Yes, and here you a blank easy to work with bronze. Perhaps committee of StuL. Check the crown was wrong "aufgel?tet" by the Eagles false arranged. Best regards Mike
Gents, I know of course that the Plm not from Immelmann were worn. Neither Dresdner and also not in Berlin and we also all know that the majority of the exhibits by Neal O `Connor himself was gathered and most Exsample stands. I thought I would have expressed. Best Regards Mike
Maybe I can help. The PLM in the Technikmuseum Berlin belongs to the group Max Immelmann. I do not believe, that he was taken from him. Here are other Pics. Best Regards Mike
I think the ?lbergkreuz and the Red Cross Medal is for monetary donations he received. Could he perhaps the uniform of a Sch?tzenverein bear? Greetings Mike
Rudolph Hertzog Large Kaufmann, Berlin, Owner of Company R. Hertzog KRO4 17.02.1908 (OL) RKM3 15.01.1913 (OL) RAO4Krone 28.04.1913 (Staatsanzeiger) ;o) Greetings Mike
Wooooowwwww, the picture of the pictures, a ?lbergkreuz and the badged of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in a Medalbar !!! Do you know who that is, he is so young, and when the photograph was? Thank you + Greetings Mike
Hi Claudius, on the first bad image is a cross in gold watch. Both silver and gold class was mainly awarded to civilian railway workers. Here in silver. Greeting Mike
@Paul 27. - 30. November 2008 WBK International Messehallen Kassel Ausstellerverzeichnis/ Exhibitors' List 2008 Anfahrt/ Your Way To The Fairground Damaschkestra?e 55 ,/ 34121 Kassel ?ffnungszeiten / Open: Donnerstag bis Samstag / Thursday to Saturday 10.00 - 18.00 h Sonntag / Sunday 10.00 - 16.00 h Best regards, Mike
I know these pieces but do never believe that they are between 1916 - 1918 were manufactured. Why? Non-ferrous metals (Buntmetall) was an important commodity in the WWI are not silver. I think the cross for a production after 1920 while also addressing the different design of the crown would be explainable. Greeting Mike
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