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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Hi Chris , I found on the net a chapter from the book "By All And Any Means " by Commandant de Gerlache de Gommery, 1915 In the article it says that Soldiers from INF Rgt 108 was killing the people in Dinant. Could that be true , there was a Füsilier Rgt Prinz Georg 108 ? Maybe someone else have more info Christer
    2. :jumping: Wow , in service 1859 ! and died 1945 ...... Must been one of the longest military services I ever heard of. He would have chocked the Russian troops in March 1945 if he had showed up in uniform Christer
    3. Aha , thanks ! What a family , a General, a Grüppenführer ( Oberst ? ) and a Oberst I wonder if Felix had any children and what become of them ..... But his grandfather had the best moustache Christer
    4. And another big gun hit my mailbox today Now a WW 1 one , possible German but it can of course be a captured French gun ?? What caliber could it be ? 210 -240 mm ? anyone got a clue Regards from Sweden Christer
    5. Very Nice collection Adrian I always liked U-boat collections and this one is great ! Christer
    6. Hi, I bought this photo of a Hauptmann from Feld Artillerie Regiment 33 His name is Carl lange and the photo was taken in 1918, when looking through the Rangliste of 1924 I found a OberstLt Lange in 2 Division Stab des Artillerieführers II . Could it be the same man ? The question is if he contioued into Reichswehr or not I fully understand that Lange is a common name and it probably is impossible to find out anything, but I still make a call for help Any info is much appreciated Christer
    7. The long name is for the School in Swinemünde who had Kapitän Zur See Friedrich Böhme as Commander in 1944 Here is a Photo from May 13 1944 with a lot of officers attending or maybe teachers on the school There is a lot of names on the back, I wonder if anyone can recognise someone from the group ? Best regards from Sweden Christer
    8. Since you managed to Id my last "mystery gun " as a French Schneider I thought I would give you a new challenge , this photo arrived today , a heavy gun I suppose but what ? This time there is some written in German on the bach which may help ? Any suggestions Christer
    9. :cheers: Thats it ! Thank you all, it´s good when you find the answer at the end A French 28 cm Schneider , maybe used on the Leningrad front 1941-42 ? I this forum Best regards Christer
    10. :jumping: Aha! von Bomhard ! After a check in Bavarian Kriegs Ranglisten I can see he was son of GenMaj Karl von Bomhard and attached to 4. Chevauleger-Regiment He was really in the hot spot from 1914 and on In October 1914- Feb 1915 he was in Somme October 1915 in Tirol June 1916 in Verdun 1917 August wounded Fighting in East, Dunaburg 1917 and fighting in Flandern until end of war EK II 12.9.14 EK I 21.12.15 Austria MVK III m Krd 13.3.17 Mecklenburg Schw KvK 22.9.17 MVO IV X 31.10.17 Wound badge Black Does anyone know if he stayed in uniform during the second world war ? Thanks for putting me right on the name Christer
    11. I cant remenber if I had shown this pic before ? Couldn´t find any earlier thread so maybe its new The name looks like von Fouchardt or something like it ?? He has some awards EK I , Wound badge on the chest and BMVO wKr ? EK II , Oldenburg FA II , Hamburg , and Austria ? Anyone who can help me with awards or name Christer
    12. Hi all, I found this FAK 1 on UK Ebay today from the same seller as mentioned in this thread. As there where no pics last year is this the same Cross or ? Christer
    13. :cheers: Thanks Glenn and Christophe Nice to learn that he survived the war , and was decorated. All the best from Winter ountry Sweden Christer
    14. I just bought a very nice CDV photo with a Hans Herfurth from This Rgt , seems to been taken 1901-1902 Does anyone have some info about this Sachsen regiment ? Or about Hans Herfurth ? Photo coming shortly need to scan him Christer
    15. Thank you Gentlemen for your kind words i still miss a lot of pics so I anyone have photos of a maker not on the page or anything else Honor Cross related I would be pleased to show it on the site. Regards from sweden Christer
    16. Hi all, just want to let you know that I made a new page for the different makers of Honor Cross. Also there are some papers, boxes and other stuff related to the most common award in 1934-1942 There will be more pages with other Order and medals to. Welcome to http://www.123minsida.se/Bayoswede Christer
    17. Anyone here who was the lucky winner for this one ? Venezuela bar , I was watching it but the price was to high for me Christer
    18. I am also a liitle bit worried about theese bow ribbon bars , I´ve seen no less then two for sale in Sweden this year looking very similar to this ebay one . Maybe someone has started manufacturing this type of ribbon bars recently ? I hope Santa bring you nice presents this christmas, a smile, a hug and good health being the best we can wish for , but if he absolutely want to give me a EK I 1870 i don´t mind Merry Christmas all Christer
    19. Found him ! By a link on this excellent forum I got his name Brigadier David Henry Crompton got OBE(M) 1 january 1967 (vietnam probably) Now I will see if I can find out something more about him ... Christer
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