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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Thats a First Class Liberty Cross so only 72 Germans got it and after deleting Waffen SS, KM and LW and some who don´t look at all like your pic I´m down to about 40 .... hmm have to wait for a better scan of the ribbon bar then we got him Christer I
    2. Ohhhhh I love the bars with Life saving medals on them ! And it must be rare with Braunschweig "horse" for frontline service to a Saxon officer or ? Just Super ! Christer
    3. Wow , what a interesting unit Militär-Geographischen-Gruppe Saloniki-Ägäis . He sure is a candidate I must see if I can find anything about Pi Btl 9. Thanks Dave and Matt I will have you in first line if I´m going to sell it ! Christer
    4. Recently I bought this from a well know forum member who was a fantastic homepage for selling Imperial stuff ( maybe I get a discount next time if make some advertising ) Well well , over to the bar itself .... A quite typical mid thirties ribbon bar with EK - Lübeck Cross - Bremen Cross - Hamburg Cross - Honor Cross This is my first eibbon bar with all three States and I belive its quite unusual . I started looking through the few lists I have and on the net and found so far only 7 with this combo, and yes one is von Ritchofen and No this isn´t his bar So far I got 1 Candidate who didn´t get anything more eccept a EK 1 but I suppose I have to wait for the Lúbeck-Bremen-Hamburg rolls to find this three city Soldier Does anyone have any names on officers awarded with all three Hansa ? So I can add to my short list .... Have a nice sunday all ! Christer
    5. :unsure: Is it my computer or ? I can only see one ribbon bar , unusual made but looks good to me Christer
    6. Aha ! One of the missing early 1914 ones Thank you Christophe , I will add him to the next supplement Christer
    7. Aha , Thanks Dave , I don´t think I ever seen this on a ribbon bar ! But it seems to be quite often awarded to navy personal ? Christer
    8. When reading "Marineverodnungsblatt " I found this award ? What is it and what does it look like ? What I can see it was awarded in Silber, Gold and like here with 50 ... Christer
    9. Aha , so they were real I hate when they have secret bidders , you don´t know if you are outbidding some good friend or not I suppose the first one is for some High ranking Staff Off ? I´ve learned that the men in the trenches didn´t get much "bling-bling" but the guys far behind the front that drank a cup of tea with Prince zur so and so... and von that and that ... got a lot of awards. The second ribbon bar looks like a "real" fighter super nice ! Christer
    10. Anyone here who was the lucky winner ? one eleven awards long with Sachsen, Braunschweig,Waldeck, and god knows what , and another 7 awards long with Sachsen goodies ... Real beauties but very expensive close to 400 Euro for two bars , but quite bad pics and no returns. Maybe it was this years best deal Have a good collectors 2012 everyone
    11. Found out that Georg Röver LtdR RIR 74 got a HHoX sept 1917 so he is a candidate so far ! He brother was killed same year He survived the war ending in hospital with broncitis ? spring 1918 and was discharged from Army 27th Nov 1918 as Leutn dR Died 1960 in Oldenburg probably because of his war wounds (gas ) Christer
    12. Thank you Dave Great work , if I were in that position I would give you a Grand Commander Cross of Sword Order ! at least I can give you a pic ..... ;)
    13. A new update is ready for delivery ! app 100 names , now with Grand Cross ( among them Hermann Göring ! ) another famous Sword Order winner was Karl Dönitz , with this I think I have about 90-95 % of all Germans with Sword Order from 1914-1945 what I miss is the earlier ones and maybe a few from the above time frame. But I have already oredred a couple of new books so I will return with more updates. Christer
    14. Thanks Chris and Glenn I wonder if Paetzke was glad to have this "idol-photo" on the wall ? And the later pic of Lange was perfect , he becam a real writer after the war and got the Bundesverdienstkreuz in 1958 ! (an early one there) Fantastic what story a lonely photo could tell Thanks again Gentlemen people like you make this forum :beer:
    15. I don´t think I have shown this pic before have I ? What I can see is that he is a Hauptmann and some sort of Artillery I think ? I belive I can see a copule of crossed canons on his shoulderboards but what unit had these ? There is some sort of writing on the back but I cant read it more than 33 ..... and the photo is taken in Kiel ? Could anyone help me with this mystery ? First Photo from the front
    16. Hallo Ulsterman, right now I´m just trying to list Finnish awards and Swedish Sword Order to Germans , but I would like to look at Bremen, Hamburg or Lübeck since they are in so many groups and ribbon bars .... But maybe I will do something completely different , a much ignored award that I dont think anyone have make a roll for Württemberg CharlottenKreuz ... maybe I can then ID my small ribbon bar ?? se topic http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/48958-a-ribbon-bar-to-lippe-doc/page__hl__%2Blippe+%2Bdoc__fromsearch__1 It seems that the Charlotten Rolls are in the archive, so now I will try my Deutsch and see if I can get a copy in some way . Best regards from Sweden Christer
    17. The main problem is that even the rolls published is impossible to find I have read that Württemberg WO 1x is published for example , but I have never seen it. Meanwhile I do my own databases piece by piece Christer
    18. All quite on the Rolls front Anyone knowing something to be published 2012-2013 ? Meanwhile I keep on on my own Christer
    19. It was really a small misstake but crucial to not finding him He was under HitzselSberger .... only an s but it did that he didnt turned up Right now I´m looking through old ranklists and Staatskalenders to find another "mission impossible" a soldier with all three Hansa Crosses , the search goes on Christer
    20. Yes , That would be super ! Interesting to see how many that was awarded and in what numbers they went to foreigners like Swedes Christer
    21. :jumping: Got him ! Puhh had to look through about 450 names before he turned up , and wrong spelling of course. Christer
    22. Thanks Christophe ! I looked in my Swedish books and found 9 or 10 easily , maybe my next project should be Zährlinger Löwen Christer
    23. Lovely Ribbon bar Christophe ! How many was awrded this combo , It couldn´t be that common could it ? And in this "super saxon" style Christer
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