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    Bernhard H.Holst

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    Everything posted by Bernhard H.Holst

    1. Hello Don. Of course I should however I do not know how. It took me a while to learn how to post pictures... Bernhard H. Holst
    2. Hello Andreas. Commander of the 1.Kosaken-Kavallerie-Division as of 25.Feb.1945 was Oberst Constantin Wagner, per Kurt Mehner's reference book "Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945'. The signature appears to be Wagner. Bernhard H. Holst
    3. Hello Readers. The German language Spiegel on line shows 31 photos from a newly discovered collection of WW I photos. In my opinion the captions are better disregarded but the photos say it all. Scroll down to "Fotofund aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg" "Wie Generaele den Krieg gern sehen woltten". Bernhard H. Holst
    4. Hello Chris. The 1913 Rangliste lists three by the name of v.Schweinichen. ( 1 Hptm.,1 Oblt. and 1 Lt.). Bernhard H. Holst
    5. Hello Kevin. The several names I could read without straining my eyesight too much remained in Germany. I believe personalities who left had a more marketable occupation/profession such as movie or theater director. Actors were more restricted because of language limitations . Exception Marlene Dietrich and some few others. Bernhard H. Holst
    6. Hello Jock. Thanks for showing this. Most names here as acting in the several plays listed were very prominent actors already at the time indicated ( 1934 ) as you know. Even more so later during a time when some movies received State Honors and not only those we would today consider propaganda. Some actors received titles which gave them special distinctions and honors which did not sit well after 1945. Having been exposed to some movies prior to 1945 through mandatory attendance and at an impressionable young age I must say that even outright propaganda was not heavy-handed or such. Sunday mornings were dedicated to movie screenings for Hitler Youth and its branches, of movies deemed suitable for young folks. Dr. Goebbels after all knew his business. I also saw Emmy Sonnemann listed which should ring a bell with some readers here. Interesting reading. Bernhard H. Holst
    7. Hello Henrik. Thank for bringing this to my attention. Rick (Research/Lundstrom) is not among us since September of last year when he fell victim to a traffic accident and is very much missed. Bernhard H. Holst
    8. Hello Jock. I am more inclined to think along the lines of Landespolizei which as you most likely know were the pre-1933 military-like police forces by provinces. Their uniforms while not like in color throughout were more greenish than fieldgrey. These were incorporated into the regular army when the Versailles Treaty provisions/mandates of a small standing army were disregarded and national service re-introduced. Photos to me seem to show army officers involved in training of such police to adjust to regular army regulations and such. Nice photos. Bernhard H. Holst
    9. Hello Chris. Thanks for showing this picture. I also believe that was the day the EK I.Kl. was handed to them. And like true Bavarians their homeland decorations take precedence over the Prussian one. Bernhard H. Holst
    10. Hello Odulf. Thank you for showing these. Memories came back because as a youth we devoured the stories of the Auxiliary Cruisers German). These included those of the sailing one ( Seeadler I believe was the name with Graf Luckner its captain.) Bernhard H. Holst
    11. Hello readers. Here is the document to certify award of E.K.II Kl. to Vizewachtmeister ROMAHN, Paul, Minenwerfer-Kompanie 169. Document is stamped Kgl.Preuss.1.Pionier-Bataillon Nr.8. Dated 16.November, 1916. Also the document to the Hanseatic Cross, Hamburg , dated 18.January, 1916 to the same man. His rank then was Unteroffizier and he served in the Proviant Kolonne 2 of the 111.Inf.Div. The document group showed him promoted to Leutnant, service with different units and active service again in WW II with Spange to the E.K.II. Kl. as Hauptmann. Bernhard H. Holst
    12. Hello Jock. The overall impression I get from the photo is 1939 on. The caps of the officers appear more 1930's than 1914 or thereabouts. The shirt collars , the cut of coats . Just later than WW I. EK ribbon on black/white give me no clue. Bernhard H. Holst
    13. Hello. Ref.#31 seems to be the crew or a part thereof of a WW II blockade runner. Bernhard H. Holst
    14. Hello Jock. Thanks for showing this. Amazing as it is dedicated to an individual, here to Fahrer Lutter ( driver Lutter). I believe such mementos at the end of one's end of obligatory service were quite popular and were displayed with much pride. Bernhard H. Holst
    15. Hello Jock. You got a pair of good eyes, it actually says "Obgefr. Barath or Baroth". So he was the designer and received credit for a decently worked up document. To me this document also points out a clever move by authorities by handing out these docs for good performance which led into the finals. That would spur young fellows on even without being a winner. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Bernhard H. Holst
    16. Hello: Thanks to The Prussian and Chris. I did read up on the link. Fascinating account. I have another Minenwerfer doc.set. Will post soon. Bernhard H. Holst
    17. Hello readers. A recent addition is the Militaerpass of Gefreiter OTTO II, Konrad who was born on 26 April, 1893 and served in a Schwere Minenenwerfer Abteilung of 5.Armee ( Kgl.Preuss.Minen-Werfer Kompanie 221). His Pass contains a very detailed list of the battles and actions he participated in. He was hospitalized with influenza in 1918. Otto earned the E.K.II. Bernhard H. Holst
    18. Hello. Flakbadge to Luftwaffenhelfer L.W.Oberhelfer Juergen Grabhorn of 3./Flakscheinwerfer-Abt. 269 (o) ( 3.searchlight battery of 269 battalion ( stationary) signed by division commander of 8.Flakdivision, Gen.Major Schaller To the same auxiliary helper a document of appreciation to have made it to the finals in the 1943 shooting competition of the Flakhelfer of the 8.Flakdivision, signed by the then division commander Gen.Lt. Wagner. I believe this to be a seldom encountered document. This searchlight unit was deployed in homeland defense around Bremen. Bernhard H. Holst
    19. Hello. Thanks to all who placed their posts regarding this reminder of a war largely forgotten and perhaps only remembered by the ever dwindling number of those who participated. Michael has selected some who lost their lives during that conflict based on the official French data base of the fatal losses by French forces in Indochina. Very unfortunately with many inaccurate transcriptions of locations, names, units and other vital data. But still very valuable to retrieve information to assist in research. I take the liberty to once again mention the name of my boyhood friend Leg.1.cl. Kurt (Bob) Armbrecht, 1.BEP missing in action at Dien Bien Phu and officially declared Mort pour la France with date of 8 May, 1954. His family has erected a large memorial stone in their family plot on the local cemetery I had the opportunity to visit. Bernhard H. Holst
    20. Hello Jock. I should have mentioned E-Mess. means Entfernungsmessung or literally distance measuring . Bernhard H. Holst
    21. Hello Jock. 29.2.44 Taetigkeitsabzeichen fuer E-Messleute below apparently notes re. which authority etc Entry is that owner of Soldbuch is entitled to to wear on his sleeve the insignia of specialty E-Mess or electronic instruments or radar. Bernhard H. Holst
    22. Hello Odulf and Jock. Thanks to both for showing these documents, most interesting. Bernhard H. Holst
    23. Hello readers. On May 7, 1954 towards evening French forces of the garrison ceased combat actions at the siege area of Dien Bien Phu . An attempt of the garrison of strongpoint Isabelle located some distance away, to break out failed. A long march into captivity began for the exhausted survivors of whom only a small number would see liberty after the conclusion of an armistice later that year. This post is meant to perhaps bring back some attention to a battle long ago during which French Forces consisting of practically all the different components making up the French expeditionary corps plus the Indochinese troops fighting alongside it, resisted the attacks by Vietminh troops. For the whole duration of the war Indochinese prisoners had the smallest percentage of survivors , official figures showed 1,435 returned of 15,759 who disappeared and were presumed to have been taken prisoner.The mortality rate of all prisoners taken at Dien Bien Phu was 72 % and that during four months of captivity. Bernhard H. Holst
    24. Hello Chris. A good account. Cptne Danjou however died early on in the fight. I also remember having stood at attention to listen to the account of the combat action. Ceinturon bleue feeling uncomfortably hot around the waist, sometimes bleeding blue dye into the shirt and pants... Quality stuff !. This year Prince Albert of Monaco was invited, father and grandfather served in a fashion. There is a so-so video. Bernhard H. Holst
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