" thread for another question on another Deckoffizier........ can we have hope to get this name too because of his medal bar combination? I think there are some facts that make it possible.... not in service 1897 but still in service after 1916.... Kriegshilskreuz , Live saving medal , china service and crown order medal - possible to hunt him down? photo was made in Hamburg... let`s see what is possible... thank you Heiko
    15. That is the question........ how many clasps for the german southwest-africa medal have you ever seen on one medal / medal-bar.... not on egay or other monster market places.... not put together by some usual suspects...... NO ....... IN WEAR !!! How many ??? Two , three...? maybe four ? OK, there are some high officers I know with some clasps but that is not usual... but we are talking about a "normal" soldier........... here we have him with 6 clasps !!! Unfortunately the medal bar is not very clear so the only clasp I can read 100% is the second from below - it is Karas-Berge Enjoy this very rare picture :love:
    16. OK....I have found N°1 too..... Landes-Kriegerverband Sachsen - Sächsische Kriegerverdienst-Medaille in Silber seems to be a very rare vets org. award , not often seen , the ribbon matches with our N°1 , it seems to be just a bit "unlucky" folded here... So check it out here... Sachsen at its best...
    17. and here I found a picture from an old thread of one of Claudios groups.... there is the Deutsch-Bekenntniskreuz beside the blue austrian Ehrenlegion.... would make sense for me - somments and opinions?! :beer:
    18. a 100% Weimar era Veteran org. bar .... I agree with Daniel that N°6 is the blue ribbon for the austrian Ehrenlegion cross and I think too that N°1 is one of the various saxon vets awards (Ehrenbund sächsischer Weltkriegsteilnehmer - they had many variations and "classes") What is really funny is N°3 - the only idea that I have is that the maker of the ribbon bar had not the miniature ribbon for the award in stock so he took the full size ribbon and we can see only the half ribbon...maybe you can check this possibility. I think that because it is the only award with these ribbon colours I know - and they are in right precedence... Der deutsche Volksorden - Deutsch-Bekenntniskreuz of the Allgemeine Deutsche Volksgemeinschaft....
    19. .............damn , no luck.... then the postcard was sent by one of the other men on the photo... the sender was a W.Heinrichs :banger:
    20. :speechless1: You ARE unbelievable !!! Only 5 hundred years before you would have been burned to hell at the stake because of your magic witchcraft power............ I know , I know.... not magic , just knowledge and books.... but tell this the boys with the burning torch behind you It´s YOUR kind of magic :beer:
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